Community > Posts By > Gordon1379

Gordon1379's photo
Sun 12/06/15 09:03 AM
Edited by Gordon1379 on Sun 12/06/15 09:05 AM
I have never had a problem with my own actions either.

I don't want a girl who can't get though that stuff.
It's a perfect filter,
and for anyone who reads it is a perfect filter for myself.

For anyone who reads this out of interest.
His patronizing, "look who's funny, I'm an arse" gig, is something I don't do (Dig at people). I might nudge you, but I won't come off offensive and demeaning.

Gordon1379's photo
Sat 12/05/15 05:37 PM

OMG and I thought I blathered on. LOL

I don't know how to best introduce myself to This crowd. :P

Next time try wit and brevity.

Heaven forbid laugh

If his nomology really works then maybe it will lead him to this revelation.

maybe try not to troll peoples articles. and ask urself how wit and brevity works for urself.

Gordon1379's photo
Fri 12/04/15 09:09 PM
Edited by Gordon1379 on Fri 12/04/15 09:11 PM

OMG and I thought I blathered on. LOL

I don't know how to best introduce myself to This crowd. :P
I like to form a general "accord". {It} allows me to skip the, "do you know what I mean?" pause in every situation

from agendas & ideas; to things that are more thought provoking like: cultural media.

Gordon1379's photo
Fri 12/04/15 09:07 PM
Edited by Gordon1379 on Fri 12/04/15 09:07 PM

please explain what the Red flag is about?

I am sincerely curious, as to the fact that I hate slothenliness, inconsideracy, womanizers, "politically"-corrupt agendas (as we are a democracy this applies to any individual in the country), corruption of children, social injustice etc...

I am a genuine Pisces : Someone who cares deeply about YOUR (everyone's) social, physical, mental, professional and personal Health[life]

Gordon1379's photo
Fri 12/04/15 09:04 PM

soooooo...unless someone comes along in your life
to keep ya busy and entertained and give ya a reason to do otherwise
ya just plan on smoking?

noupe. I don't smoke. I was just going over the basics there.

ur all so cynical. if u didn't want to read the ACCURATE Kabbalistic, Runic, and Numerical interpretations of my names, you didn't have too :P

but if a girl who believed in that SCIENCE did come across my profile, she'd know me as well as I know myself already.


Gordon1379's photo
Fri 12/04/15 02:23 PM
hablas espanol. cuando estoy en mexico, conozco un hombre quien Somolian. Sudais.
muchas hombres africano aya a mexico?
Are there many African men in Mexico?

Yo no hablo español muy Bueno. Pero, yo estaba viajar aya dos veces ahora, y quiero/aspirer regressar.
I am not great at speaking Spanish. But I have been there twice, and I hope to return.

Yo amor Dios tambien.
I too love God.

Que ud. hacas por trabajar? como hacer por dinero?
what do you do for work? how do you make money?

I am sure that there are many African men in Mexico with you. I met 5 of them there when I was 21 years old. I am quite sure they all got Refugee status and live in Mexico city.


Gordon1379's photo
Fri 12/04/15 02:10 PM
Edited by Gordon1379 on Fri 12/04/15 02:12 PM
I started smoking pot in grade 12. I am 25, so, in the past 7 years, I have gone without weed for 5 months, 7 months and on multiple occasions a few months freely. I like to smoke it, but preference was twice a month, or once a week. I smoke .5g to get stoned, and that does me good for 24hours. I don't need it, I am a Pisces, If I can find someone I assure you that means way more to me than being stoned. I'd be stoned as though grounded upon a heavenly utopia.

I drink socially. Not beer. unless socially.. :D LOL

Gordon1379's photo
Fri 12/04/15 02:06 PM
furthermore, I hate masturbating. If you do it as a girl, I'd prefer it was seldom, secretive, or if necessary, very imposing, but only between the two of us.

I am not a prude. I suspect that, having sex 3 times a day with my wife sums up my expectationos. But once a week is A-OK, if she isn't into that.

I love kids, animals, friends, step-parents, neighbours

I love to learn, travel, and express myself
and I can soak up every last little hidden message in your bubbly blurs and rants as though it was my lifeline. I love to listen to women, and I love to spend time with anyone.

Gordon1379's photo
Fri 12/04/15 01:59 PM
Religion is a belief structure founded on a holistic perspective of your world; concluding that high morals are necessary, and selflessness is most fundamental.

Gordon1379's photo
Fri 12/04/15 01:54 PM
Edited by Gordon1379 on Fri 12/04/15 01:56 PM

Do you actually expect someone to read all of that?????

ah ha ha.
well. It sums up the personal stuff pretty quick.
after that, it's just a matter of
-cleaning the bathroom, (90% me)
-changing the cat litter, (50-50)
-country or city, (requires constructive teamwork)
-objectives (timeframe and cost)
-social preferences (big party, small, public, private, concerts, rural, etc..)

I like fashion. how about that? ;)

Gordon1379's photo
Fri 12/04/15 01:27 PM
Edited by Gordon1379 on Fri 12/04/15 02:07 PM
I only bother putting all that Block-note because it was perfectly accurate.

On my Mother's side, Thomas has been a very reoccurring name in the past 11 generations of Canadian ancestry. and Joseph has been a repeating middle names for five Generations since my Great Grandfather came from Bohemia.

I'm religious. and that matters to me.
I am a hindu, Islamic, Christian, mythologist, Sikh (a creationist),
and I am offended by atheism and homosexuality as well as adultery.

but I am very very easy to get along with. and I fall in love like rain over a lake of water.

Gordon1379's photo
Fri 12/04/15 01:24 PM
Edited by Gordon1379 on Fri 12/04/15 01:33 PM
I am a Pisces, that is what brought me here. I Googled Pisces Dating websites. I am genuinely a Pisces~

Super artistic; super empathetic; incredibly sympathetic; emotionally charged; thoughtful; And I yield to things which matter to you, but evidently if I must yield, I have my own ideas and objectives.

GA’ARDVN (Gimel, Ayin,Resh,Daleth,Vau,Nun)
Gordon is a unique individual whose personality will stand out in any crowd. This difference from the norm is indicated by the fact that the total value of Gordon’s name is 893, which is a prime number. A large part of Gordon’s individuality relates to his talents, which are likely to be in the area of creative writing (pinned it. This is my favorite hobby, and I pride myself in an understanding and application of linguistics). The presence of Gimel and Ayin suggest that a focus of writing will be travel (check), or if not specifically related to travel, his writing will cover a very wide range of subjects and character types. There is another unique aspect to Gordon’s personality that relates to his emotional makeup. But since we find N, or Nun, as the final letter in his name, it is likely only his partner – if anyone – will ever find out the exact nature of this particular mystery. However, from the reduction of his name’s value we get a clue: Gordon is likely to be unusually concerned with the opinions and attitudes of others, and will rarely reveal his true self when in the company of any other than his very closest friends.

DERIVATION: Scottish and English, from a Scottish surname and place-name, of certain origins. Very popular in Scotland since the beginning of the twentieth century, and has gained popularity in English-speaking countries.
GEMSTONES AND PRECIOUS MATELS: Topaz, yellow diamonds, any yellow stone. (I should research this. My birth stone is amethyst (a stone that “protects” against psychic attacks) [irony]. )
BOTANICALS: Borage, sorrel, gentian root
PRINCIPAL COLORS: Bronze, gold, all shades of yellow (my favorite colour is Coronation Gold. But as a general color, it is green.)
UNIQUE SPELLINGS: Gordan, Gorden, Gordyn
RELATED TO: Gordey, Gordie, Gordy

(Nauthiz, Othila, Dagaz, Raido, Othila, Gebo)
Gordon is intellectual and an artist. But he needs firm boundaries growing up because he is rebellious and imaginative, and is different from a lot of other children(in a profound way). He may feel already grown-up as a child, and if he feels an authority figure is weak, he will go for the jugular. He often tries to even the score. With maturity comes modesty and humility. If this is the path for Gordon, he can use the double Othila rune in his name to separate from his bad habits and meditate on oneness. This level of consciousness is extremely healing for Gordon, who has a reputation for being selfish and somewhat tactless.
Elements: Fire, earth/fire, fire, water, earth/fire, water. (OUCH. Lake of fire. {burning brimstone})

Gordon (NV = 1, CV =7, VV=3, FL=7)
Gordon is the name of a very independent and individualistic man. He is quite happy to go his own way and to do things at his own pace. Not a person whom one can easily get to know, Gordon can be a bit shy or reclusive. He enjoys people, but usually his friendships are limited to those who share his interests. Gordon is seeking to perfect certain talents within himself and to use his time and energy efficiently. He needs a partner who is an intellectually equal as well as a person who has special projects of their own.

ThA’AMAS (Tau, Ayin, Mem, Aleph, Samech)
The value of Thomas’s name is thirteen, which indicates a desire for change but, in the context of other influences in the name, could also be seen as suggestive of someone whose own beliefs and principals are quite changeable (It can also be that One simply is lost in context, when found misinterprets my accord as reconciliation.). This can be very positive in that it makes Thomas more open-minded. Thomas will be a successful man, thanks to the influence of the letter Ayin (Aion, being my preference name choice for a god.), Despite a doubting nature. Thomas is a warm and genuine caring guy, as shown by central M, or Mem, in his name.

DERIVATION: English, found in the New Testament as one of Christ’s Apostles. Origionally from the Aramaic word meaning “twin.” Became very common during the Middle Ages, and has been used much since then.
PRINCIPAL COLORS: The full spectrum of moderately shaded hues. (woo; ominous)
GEMSTONES: Sapphire (“Sap-Fire”)
BOTANICALS: Celandine, Iceland moss

(this is all interesting to me because I have had a deep belief in the psychological effects of names on people for a long time. And this book seemingly accurately accounts for my most prominent characteristics, and does not point out ones that I have not been associating with myself for a prolonged period of time, which I can also reference in my life as being my most-prominent personality traits.)

(Sowelu, Ansuz, Mannaz, Othila, Hagalaz, Teiwaz.)
Thomas, has learned, thanks to the Hagalaz rune of disruptions, how to turn adversity to his advantage. The Othila rune of separation lets him detach from a chaotic situation. Thomas just leaves the room or changes his state of mind until he relaxes and can deal with the dilemma {I try to do that}. Teiwaz, the warrior rune, combines nicely with Ansuz, the rune of signals, in this name makes Thomas intuitive, brave, watchful, and observant (I can’t stipulate over such opinionated characteristics [they are not distinctly prominant]). Mannaz, the rune self, makes Thomas humble ad patient. Sowelu makes him whole. All in all, Thomas has fortitude to excel in business, politics, or scientific research. Thomas could be a great scientist, and he will derive much satisfaction from his work.
Elements: Air, air, air, earth/fire, water, air. (a hurricane baby)

Thomas (NV=11,CV=4,VV=7, FL=2)
A man with great inner reserves of both energy and knowledge, Thomas does not display his true nature easily. It takes a while to get to know this complex man, as Thomas is by no means particularly self-revealing. Thomas is slow trust others, but when he does finally offer his freindship, it is sincere and profound. This is a man who cares a great deal about social issues and is not egocentric by nature, although he will support his favorite causes and have definitive political opinions and beliefs. Not the most confident about expressing his personal emotions, Thomas needs a partner who is perceptive to his changing moods and very patient with his periodical silences.

“To invent you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.” – Thomas Alva Edison (inventor)

YVSAPH (Yod, Vau, Samech, Aleph, Peh)
See the man with peanut butter on his tie, a Barbie in his pocket, a wallet thick with kids pictures? You are probably looking at Joseph. He may look like he’s just crawled through a kindergarden, but he is a deeply thoughtful man. Children are the most important thing in Joseph’s life, and his name has strong Kabbalistic associations with fatherhood. One equivalent of the value of his name is “lingam,” which is the phallus and the prime symbol of fertility. They are also definite indications that Joseph gets great pleasure out of the creative side of his father ship role. At work Joseph is keen to keep on responsibilities and makes a firm but sympathetic manager. He is not obsessively ambitious but will make sure that he gradually rises through his chosen profession. AS he comes across as innately trustworthy he will have no problem in achieving a level of seniority over time.

Joseph is a child of love, and dearly loved is he. However, the Hagalaz rune of disruption will carry challenging lessons for Joseph. Joseph could lose friends and leave homes in his youth because of his family travels a good deal. This could cause disruption, and separation from some of those he cares about. On the positive side the many changes in Joseph’s life teach him self-reliance and good social skills. He learns a lot about people by being exposed to various attitudes and situations. The Jera rune for harvest keeps Joseph hopeful, and his optimism ensure delightful experiences in his life. Joseph is strong because he has four elements in his name.
Elements: Water, water, air, air, earth/fire, earth

There is no challenge too great for Joseph. This is the name with a very powerful combination of numbers, one that gives insight, vision, and intuition. Joseph gives people the impression that he is very independent – and that is very true. He is an inner conviction about how he lives his life, and will not compromise himself. Joseph has to take care to be emotionally as well as mentally, sensitive to others. He will need the cooperation of friends, coworkers, and loved ones in order to fulfil his many projects. He should always strive to be in touch with heart and not use his mind as the only tool to take him through life.
Joseph (NV=1, CV=8, VV=11, FL=1)

DERIVATION: Hebrew, meaning “Jehovah adds”
PRINCIPAL COLORS: The full range of russet and yellow shades, orange.
GEMSTONES: Amber, topaz, yellow diamonds,
BOTANICALS: Borage (a yellow “Syrian” [star]flower ), Saint-John’s-wort, eyebright (I have worts since grade 4)

“When you follow your bliss … doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; (my life path of choice) and where there wouldn’t be a door for anyone else.” – Jospeh Campbell (Author)

This is truly an accurate accumulation of my person. NO attributes that I thought were not Primary elements of my personality presented themselves. There were no surprizes, or conflicts. I will have to study the Botanicals, to see what significance they have as “symbols” as I have never heard of such things being relative; perhaps they will give me key pointers to find cures for my ailments {assuredly undeniable truths | or falsehood*}.

I am thus: very sympathetic; Empathetic; Artistic; and Opinionated. I am not judgemental Against others as individuals. I am very constructive as a personality, and supportive.

this brilliant book, The Hidden Truth of Your Name, published by Seth Godin Productions Copyright 1999 It pin-pointed me, my friend, and a girl I used to know.