Community > Posts By > faithfulways
Do You Think It Is Strange?
No, not at all.
So hurt
I am sorry that happen to you. Sometimes the other woman knows about the other woman. It happen to me with my ex- huband.
My two kids
He may not even be in the army and the thing about hotel, NEVER, meet somewhere where there's allot of people like a restrant. Go alone you may end up in pieces or in a river. I was not going to meet at a hotel, but I think he wanted to meet me at his home. He really did not get into details. Where he live at, that is my hometown. I have seen pic of him in his uniform. I know I do need to be careful. When he was going to visit me, I was going to meet him at the mall. |
Get to know a person on line before giving out personal info such as ones phone number,you have to be careful when meeting people on the internet. ![]() ![]() I know it was a stupid move on my part and trust me I will not give out my personal infro again. |
This is y I wait awhile before I give anyone my number ![]() ![]() I try to do that at first, but I will do it this time. Sometimes some of these guys do not give you time enough to get to know each other up here or anywhere else. I just don't know anymore and I am just tried of trying to date. |
Ummm....WHAT? ![]() I know it sound confusing, but I just got tried of writing and it was a lot to it. |
I have met this guy, but not from here. He told me that he is in the Air Force, but now in the Reserve. Well, we have IM each other for one day and we have sent message on another site only one day. He have ask me for my phone number and I did not want to give it to him at first, but I decision to give it to him. One day he call and we talk for a little while and I have not heard from him, so he text me me and told me he was out of town and he will send me the hotel room number and phone number. One day he have call me and I think I heard him tell someone in the background he will put me on speaker phone and when I caught on I have text him about it and curse him out, because at this time I just tried of all the BS with men. So, I have apologize to him about cursing him out. I told him that if he want to talk then he know my number, because I wanted to leave the ball in his court. So, He is always telling me how busy he is and I understand that, but when I am online I see that he is online and I am like if he is online then he could at least send me a message or call just to say hello. We are not even trying to get to know one another(well him). He text me one night asking me do I want to come visit and I told him I would love to, but I have a 12 yr old. My thing is why you want me to come and visit and you have not made the effect to get to know me. By the way I did ask him did he try to put me on speaker phone and he still did not give me a anwser, but yet he try to make me feel bad about cursing him out. I just believe if someone is interested in you then they will show it. I wanted to ask him if you are so business like you say you are then why are you on the dating site looking for a wife or long term relationship. That means you are not going to have any time for you SO or wife. I am tried of guys that is not trying to get to know me, because they are trying to make me out to be a horrible person. When I ask these coward something they want to turn the tables on me to make me feel bad and they don't answer my questions. Do you all think I am wrong?
Smooth Criminal
Thriller Bad PYT In the closet |
I have to say, if my son were asking for a gun, I would not be leaving him alone with siblings before I got him some help I show as h*** be scare to laid down at night. I would have look into it. |
tribute to micheal jackson
I have cried when they say Michael Jackson died and still can not believe it. Just like John Ritter on Three's Company and I was really sad when he died.
tribute to micheal jackson
None of us really know if he was guilty or not. And because he payed does'nt nessessarily mean he was guilty either. Anyway I won't be bashing the dead. I do believe he was a troubled soul. May he rest in peace. I agree with you 100%. He said his father call him names and I just believe he went though a lot on this earth. In a interview his father said Michael did not have a reason to be along, because he was surrounded by his family. That goes to show his father don't know much, because if he did then he will know that you can be in a room with a crowd of people(family, friends, etc.) and still be lonely. It is sad he is gone and he don't have to suffer anymore, because I just believe he went though a lot. I don't think his father had a bloody clue, and he wasn't willing to step up and admit to his abusive nature. Boo, I just saw part of a special about Jackson tonight. They said that it's not been decided if his children will go to Jackson's Dad or the children's mom. I was thinking...please not his Dad. I know this is not a time to laugh, but you are funny. If not their mom, at least to Michael Jackson's mom. |
tribute to micheal jackson
None of us really know if he was guilty or not. And because he payed does'nt nessessarily mean he was guilty either. Anyway I won't be bashing the dead. I do believe he was a troubled soul. May he rest in peace. I agree with you 100%. He said his father call him names and I just believe he went though a lot on this earth. In a interview his father said Michael did not have a reason to be along, because he was surrounded by his family. That goes to show his father don't know much, because if he did then he will know that you can be in a room with a crowd of people(family, friends, etc.) and still be lonely. It is sad he is gone and he don't have to suffer anymore, because I just believe he went though a lot. He had a horrible childhood. He really did and there are some people that know how to deal with drama in their life and there are some that can't and he was one of them that deal with it the best he could. After all he went though, he was a great performer. He known how to put on a show. I am going to miss him. |
tribute to micheal jackson
None of us really know if he was guilty or not. And because he payed does'nt nessessarily mean he was guilty either. Anyway I won't be bashing the dead. I do believe he was a troubled soul. May he rest in peace. I agree with you 100%. He said his father call him names and I just believe he went though a lot on this earth. In a interview his father said Michael did not have a reason to be along, because he was surrounded by his family. That goes to show his father don't know much, because if he did then he will know that you can be in a room with a crowd of people(family, friends, etc.) and still be lonely. It is sad he is gone and he don't have to suffer anymore, because I just believe he went though a lot. |
tribute to micheal jackson
Edited by
Thu 06/25/09 08:36 PM
Everybody on this post and everywhere else talk like they have never did any wrong. Please save your comments, because I bet there are a lot people out there that have done worse then what he did, if he did it. Yes, I loved him and his music and I did have my doubts about him when he went to court. I was like I don't know what to think, but if he did do it than he have to answer to God about that. It makes me question the parents of the kid. They are much in the blame for taking money from him and still let their kids still go to his house. There you have people coming from everywhere that want to sue him for something. Like the female the Thiller video, come on now why are she going to wait all these years to sue him, because her azz proably broke. That is why these celebrites need to be careful how they treat people and how they handle their business, because that s**t is going to come back to bite them in the azz. I do still love Michael Jackson and I hope his family get though this time of lost. I don't wish any bad on anyone.
Michael Jackson
After reading through this board, I have to say....... WOW I sure hope that when everyone here passes, people think of all the good they have done in the world before they curse them. Noone on these boards is innocent in this life. I think he was mentally unwell granted but he was never convicted of anything. The man has gone where we will all go one day and we should at least give him the respect we hope to get when we die. Thank you for saying that, because I do understand that everyone on this earth is not going to be like, but at least when something bad happen to someone that you have something kind to say or don't say anything at all. I am happy I did not see anyone up here that sent me a message, because I would not want to date anyone that have a mindset like that. |
Michael Jackson
Sooo, apparently Micheal Jackson just was rushed to the hospital in cardiac arrest. Any thoughts? I m too bummed over Farrah to think about a pedaphile and Daryl Hannah was just arrested down the road from my house. my mediocre childhood is losing ground fast Whatever! |
Love at first sight anyone?
I don't believe in it. My thing is how can you love someone you don't even know. I didn't believe in it either. I guess it's just one of those things that you have to experience. Like UFO's and Ghosts In this day and time you never know what might happen. There are a lot of things I say I will not do or don't believe in, but you never know. I do hope things contiune to work between you two. Everyone deserve happiness. |
When You Fall In Love Easily
![]() ![]() No, love hurts. |
I like a man that is nice and sweet, but have a backbone. I like a take charge man, but not controlling. There is a lot I can say, but I stop here.