Community > Posts By > DarkSpartan

no photo
Tue 04/17/07 06:35 PM
So how can you stand living in a country that does such horrific things?

no photo
Tue 04/17/07 05:58 PM
Don't you think if they knew what was going to happen the passengers
would of done something?

For all the passengers knew, it was a classic hostage situation over
some prisoner exchange. No one on that plane could of known it was a
suicide mission and if they had, I guarantee someone would of acted.

Would you attack a bank robber if you thought all he wanted was the
bank's money? Every hijacking situation prior to that, resulted in most
passengers being let free. Which set the precedent for the passenger's
mindsets that day.

And no I don't live in a bunker, I've seen first hand what you've only
read about.

no photo
Tue 04/17/07 04:52 PM
No, I got what you were saying and think it's an interesting theroy...I
was reffering to those videos floating around saying missles hit the

no photo
Tue 04/17/07 04:15 PM
^^^^ For those that think it is, BTW.

no photo
Tue 04/17/07 04:13 PM
Do you realize how many people would of had to be involved? There is no
way you could convince THAT many people to go along with something so

When has anything LEGIT not been leaked by someone? We can keep us
supposedly doing 9-11 a secret but not the false intel on Iraq's WWD
programs? Give me a f'n break.

Right....missiles hit the what, we did a mass execution
of the passengers supposedly on that plane? I'm sorry, I'm not a blind
follower of the government but this theory is absurd and sickening.

no photo
Tue 04/17/07 04:01 PM

no photo
Tue 04/17/07 12:25 PM
For those not available but you wish they were, I introduce you

no photo
Tue 04/17/07 12:20 PM

I wish my tattoos were gone so I could get new ones in their place.

no photo
Tue 04/17/07 12:12 PM
I'm getting pumped up for this draft!!!! Less than a week away.

no photo
Tue 04/17/07 06:28 AM
My wife and I had a long distance relationship for 2 years before we got
married. I would try to drive down to see her once a month but then
there were times when I was deployed overseas for 4-5 months at a time.
It was hard and it takes a whole different type of loyalty but if both
want it bad enough it can work.

Before we got married we had never spent more than 2 weeks together (in
person) even though we had dated for 2 years. We just had our 7 year
anniversary last October.

As far as meeting people you met online, It can be scary and I imagine
more so for a girl. I've met a few friends IRL that I met over Xbox.
Fortunately for me, all these guys were exactly who they claimed to be.
I'd suggest you both meet for the first time in a public place, that way
you have a little added security and peace of mind.

no photo
Mon 04/16/07 11:48 AM
Hell no.

I've haven't had sex in 6 years because I refuse to cheat on my wife who
is in a coma. When I hear about cheating and then think about my gets me all fired up.

People either have never felt true love or are just weak minded.

no photo
Sun 04/15/07 05:14 PM
Styx meant to say "-10 + 20"

no photo
Sun 04/15/07 04:17 PM
Married dudes aren't welcome there. They don't have a category for my
situation :(

no photo
Sun 04/15/07 04:04 PM
strength = hope

no photo
Sun 04/15/07 04:02 PM
Just seems odd that there is no rhyme or reason to it.

no photo
Sun 04/15/07 03:48 PM
Isn't randomly deleting people bad for business?

no photo
Sun 04/15/07 03:42 PM
I don't get it, do they just randomly delete people?

no photo
Sun 04/15/07 01:12 PM
Crap forgot to ask one....

Sticking with Sex, lights on or off?

no photo
Sun 04/15/07 01:12 PM
Do you believe in friends w/benefits & why does that work in your life?

No, sex for me has to be intimate.

no photo
Sun 04/15/07 12:58 PM
Panic = Disco

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