Community > Posts By > Conservitive_Hippie
Do you believe in God?
God is the beginning and the end anything I create belong to him and he would be the creator of that thing and yes he could do anything to that creating and it would be good.
And no I can not fathom what God is entirely. All I know is what he chooses to tell me. And how is "God is God" not meaningful, it's very simple. God is, was and will be. He is everything. He created us and gave a choice, eternal life or eternal separation from him. As the creator of all things you could do that if you wanted to. It was said that God is a mean person and was compared to a demon. Why cause he threatens us with fire if we don't choose to follow his rules "sounds like an argument an immature kid would have with an adult, who knows better then the kid). No it simply is what will happen if you don't choose him. As a parent would say "my house my rules" if you don't want to choose his house his rules then the only other place you can go is hell. When you die of course. Those are the outlines. So yes God is. We can choose to except his will and live in his house or we can choose to not except it and perish in hell. That is what God said and God is good. Get it? God is good and Good is God. He does not want you to burn and be separated from him. |
Do you believe in God?
Is god all powerful? (Yes)
Is god all knowing? (Yes) Is god benevolent? (God is God) So you are either unsure if god is benevolent, or he is or is not. Please answer the question. Evasion only hurts your own understanding of these ideas. I wasn't evading God is God whatever he may do is his right to do being the creator of all things. For the sake of your argument yes God is "Good" and "Good" is God. |
Do you believe in God?
Edited by
Fri 07/10/09 08:31 AM
Sigh, I can tell this is going to be difficult for you to understand, but it is possible for YOU to independently analyze these things without regard to anyone's written appeals. Answer my questions based on your own beliefs. Is god all powerful? (Yes) Is god all knowing? (Yes) Is god benevolent? (God is God) There was a thread a few days ago basically saying something along the lines of "There is no God because if there was a God, he wouldn't let puppies suffer." While I agree with the conclusion, I think the road taken to get to it is way off. It's just another way of saying "I can only believe in a God whose values are the same as MINE." If there IS a god, where does it say he has to behave in a manner we find acceptable? Who are we to impose standards of behavior on God? If anything, this is human egotism at its finest. In the O.T. God issues a commandment, "Thou shalt not kill." Meanwhile, at various points in the narrative, he's busily wiping out towns and cities and nations and, at one point, pretty much the whole world (the flood), despite his ordinance to the contrary. I'm not saying that this, per se, invalidates the concept of God. We have plenty of other, better, stuff for that. I'm just saying that when people talk about "There is no God because he wouldn't permit __________ (fill in the blank)," it's an absurdity because we have no idea what an actual God might or might not value. We have some words in a book, written by men, many years ago, for the purposes of fulfilling an agenda -- so all we really know is what those men wanted people to believe. Far easier just to scrap the whole God concept and take some repsonsibility for ourselves. We can use there own premises and then extrapolate from there. There is no religion in the entire world that does not claim to know the mind of god. |
Sunny Introduces The Trews
:( I wuv that song. What do you like that appeals to your "harder taste?"
Sunny Introduces The Trews
you want a hard intro hee hee
check this song out. I love the base |
Sunny Introduces The Trews
Yeah they sound alright, the music and lyrics just seem mediocre to me. No offense intended I just can't dig it. The two bro's have major style though.
Sunny Introduces The Trews
In a very abstract way...I'm weird I guess.
Do you believe in God?
Edited by
Fri 07/10/09 07:34 AM
Why do we use the argument that if God exists there would be no evil in the world? An Excellent question! Any answers? People love to take truth out of context. It's where the most believable lies come from. |
Do you believe in God?
Edited by
Fri 07/10/09 06:30 AM
So your issue is the credibility of the book and the men who wrote it? Also Lets say God has been proven and the way you described him is accurate, which it's not, lets say all this occurs and your staring him in the face and he tells you that the bible is true and it's choose me or perish in fire. Would things change? Would you serve him or take a dive into hell? The only proof I can possibly provide is right in front of us. Life is proof. I was no monkey thank you very much. Darwinism is still just a theory. If god wanted to convince intelligent people he better find a better way then a 2000 year old book that contradicts itself often. Epicurus said it best with his logical problem of evil, often Christians try to pull the moral card, but make no actual logic argument that is not based on a false premise. One example among many of a formulation of the problem of evil is presented by Epicurus and may be schematized as follows: 1. If a perfectly good god exists, then there is no evil in the world. 2. There is evil in the world. 3. Therefore, a perfectly good god does not exist. This argument is of the logically valid form modus tollens (denying the consequent). In this case, P is "God exists" and Q is "there is no evil in the world". Another version: 1. God exists 2. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good 3. A perfectly good being would want to prevent all evils. 4. An omniscient being knows every way in which evils can come into existence. 5. An omnipotent being who knows every way in which an evil can come into existence has the power to prevent that evil from coming into existence. 6. A being who knows every way in which an evil can come into existence, who is able to prevent that evil from coming into existence, and who wants to do so, would prevent the existence of that evil. 7. If there exists an omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good being, then no evil exists. 8. Evil exists (logical contradiction).[2] Who says Epicurus is right and who's definition of good are we using. As I said before. What God mandates is truth. Who are we to come up with our own understanding of truth over his. I say again,God gave us free will. And we created evil ourselves by letting the Devil deceive us. That is why there is evil in the world and this is also why it will remain here. If we do not call on god to rid the evil from our lives then it will remain there. To say that if evil exist then there is no God is foolish. Evil exists cause there is a God to disobey. |
Sunny Introduces The Trews
All in all I can't say I was wowed or anything. I did like Paranoid Freak and the vid was odd but in a funny way. I will say this though about the pic of the grp "Dam!! Those two in the middle got style!"
The first song you posted kinda reminded me slightly of tool. |
Do you believe in God?
So your issue is the credibility of the book and the men who wrote it? Also Lets say God has been proven and the way you described him is accurate, which it's not, lets say all this occurs and your staring him in the face and he tells you that the bible is true and it's choose me or perish in fire. Would things change? Would you serve him or take a dive into hell? The only proof I can possibly provide is right in front of us. Life is proof. I was no monkey thank you very much. Darwinism is still just a theory. Epicurus said it best with his logical problem of evil, often Christians try to pull the moral card, but make no actual logic argument that is not based on a false premise. One example among many of a formulation of the problem of evil is presented by Epicurus and may be schematized as follows: 1. If a perfectly good god exists, then there is no evil in the world. 2. There is evil in the world. 3. Therefore, a perfectly good god does not exist. This argument is of the logically valid form modus tollens (denying the consequent). In this case, P is "God exists" and Q is "there is no evil in the world". Another version: 1. God exists 2. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good 3. A perfectly good being would want to prevent all evils. 4. An omniscient being knows every way in which evils can come into existence. 5. An omnipotent being who knows every way in which an evil can come into existence has the power to prevent that evil from coming into existence. 6. A being who knows every way in which an evil can come into existence, who is able to prevent that evil from coming into existence, and who wants to do so, would prevent the existence of that evil. 7. If there exists an omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good being, then no evil exists. 8. Evil exists (logical contradiction).[2] Then there would be no choice. God wants us to choose him over ourselves. Evil entered the world when Lucifer decided he was better then God. When he was cast out he became the other choice. Evil was essentially realized at this time. God made man to replace Lucifer and the angels he took with him. God wants us to choose him over all else but he will not make us. The evil in the world is created by man. And we are tempted and deceived into being this way by Lucifer who wants us to fall away from God. |
Do you believe in God?
Edited by
Fri 07/10/09 05:17 AM
OK lets not lose focus. I was talking about the God Of Abraham. Abra I have heard this time and time again. You say the stories contradict each other. Show me what you mean. I am someone who can not believe in anything other then God, it's not something I can explain with facts. If I were to try and prove God existed on a scientific lvl I would most likely fail horribly. Abra you said "In fact, I would even hesitate to call such a God as "God". How nasty does a God need to be before he becomes a demon? Being all powerful doesn't automatically make an entity righteous. Leaving people on a planet to have to GUESS whether or not a jealous judgmental God exists would already qualify as a dirty rotten trick as far as I'm concerned." Okay in this faith God makes the rules not us. Also who says we know everything and can understand his will to the point that would allow us to scrutinize his authority? I should have asked from the beginning, Tell me why you don't believe in God? Is that better. No proof just belief. And I am a nice person thank you. If you believe so strongly in 'GOD' then why the question? Should someone actually be able to provide proof... It would destroy your world view... Unless your purpose is to bring others to you same strong belief that you hold... In which case you cannot bring them with this question... The horse will not drink cause it is sated with its own view. As a believer I naturally want others to see my point of view. I don't think anyone can provide proof on this issue not with science anyway. Science is just the observance of laws of the physical realm. He exists outside of this realm where the laws don't have to apply so how could the science of this reality prove the existence of a spiritual being. And I know I can not lead everyone to Christ. It is a Christians duty to spread the word and while I do that I want to know why someone would choose not to believe. That's what I am attempting to find out by asking that question. So? Why should you believe what the Bible says? The men who wrote that book put all those brainwashing techniques in there precisely to get you to worship their book. They told you that you must beleive in God, and that if you don't believe in God you'll pay a horrible price. What better way to get people to worship your book as the word of God than to threaten nasty things to them if they don't believe and offer them eternal life if they do. Mortal authors would have every motivation to use such lowly tactics to get you to worship their words. An all-wise genuinely loving God would never be such a jerk. The book is clearly the underhanded tatics of controlling mortal men. Men who were quite male chauvinistic and bigoted too boot. So your issue is the credibility of the book and the men who wrote it? Also Lets say God has been proven and the way you described him is accurate, which it's not, lets say all this occurs and your staring him in the face and he tells you that the bible is true and it's choose me or perish in fire. Would things change? Would you serve him or take a dive into hell? The only proof I can possibly provide is right in front of us. Life is proof. I was no monkey thank you very much. Darwinism is still just a theory. |
Do you believe in God?
OK lets not lose focus. I was talking about the God Of Abraham. Abra I have heard this time and time again. You say the stories contradict each other. Show me what you mean.
I am someone who can not believe in anything other then God, it's not something I can explain with facts. If I were to try and prove God existed on a scientific lvl I would most likely fail horribly. Abra you said "In fact, I would even hesitate to call such a God as "God". How nasty does a God need to be before he becomes a demon? Being all powerful doesn't automatically make an entity righteous. Leaving people on a planet to have to GUESS whether or not a jealous judgmental God exists would already qualify as a dirty rotten trick as far as I'm concerned." Okay in this faith God makes the rules not us. Also who says we know everything and can understand his will to the point that would allow us to scrutinize his authority? I should have asked from the beginning, Tell me why you don't believe in God? Is that better. No proof just belief. And I am a nice person thank you. |
Guys and Music
wow I must say bastet I have nvr had an experience with music quite like that. I'm jealous.
Do you believe in God?
Apocalyptica - Nothing else matters (Metalica cover)
Next is Metalica - Nothing else matters absolutely love the opening guitar. |
Edited by
Thu 07/09/09 08:58 AM
Apocalyptica - Fade to Black (metalica cover)
Do you believe in God?
Edited by
Thu 07/09/09 08:47 AM
Prove to me God doesn't exist.
"Is thought unspoken language?" Please expand on your definition of thought used in your question.
Guys and Music
Edited by
Thu 07/09/09 06:44 AM
Bastet you say you can feel the music. That is really interesting, are you talking about a persons passion for the music that makes them the happiest?
Jtevans have you ever heard of Apocalyptica there instrumental and incredible. Check em out if you have not heard of them yet. My fave piece of theirs is called "Path." And to answer your question Sweet. I don't like mixing up the genres I most enjoy cause it ruins the flow for me, also my mood influences the kinda music I want to hear at any given time. Kyle I love reggae but whats wrong with country? Also what is ska? |