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Wed 07/25/07 01:33 AM
thx i will try that and see where things go from there i hope they can help

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Wed 07/25/07 01:07 AM
that is really messed up, in my case i dont know who to talk to cause i feel safe enough to tell people but i dont know who to tell i want my son back and i lost him cause of the man i was with and the people that were there

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Wed 07/25/07 12:55 AM
my child was taken form cps, but they over looked my situation i was forced into a relation ship that i thought was ok then i found out after it was to late that this guy was gang related drug abuser alcholic i felt threatned so i did what they did the drugs and all, now iam a way from that i feel that i can tell the truth what should i do to get my child back