Community > Posts By > munchiebellic
as the cashier, you are the last person she sees as she heads out the door...or at least the last real impression. she may have had bad service elsewhere in the store, she may have not found what she was looking for... why not just automatically put her bags in her cart? you said it yourself, you get paid the same regardless...and she'd have a much better impression. and for some reason, when it's busy especially...the terminals go quite a bit slower on the customer's side. (yes, i work for walmart. hardlines ZMS) Well, to tell you the truth, when my turn table filled up she still had groceries in her buggy. And by the time she emptied her buggy i was done ringing. I was complaining about her being rude. I was just doing my job. And for a cashier with an exceeded expectations eval, i would say that i must do my job pretty darn well. It is almost impossible to achieve that in our store. And as i said it was not busy. And that is the problem in walmart too many chiefs and not enough indians. On the front line by itself you have customer service managers then you have the front end zone manager. Then you have the support manager, then there is the assistant manager, then the co manager then the store manager. Its just a bunch of craziness. |
I used to work at Walmart. I feel your pain. Oh the stories I could tell..... ![]() ![]() Yeah i have been there for nearly 2 years now and i have so many stories. One of my favs is the one where the lady didn't have enough to pay for all her stuff (this is at 1 am, mind you) so she stands there hemming and hawing and trying to decide what to put back, when she could have just got rid of the 50 dollar ham and got most of everything else. But I had to stay past my shift to finish her order, and some of the stuff was perishable and had to be taken back and of course you can never get anyone to come up front to take things back (especially at that time of night) and then she wanted to know if she was "bothering me." Oh, no, ma'am, you're not bothering me, I just want to throttle you, but Walmart won't freaking let me! ![]() My favorite one to this day, i spent most of my time at walmart on 3rd. So at about 3am we have this woman come through the store screaming maurece at the top of her lungs. She went to the front bathroom, all along the front of the store. Screaming the whole time finally we get her stopped in pharmacy and she starts having a panic attack and can breath. We are trying to calm her down. We eventually had to call the cops to escort her from the building. That was a fun night. You get to see the good stuff at night. |
Ok let me ask you this, why is it called an express lane if people are going to be slow a$$es? If you have never stepped into a walmart you might not understand this. Ok tonight i was working the 10 items or less lane and a woman with obviously more than 10 items comes through my line. Im not complaining about that mind you i get paid the same for 10 items or 100 items. Well i started ringing her stuff up, then i run out of room on my bagging turn table. And she just stares at it ok whatever i continue ringing the items and when i finish, unbagged items are sitting on my register. So she takes the bagged items at this point and i finish bagging the rest. Then i total out her order. She hands me a check to pay. Well since we do electronic checks i run it through and my register tells me when to tell the customer to electronically sign. So i tell her its ready and she waits two or three seconds then responds with "now its ready" she says it in a snotty way. By this point i am fed up with her. So i just kinda twist my face up and raise my eyebrow at the comment. She looks up at me and has the nerve to ask me it i had a problem. Of course i politely say no ma'am and hand her receipt to her. And she walls away. But truely, i wanted to rip this woman a new one. For one obviously she couldnt read, two she was rude to start off when i was just trying to do my job, and three she should have gone to a belted register to begin with, we were not busy at all. It was a slow saturday for a change. Anything like that just get under your skin sometimes and the only way to get it out of your system is to vent? Some people are just both rude and mean. She probably is like this everywhere she goes. ![]() I am fairly positive she is. I am going to say this and i really dont mean to offend anybody. And if i do i am sorry. And i promise i am in no way racist. Please dont take it that way. At my store it always seems to be the younger black ladies, women, girls. That have this sort of behavior. But i do get it out of cynical old men, and really trailer park white folks sometimes too. But i can not refuse service to them so i deal with it. This lady just made my skin crawl though. |
I used to work at Walmart. I feel your pain. Oh the stories I could tell..... ![]() ![]() Yeah i have been there for nearly 2 years now and i have so many stories. |
Ok let me ask you this, why is it called an express lane if people are going to be slow a$$es? If you have never stepped into a walmart you might not understand this. Ok tonight i was working the 10 items or less lane and a woman with obviously more than 10 items comes through my line. Im not complaining about that mind you i get paid the same for 10 items or 100 items. Well i started ringing her stuff up, then i run out of room on my bagging turn table. And she just stares at it ok whatever i continue ringing the items and when i finish, unbagged items are sitting on my register. So she takes the bagged items at this point and i finish bagging the rest. Then i total out her order. She hands me a check to pay. Well since we do electronic checks i run it through and my register tells me when to tell the customer to electronically sign. So i tell her its ready and she waits two or three seconds then responds with "now its ready" she says it in a snotty way. By this point i am fed up with her. So i just kinda twist my face up and raise my eyebrow at the comment. She looks up at me and has the nerve to ask me it i had a problem. Of course i politely say no ma'am and hand her receipt to her. And she walls away. But truely, i wanted to rip this woman a new one. For one obviously she couldnt read, two she was rude to start off when i was just trying to do my job, and three she should have gone to a belted register to begin with, we were not busy at all. It was a slow saturday for a change. Anything like that just get under your skin sometimes and the only way to get it out of your system is to vent?
Would you rather...
Trueblood vamps are better! They get naked!
Tattoo / piercing
I love to look at them but I was thinking of getting one too But I'm afraid 10 years from now a tat would look like dripping paint and a piercing would look funny but that you can take out lol there is that to consider as well. I think I am weighing more towards the tat. Maybe on my hip. I just wanted to see if people who had them liked them, or maybe regretted it. I like my tats, just get something tatted that is of importance to you (child birthday, name, etc.). Both of mine were done in jail so they are not exactly pretty...but I simply love the one on my bicep. thanks fear. I think it would have to be something important, because it is there to stay! I have a tat and no piercings but i will tell you this, yes these days tats can be removed or covered. A piercing can be removed later. Either can leave scars. All skin becomes saggy. My tat is a representation of an old friendship and my love of rock music. It looks like a tribal sun, but it is one of my favorite bands symbol. And i added my own flare to it by mixing my favorite color pink into the black symbol. Think about what you really want before you jump into it. Because you dont want something to have to stare at everyday that you have or really didnt want to get after a few months or years. |
True Blood
This would only be a guess but since Maryann is some sort of devil like creature, or the actual devil. When Sookie touched her white light came out and that's usually associated with angels or something of that nature. But I'm hoping I'm wrong and she's not part angel, cause personally I'm tired of her having all these different things. Just let her be a telepath and that's it. Btw, I hope I'm not the only one that's sick of seeing her topless. Good guess, she is not an angel but she is something similar, at least in the works of good. |
Would you rather...
Vampire for eternity........ before I turn 40 or the deals off!!!!! ![]() Yeah could you imagine becoming a vampire at age 80? Lol osteoperosis for eternity. Ugh. |
True Blood
Anybody read the whole book series? If so please dont blurt this answer out. Just from watching the show you notice everybody asking sookie "what are you?" and her reply is always waitress. Well the vampires all say she is different, well has anybody figured out what she is? I have its an interesting primise to the story line. Just keep in mind maryanne can tell she is different. And if you caught this part episode you know something happens that sookie cant explain. It all has to do with what she exactly is. Any guesses. Again readers of the books please dont spoil. If you already know please will you say something like i know and if your guessing please will you say something like i am guessing...
Would you rather...
duh....vampire! The devil in us all cheers for the vampire! I want to be bitten! ![]() |
Would you rather...
Would you rather die and come back a zombie or become a vampire for eternity?
True Blood
Who agrees with me that if bill and erics face was on american money that we would spend more of it? Economic crisis diverted!
Monopoly Money
I like my money colourful......its easier to read. American money you really have to look to see if its a $10 or $100. How can you mistake one from the other? Two totally different dead guys on them. Being a cashier, i look at someone rather funny when they hand me an old 20 or 10 you know the ones before they made the fonts bigger? I always think its counterfit or something. ![]() Well you know dead is in now especially if your a vampire named bill, eric, or edward. Maybe if they used their faces and the two faces of the shifters sam and jacob, maybe we would pay more attention to the bills? |
Monopoly Money
I like my money colourful......its easier to read. American money you really have to look to see if its a $10 or $100. How can you mistake one from the other? Two totally different dead guys on them. Being a cashier, i look at someone rather funny when they hand me an old 20 or 10 you know the ones before they made the fonts bigger? I always think its counterfit or something. |
Monopoly Money
well they did.. And i agree but this is not about politics. This is just your thoughts on the very colorful money, |
Monopoly Money
Has anybody looked in there wallet lately, at least those of you who carry cash. Pull out a new 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100. Does it remind you of the colorful bills you used to play with as a kid before you played with real money. The 1s are white, the 5s are pink, the 10s are yellow, the 20s are green, the 50s are purple, and the 100s are gold. Do you think the federal reserve is trying to tell you they played you like a board game?
Gotta give them props...
My all time favorite was the one that asked me to open an account so his clients could send me his checks and then i send the money to him. Said he was from toronto but stated he was working in england. Wtf? I mean seriously, do they think we are stupid? Needless to say i told him he could shove it.
Would you rather...
Edited by
Fri 08/28/09 11:12 PM
swallowing string is quite the choking hazard....... ![]() doing the milk thru the nose seems less risky....... lol now give me all the money I need to buy hotels........ ![]() Hands over the colorful money, with a sly look in her eye and says, "you no get no hotels!" ![]() |
On monday
Well became homeless two days ago, my roommate/used to be best friend terminated the lease without prior notice, so my mom has taken me in to let me get back on my feet. Oh how i hate living here. I feel like less of an adult. Had an emotional break down with thoughts of suicide last week. My sister who is ranked 17 out of 80 students and was running for class president, was suspended from school yesterday. I am kinda looking forward to monday, its the begining of pay week. And changes are abound, who knows maybe i will meet a man next week.