Community > Posts By > elwoodsully
Slow Ride- Foghat
crush on celebrities
I love tall women. Terri Clark, Brooke Shields, or Gabby Reese for me
Cold can of Coors
Edited by
Thu 04/24/14 11:16 AM
Good morning from Louisiana.
On top of a crypt in a cemetery.
At a wayside rest stop. On the side of the highway.(Did get caught by LA. state trooper). 20 feet from her parent's bedroom. In a park. In the dark. On a pitcher's mound in the bed of my truck. Gulf of Mexico 4th of July weekend in Galveston. Back seat of a king cab pickup with someone else driving. My truck parked in the parking lot of my Army barracks. An Army parade field. I might come up with more.. |
A pitcher here (roughly 64 oz) costs $5. A single draft costs $1. A six pack of domestic bottles costs $10. wow, i need to move... 9 dollar pitchers here Only 2 hours east of Houston. Plus, the bar where I go is inside a casino, so it's open 24 hrs everday of the year, except Christmas. |
Gotta pee.. gotta pee now!!
A pitcher here (roughly 64 oz) costs $5. A single draft costs $1. A six pack of domestic bottles costs $10.
Things your parents told you
Dad- as a WWII Veteran, as I was entering the Army too- Do whatever your leaders tell you to do, and don't ever volunteer for anything. What you think will be the task will not be the task at all.
Both: Are you tired of doing chores twice??? When you do something, do it as well as you can, and you won't have to do it over. Mom: Clean it, don't clean AT it. Dad: Women are like flowers. Some of the ugliest smell best, and some of the prettiest smell like dookie. HUH, Dad ???? |
Things your parents told you
Both: When you're out with your friends, before you do anything that might be stupid, pretend that we're right behind you.
Dad: Try and save at least 3 months of pay in the bank. You never know when you'll be unemployed. Both: Stay away from stupid people. You aren't stupid, but have done some stupid things. Dad: No matter how you feel about your sisters, always have their backs. If you see them getting hurt, be their younger, but bigger brother, and kick some ***. Don't hit a girl, but still keep your sisters from getting hurt. (I never figured out how to keep a girl from hitting either of them without hurting that girl). And, I have never hit a woman to this day- other than a little slap and tickle. ;) Mom: Discard the people in your life that cause you pain. There are plenty of people that want nothing but good things for you. Dad: Treat every woman like a Princess on a pedestal. The one that treats you the same way will be a keeper. |
Some almond windmill cookies and a coke.
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Go get grapes.
When in doubt about what to do, think about what you'd want done to you.
When in the middle of combat, dropping trou is not an option. If you have cheese, you're halfway there. |
Say Something Vague - part 4
A guy somewhere is going to do something, sometime soon.
I'm working 6pm to 6am this turn. Just had chicken fried steak, mashed taters with mushroom gravy, raspberry cheesecake and sweet tea for dinner at 11:45pm.
I have a Catahoula dog now named Joker. He showed up here about two months ago, and hasn't left yet. I hope he never leaves.
Cowboy hogties burglar
I wonder if he got him tied in under 8 seconds.
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We used to think the world was flat. Then we came to our senses. We used to think it was okay to own slaves. Then we came to our senses. We used to think women were lesser beings, and shouldn't have a voice- either in politics, or elsewhere. Then we came to our senses. We used to think witches could destroy you with their minds, so we killed thousands. Then we came to our senses. We still think that man should only be with woman, and that man and man or woman and woman shouldn't be together- for all the harm it would do to "Family Values". Yeah, right. I have never seen a Gay/Lesbian/Transgender person trying to recruit people to play on their team. It doesn't happen. When will we come to our senses? We used to think that Black and white together is wrong. When will we come to our senses? If it does no harm to another LIVING (Not just human) being, and it doesn't involve YOU... Keep your flippin opinions, and your ugly faces to yourself. I came to my senses. BTW. I am a Republican, if that really matters. wow... you voice your opinion, but tell everyone else to to shut up about theirs while voicing it... very nice... ![]() Not what I'm saying at all. Maybe I didn't state it clear enough. I believe in the US Constitution, and what it states. If your constitutional right infringes on someone else's rights, then something is wrong. Everyone has the right to their own opinions. And everyone has the right to do what they want, as long as it does not harm others. When fred phelps, and the hillsboro Baptist church goes to the funerals of police, military, and firefighters carrying banners and signs declaring that God hates homosexuals, and since the government says that homosexuals are here, and that they can serve in the military without any repercussions, they are infringing on the right of those assembled at the funeral to honor the deceased. Do they have the right to protest? YES. But, at the same time, their right to protest is violating the rights of others at the same time. My opinion is just my opinion. I have my right to state it, as well as someone else has the right to not listen to it, and/or state their own in rebuttal. When my bloodline came to the US, they were faced with signs everywhere that stated "Irish need not apply" or "No Irish allowed", or "No Catholics". Just like up until Equal Rights was signed into law in the 60s, when there were signs saying "Whites only", or "No Colored". This, luckily, has changed for all of the aforementioned. Next, hopefully will be equal rights for GLT, and mixed couples. Why shouldn't they be as miserable in marriage as the rest of us.. J/K "All men(and women) are created equal". Let us try to someday put that into practice, and not just have it be words on paper. |