Community > Posts By > sfmedic18delta

sfmedic18delta's photo
Tue 09/01/09 01:52 PM
Im looking for someone to go out to dinner with or go to a movie tonight. If you are intrested lemme know

sfmedic18delta's photo
Sat 08/29/09 11:59 AM
Edited by sfmedic18delta on Sat 08/29/09 11:59 AM
I'm looking for a date to go to the movies with tonight. People that I know are all out of town or have plans tonight. I hate going to the movies by myself. I will let you pick the movie, I just want someone to go with.

sfmedic18delta's photo
Mon 08/17/09 07:00 PM
hey. im sorry if i offended you on this not going to punish the next girl over just hurt and speaking on pure emotioin 90% being anger. If I would have let her go...i wouldnt be in the situation.

sfmedic18delta's photo
Mon 08/17/09 06:34 PM
This is a very long one..I have a lot on my mind right now….so go get a drink, pop corn, and get ready to laugh at my stupidity.

In May 2007 I got engaged to a girl I barely knew, and it didn't work out. I was on mid-tour leave from Iraq, got engaged on a Tuesday and she called it off on Thursday. I flew back to Iraq and got a message from a girl named Jessica, about the blog on my short engagement. She had also senta guy named DJ a message at the same time. They started dating shortly after, and we became friends. I came home in late September, and met her the week I came in. We started talking more and more and he became very jealous. One morning around 130 she calls me hystarical. They had been on the phone all night arguing and fighting. I drive 2 hours to her house, at 130 in the morning. I meet her less than 5 minutes from her house and stay there for the rest of the day. We had our first kiss that night. A day or 2 goes by....they're back together. They break up again and again and again, and I make the trip to her house again and again and again. Well they finally call it quits. I go over spend the night with her multiple times and everything goes smooth. Then one night while laying in bed long story short....she lost her virginity. We arent dating....we are saying I LOVE YOU, doing couples things....but never really dating. This goes on for a few months....she gets her grades...and she failed all her classes at JSU. She says that she's going to quit with relationships, and focus on school. We slowly start talking less and less....but are still saying I LOVE YOU and talking about a future together. One night I try to call and can't get in touch with her, I started feeling so sick. The next morning I wake up check myspace and low and behold...STATUS = IN A RELATIONSHIP. I'm 100% distraught. She calls we talk, cry and I cut ties with her. Then her mom calls me one day and says "You need to talk to her, Im about to kick her out if things don't change" So I call, 3 days into the relationship, they are having sex, and he didn't use a condom. They eventually break up, and I put it aside, and try to work on us again. Mean while DJ has came home and got married. I find out about it laugh, and go on about life, the I LOVE YOU'S start agian, and everything is on the right path again. He calls her, and in under a week gets his marriage annulled, and they are back together. Again Im out in the cold, and have no clue where to go from there. Once again in under a week they start ****ing. I dont hear from her for about 2 months and out of the blue she calls needing help. He came to AL and missed a formation, and was in a team-leader spot so he had to do a 5,000 word essay, and it was due the day before. I help them by doing the whole thing by myself. I gradually start talking to her and things didnt turn out for them. She immediately starts dating someone else, and starts calling me again around the clock. She didnt have a job so she doesnt understand calling me at 2am when I have to be up at 5 isn't the right thing to do. And once again her and the new guy immediately start having intimate encounters. I drop off the face of the earth yet again, but still can't let go of this girl. They only last a few months, and she starts hounding me again. She comes and visits me in GA after I had a parachute accident in jump school. She stays all weekend and things are great. We start talking all the time....I stay up til 3 in the morning just listening to her sleep. I buy her a promise ring and tell her that I promise to always be there for her....everything goes good for 5 months....I talk to her as much as possible, and even pass up on things I want to do so it will make her happy. One night we get off the phone, and she says HEY YOU I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING.....I ****ING LOVE YOU. The very next day she moves a guy in, and they start dating...This time I expected it. It didn't shock me that it happened. They last a week....she calls every night crying and I stay on the phone with her til 3 or 4 am when I have to get up and go to work at 530. They break up, and incredibly she didn’t put out. She comes to NC for her brothers deployment ceremony. She starts telling me she loves me again….and we start talking about getting together and a future once again. Then she takes a trip to PCB. I don’t talk to her, all weekend which is cool I’m giving her space trying to be a good guy. She goes home yesterday, and posts a survey on myspace here are the answers that absolutely killed me

Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
Because I was attracted to him. lol

Do you think the last person you kissed cares for you?
I dunno about cares, but attracted to, yes.

Say something about the last person you kissed?
He's hot as hell and a total sweetheart.

Did you kiss or hug anyone in the last 48 hours?
- Yes and Yes :)

Where is the person you last kissed at this moment?

How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
- A few. Lol

So lets recap. Ive been a very nice guy. Gave out way to many chances in the name of love and this is what I get, every time. Women you wonder why guys are ********? Maybe because most guys realize that’s the only way to keep from being ran all over. Women the next time you say THAT GUYS AN *******. Think about it for just a second….were you a girl that put him in those shoes? Was there a nice guy in your life that you constantly waked all over causing him to change to try to better himself? Guys, how many times has being the nice guy, got you screwed over? Maybe Im just angry and hurt right now but I just wanted to see if anyone sees the logic in it.