Post Tribulation Christians
I'm a Christian, but I'm not going to spend my time worrying over what the Holy book says about present or future tribulations. To me, walking in faith is just that... It's about trusting in God's living word that I am saved by his sacrifice. The good Lord has a plan for my life. It's good enough for me to abide in him whole heartedly and look forward to being in his majestic presence. ![]() I believe your right, However, Jesus DID command us to WATCH. He wants all his people to be ready for that day he returns, and the only way to do that is to watch what happens, and understand what the Bible says. We don't have any reason to fear, just be willing to follow the spirit where it leads us. But he does want us to be ready, because at a time that we know not, the Last trump will sound. And those who are not ready, and have not been watching, will not be ready. The parable of the strong man, says that if the strong man had known at what time his home would have been invaded, he might have saved his home, but because he did not watch, his house was ransacked and he was robbed. Only the devil can Rob us of that, and he is real good at it. That is why Jesus told us to watch. Also, like the story of the ten virgins, five were ready, and five were not ready. Those who were ready, because they watched the times and seasons, and signs of the Bible, had enough oil in their lamps, where those who did not have the oil were those who had that I don't have to be ready attitude. |
What your going through is completely normal. First off, your heart is being broken by someone who may not be as much of a God fearing man as you had hoped for, so if that is the case, your not following Gods lead, and you need to move on and look for that special person that God has for you.
If you want to make sure, you will need to already have a good knowledge of the Bible in your heart and mind, then you can judge your perspective mate by what you know, by asking them questions, and testing their faith. Only a True Christian will be able to answer those questions of faith. Make sure your looking in the right place. Remember Soloman was condemned because he had wives of different religions. This is what disqualified him from being a blessing giver to the people of Israel. The Kingdom of Soloman was destroyed, and taken captive to Babalon, because of Solomans sins against what God told him Not to do, and that was Not to marry people of other religions or faiths, but he did anyway, and it lead to the captivity of Israel. |
smoking and drinking!
Doing anything that Harms your body, when you know better is a sin.
However, Peter said ALL THINGS ARE LAWFULL FOR ME TO DO, BUT NOT ALL THINGS ARE EXPEDIANT. Meaning that you are given Free choice to do as you enjoy doing, as long as it's not in excess. like falling down drunk, ro doing drugs to the point of passing out, or smoking yourself to death. God wants us to be Habbit Free, but he is Not an Ogor, nor will he condem you for doing that, unless what you are doing offends someone close to you. There are many lessons where the Bible talks about many topics, and one is eating things that the Bible says not to eat. The Bible/Peter, was told in a two fold lesson, what can be eaten and not, and all was made clean after Jesus dies on the cross. The Bible says that if something you do in the company of believers, offends someone, for us to respect them, and not do it. But he never said we were Never allowed to do it, only around those who it would offend. It seems the Act of Offending someone with something we do, can be considered Disrespectful, and also SIN. But God only gave us 10 real laws that we HAD to follow, and Jesus said that till the end of the world pass, Not one Jot or Tiddle would in no wise be removed from the law. That is telling me that even though so many Christians say the Law of Moses was done away with, that the Bible, and Jesus said it has Not been done away with, and we need to keep living it. |
In order to Fight your deepist temtations, you need to always be in a form of prayer. The Lord says to take upon yourself the Mind of Christ. Saying that if you are tempted, ask yourself, what would Jesus do, and then turn your thought away from the temptation.
I never said it was easy. In fact, it's really hard to do sometimes, but the deeper you get into the Bible, the less likely you are to fall for the temptation. I smoke cigars, and I doubt God is up there now puffin on a big Havanna, but to me it is almost like theropy, or a drug that helps smooth the edgees of the hard life off a bit. As Paul said, SIN is being knowledgable of something you should or should not do, and doing the oppisite. Peter said that All Things are Lawful, but Not all things are expediant. Saying that it may be OK to do something, as long as you Don't do it in Excess, like strong drink, we are not to be Drunk with strong drink, but filled with the Spirit of God. Jesus never said Not to smoke cigars, or drink mixed drinks, but he did say to keep your body pure. This is increasingly difficult to do in this modern world. |
I have been trying to meet one special lady for many years now, who believes like I do. But as I meet so many people who call themselves Christians, I find that the majority just call themselves Christians, but lack the knowledge of the Bible to even consider being one.
I've tried going to churshes, but in a small town, everyone is already taken, and so many little chirches really don't believe the way I do. I believe in Post Tribulation, and I believe in living what I believe, till I die, or go in the end of the tribulation Rapture as the Bible speaks of. But the point here is, out of all the people who call htemselves Christians, maybe only One out of 100 actually have FAITH, and a knowledge of the Bible, and also read it on a regular basis. So the only way to find a REAL Christian, one needs to ask many Bible questions to their choice of possible mates, to be sure they are in the same boat so to speak |
Post Tribulation Christians
That is what is being taught around the world by well meaning Christians, that the Tribulation would happen AFTER the Rapture, but it is just not so, and contrary to what Jesus said in his own words in the Bible.
False teachings of a Pre Trib are Cryptic at best. Those people who believe they will miss the tribulation are being taught a Cryptic passage, a single line in the intire Bible that talks about eagles wings, but says Nothing about the Rapture. Christians are being taught that this single verse means that they will be raptured out before the tribulation, and they will be accounted as one of the 144,000 thousand that will simply vanish without a trace. The Bible NEVER Said anything to that case, but on the contrary, has many Books, old and New Testement that coroberate Jesus words in the first three books of the New Testement. I prefer to believe Jesus own words, then what some preacher is pushing |
Post Tribulation Christians
Thanks for the welcome, and I doubt god would put someone who did not have the same faith in my path. Maybe not as knowledgeble, but certainly of the same faith. A miss match could be desasstorus for either of us.
As far as the Tribulation goes, like I said, the Tribulation will happen Before the Rapture. the Rapture won't happen till the very end of the tribulation, as spoken by Jesus in the first three books of the New Testement. He gives many parables about this, and all the parables all point to the same thing he said to his deciples, and that was that he would not return till there be a Great Falling away from the faith. What would cause such an exidas from the faith? for thousands of Pre Trib Rapture people to find themselves in the middle of the Tribulation Period, where they should have already been raptured up, but because of many false teachings, now believe they have been LEFT BEHIND. Those people, or a great many of them, would forsake their faith because they felt that Jesus forsook them. And why is it so hard to believe what Jesus said anyway, he also said that when he returns, EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM, so if this is the case, then if someone believes what he said, all they have to do is wait till they see him. |
end times soon
For All of you that say, that we have been going through all kinds of things in the Bible for ever, I have one thing to say.
Prophecy says that in the End times, Knowledge will be Multiplied, and all the signs would be seen by the whole earth. Well, we are living in an age where those things can be seen all around the earth, and at no other time in the History of Christiandom, have we had such advanced technology to do that. So as for the signs, we are living in the days where all the signs can be seen by anyone on earth with a computer or TV, and this could not have happened 50 or more years ago, so that idea that all this has been going on for ever, is False. Things like it may have happened, but this is the first time in History that Everyone can find out whats happening. It's this same technology that will allow the Mark of the beast to be made and forced on all people, in order to be able to buy and sell. Applied Digital Solutions is a Florida company that makes Micro Chips designed to be implanted under the skin, that can hold your complete life history, and be read by Doctors, Cops, Grocery stores, and the list is long. This technology alone has not been possible before this generation. So we Truly are living in the LAST GENERATION. I hope your ready to meet your maker, cause it won't be long now. |
Post Tribulation Christians
Hi, I'm a Post Tribber, and as a post Tribber, I believe we will go all the way through the Tribulation. It seems that the Tribulation is already starting.
We are living in the END TIMES Spoken of by Daniel, and John on the Isle of patmos. Personally, I desire to meet a younger woman who is also a Post tribber, who may have Nursing skills to compliment my skills of Medical and Survuival training. But the thing is, I have hoped to find such a person for a long time, but it seems that there aren't many around. Has Hal Lindsey Turned all the Post Tribbers into Pre-Tribbers? Don't believe the Pre Trib stuff, because Jesus said out of his Own Mouth, in the first three boos of the New Testement, what we could expect, and what would happen. He would not LIE to his Deciples I'm Sure, so either Jesus is Lying, or he was telling the truth, and we who believe what he said are the equivilent of the five Virgins who had oil in their lamps. So why is it so hard to find a Post Trib lady that will be my End Time Partner???? Any Ideas? |
I'm not a Lady, but I might be able to help.
Please consider the following statement from the Bible. This is going to be paraphrased. If you Seek God First, he will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing to big for you to hold. Seek God and all these things shall be added unto you. All saying that if you have a close relationship with God, he will give you the desires of your heart. And if that is True, then if you desire Love from a man, he will direct your path to the man you deserve. No I'm not this man, but he might be your next door neighbor, or the guy that runs the corner market. But you must first depend on God, and the rest will happem in his time, when he knows your ready for it. |