Saturday night roll call
I am here, this in my morning, so good morning all.
Do you believe in God?
I have been down and felt my fingers touch what at the time felt like the edges of hell and only once in my life did I scream from the pit of my stomach in disbelief of God. That day has been many years ago and still bothers me. I am not a bible thumper, I do not remember the last time I went to church. My point is god in my heart is not a guess, the existance is from a faith that has been inside me during wonderful day, and darkest nights that still ahunt me. Faith in God, and my own will to believe is what has kept my sanity and my love for mankind. My hunmaity to desire to reach out and assist one person smile, is my faith in God. I do not guess, I do not have proof, I have faith.