Community > Posts By > jpmari

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Mon 01/18/10 08:22 PM
Good Luck and Believe it we can quit!!

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Mon 01/18/10 07:56 PM

I wonder if I just shoulda called this thread a 'support group for people that wanna quit smoking'? LOL!!laugh laugh That's what it turned into!!tongue2
laugh :smile: :wink: bigsmile We welcome to New Website to Quit Smoking by Redsoxfan1 and
laugh laugh Good one!!tongue2
:banana: We need a name for our New Website?? WE ARE THE DIRECTORS

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Mon 01/18/10 07:52 PM
Edited by jpmari on Mon 01/18/10 07:54 PM

I wonder if I just shoulda called this thread a 'support group for people that wanna quit smoking'? LOL!!laugh laugh That's what it turned into!!tongue2
laugh :smile: :wink: bigsmile We will welcome them to our New Website to Quit Smoking by Redsoxfan1 and

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Mon 01/18/10 07:49 PM

So, cinnamon mints will work the same as the stix??huh

the cinnamon helps either way....but I prefer the candy sticks because it helps the habit of holding a cigarette.
Ok, but I crochet, so, I'll just work, and have a mint when I want a cig!! Thanx!!:heart:
Keep up and Believe we will quit smoking

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Mon 01/18/10 07:45 PM

that's another good reason to exercise to help you quit. It gets your blood pumping and adrenalin going. and if done are too toward to smoke lol

ahhha you are too toward what to smoke? laugh

have also heard exercise helps alot, tried it and found that after a good workout I don't want to smoke, so I just exercise less now. laugh
Hey that's does not help give us credit

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Mon 01/18/10 07:44 PM

that's another good reason to exercise to help you quit. It gets your blood pumping and adrenalin going. and if done are too toward to smoke lol
This forums got longer I see

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Mon 01/18/10 07:42 PM

laugh well I think it helps with stress and anger from the withdrawals too
when you get support and guideness it helps a lot. I wish the very best for all smokers to get credit for trying to quit smoking as for me Redsoxfan1...we can do it!!
Yes, we can!:heart:
We need to have support you got mine 100%

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Mon 01/18/10 07:41 PM

laugh well I think it helps with stress and anger from the withdrawals too

what do you know tongue2

nah, have heard cinnamon does help quench the desire for nicotine
I want to try it!!

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Mon 01/18/10 07:40 PM

laugh well I think it helps with stress and anger from the withdrawals too
when you get support and guideness it helps a lot. I wish the very best for all smokers to get credit for trying to quit smoking as for me Redsoxfan1...we can do it!!

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Mon 01/18/10 07:35 PM

woohoo to all that have decided to quit, I was going to quit too on Wednesday but too many are quitting that date. darn guess Imma just have to continue smokin

Nah just being silly, congrats and good luck to all that wish to quit! It's hard I hear but if it's what you decided to you, kudos to you and good luck!!!


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Mon 01/18/10 07:33 PM

Redsox...I think we just turned your thread into a support group lol

I'm going to cut down to 2 a day tomorrow
we all a big happy

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Mon 01/18/10 07:32 PM

it is a natural herbal treatment for depression....and with withdrawals...I get depressed lol

you can get it at the grocery store
Girl I do not get depressed I get so angry at myself because I feel like I will never will quit I am alone I want to kill this habit for me and my daughter too..Yes maybe do get depressed I hate feeling like this

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Mon 01/18/10 07:29 PM

I have cinnamon mints!! I'll try them Wednesday AM!! I never even thought of it being a 'substitute'!!:heart:
Can please cinnamon sticks? where can buy them? I want try too

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Mon 01/18/10 07:25 PM

Cinnamon gives the spicy type taste of cigarettes. The cinnamon sticks are good for the habit.

St John's Wort is supposed to help with the moodiness
St John's Wort??? what is that?

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Mon 01/18/10 07:22 PM

The truth WILL come out sooner or later....Believe me, it is a small World after all.
that is so true

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Mon 01/18/10 07:20 PM

my ex husband gave me a 25 lb bag of sunflower seeds for xmas....I'll be going through them quickly

I couldn't do it cold turkey so I started cutting down. I smoke a pack a day, then I went to a half pack, and gradually went down

Cinnamon candies are good and so is exercise
Cinnamon candies I should try that..

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Mon 01/18/10 07:19 PM
I had tried to even clean my dresser and clean up and noticed when I am working my mind completely okey but I sit down drinking my coffee or even just sitting I go outside to smoke..Since my daughter can not smell the smoke I go outside...
I feel mean when I do not I have a mad attidute I do not want to me that..

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Mon 01/18/10 07:02 PM

<<<Incomming Newspapre Article>>>

Here we go...

1. Concerning friendship with ur ex.

Its v. tricky. In most cases the feeling of sex attraction is still around and even in low quontity can leads to jealousy or even to a passionate moment without control. Still, friendship can exist but its a dangerous road to take.

2. About telling ur friend about ur ex.

Personality is a very complicated characteristic of humans. You can be with someone and live together for many years, and still there are moments where he/she can still surprise u. Something like hobbits from Lord of the Rings. Besides that, every personality can be received by another human from different point of view. For example, you find X characteristic of your ex, negative, while another woman receives the same characteristic as positive. This phenomenon doesnt happens allways but it happens a lot.

For these reasons, i personaly suggest not to tell your friend anything about ur ex. Let her "explore" him by her self. Besides that, you dont know how ur ex can treat her. He may treat her like you, but there is the option that this woman has something special that draws ur ex interest to her, and so receive much better treatment than u did.

So.. let them be. Keep an eye on her, by asking her how she is doing with her new relationship and if u spot signs of unhappiness, just advise her from ur personal experience without letting her know that he is ur ex. By telling her that he is ur ex, u putting limits in her judgement about his actions (coz she will ask u about it) and maybe u make her to feel uncofortable in front of u.

Give them the freedom to discover themselves and only take action if u are 100% something bad will happen.

PS: To predict the future leads to fault results in many cases.

PS: The best doctor for a relationship is TIME
wow!! Thank

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Mon 01/18/10 07:01 PM

I been trying too and I am eating What are you doing not to smoke? Maybe it could help me too
My quit date is this Wednesday, but I plan to chew a lot of gum, mints, drink more water, and take walks!!:heart:
I had try every steps as I heard but when its Winter it gets in my last nerve because I come from work I stay in and yes I willl smoke more..

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Mon 01/18/10 06:44 PM

Let it be .And come to meslaphead thanks

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