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Wed 11/05/08 01:15 AM
I hope that I've not upset anyone in here,but I'm just speaking my mind

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Wed 11/05/08 01:13 AM
Besides that, I thinks it's about time that a black man gets to sit in the white house and run things. he wouldn't had been the first black man in there if MLK Jr. hadn't got killed

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Wed 11/05/08 01:06 AM
if it was a race thing, Obama proved that black people can run the white house just as white people can

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Wed 11/05/08 12:58 AM
Edited by FreakyRomeoInTheDark on Wed 11/05/08 01:01 AM
Yes he did win and it was a good race, but the better man won.:thumbsup: This year will go down in the books, for the first black man in the white housewaving

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Wed 05/16/07 05:02 AM
That's right, because love comes in all shapes and sizes. Not only do
they come in all shapes, and sizes, they come in all colors also. When
it is time, your heart will let you know that, he or she is the one for
you. The only thing you have to do, is just wait for that moment to

When that moment comes, grab it with both hands. Never let go of that
moment, because it will take you on a ride that the two of you will
never forget. Therefore, keep your eyes open, and your heart safe.

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Mon 05/14/07 10:23 PM
yes it is true love i have for my son, and i will do anything for him.
as my love life go with the ladies, i am still looking for miss right. i
hope that i will find her soon, cause i am ready to settle down and have
a loving family of my own.

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Mon 05/14/07 10:01 PM
Is it our heart, or our eyes, that is blind to true love?

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Mon 05/14/07 09:53 PM
not only would the world be a better place, the world would be full of
love for each other. then this dumb thing about hateing each other,
would die away. Then we would be able to see the love that everyone have
inside of themselves.

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Mon 05/14/07 09:47 PM
the way I see it, if the two people love each other, and they know that
they are in love, they should be abel to live their own lifes, with no
one getting in the way. if everyone stop worrying about other people and
start worrying about their self, the world would be a better place for

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Thu 05/10/07 09:22 PM
Hello everyone, you know who this is, an I am here to say I love video

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Thu 05/10/07 09:07 PM
hello everyone, this is my talk, and I have something else to add on to
what this is about. What if you are talking to someone, and u like them,
and they like u, but the other person do not know how their family would
respund to them dateing someone that's not the same color as them. What
should those two people do then?

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Tue 05/08/07 12:42 AM
well MsTeddyBear2u how about running my way. lol just playing. but I
still have feelings for her, but I don't know if she is real, or
playing. cause the last time we was together, she cheatted on me with
her x boyfriend she had just broke up with to go back out with me.
matter a fack she cheatted on me with him one month and three daies
after we had got back together

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Tue 05/08/07 12:33 AM
yes I still have feelings for her, but she is still with the other guy.
and she only think about me when he is f**king up so she said. but we
was together for a while.

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Tue 05/08/07 12:22 AM
what if she is with someone else.

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Tue 05/08/07 12:13 AM
If your x gf started thinking about u, and calling u boo, and baby?

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Thu 04/19/07 06:49 PM
no it would not have to be on the first date.

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Thu 04/19/07 06:46 PM
Well like my name say Freaky. That should tell u, that I'm a freak in
the bed. I am a freak in the bed, in the bathroom, I am a freak all over
the house. I would do anything with my lady, but I would have to draw
the line some where. Like the rubber ducky, I would not go for that. but
the handcuffs, and the wip, that sound like it would been fun. I would
had let her did it to me, just as long as I could had returned the same.

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Thu 04/19/07 06:33 PM
What about a nice candel light dinner, then some close danceing to some
soft music, then nice body massage.

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Thu 04/19/07 06:17 PM
Ladies and Gentleman, what is your idea of a perfect date, and

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Thu 04/19/07 05:56 PM
Myself, I don't believe it will work, if u both don't try to make it
work. I have been in three ldr's, and only one of them worked out a
little. The one I am talking about, is with my roommate I am liveing
with now. We started out as friends, and then became bf and gf, and had
a child together. However though, my family came in between us, and
pushed us apart, but they don't know that we are not together though.
That is y I say I have been in three ldr's and only one worked.

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