Community > Posts By > MrsD81

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Mon 06/29/09 02:24 AM
This guy I met had been seeing this girl for 2years before he met me. We lived in different states and our time zone was 1hour different.
To the point , We met through my step dad and we started to email back and forth for a couple of months. I came down to his town and stayed with him for a week. I then went back and we continued to talk for several months . We where intimate during the time I was there and he wanted me to move in with hime and so on. Well one day I get a phone call and it was his girlfriend whom I thought they had been split up for several months before me. She states to me that they had a fallen out for about a week and they had been together the whole time.
This guy made this women out to be crazy telling me that it wasnt a good time for me to move in because this women could hurt me and my children. His 19yr old daughter was confirmming everything that he was , so I believed him.
Well the womem called me stating that this guys daughter gave her my number. I talked to her and she was very kind to me and also very confused about me.
She had no idea what her so called boyfriend was doing behind her back with me, nor did I have no idea what he was doing behind mine.

My confussion here is this , how does a person get over being decieved like this and to move on wondering if every man out there is like this? I have never been involed with someone so clever and sharp to carry on as much as he did. How did he do it without getting caught? How could he keep his stories straight from one girl to another?

I feel bad for being the other women in the picture and hurting that girl so much. I didnt know or I would of never of been with such a person.
Needless to say the other women and I have no hard feelings for one another and she isnt crazy at all. The guy is out of the picture on my behalf , but I have been told she is still with him. How do I convince her that she needs to get away?