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Sat 06/06/09 08:32 PM

*side note* I prefer to be biten ever so gently on the right side of the neck just at the hollow of the collarboneblushing

Don't we all? blushing

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Sat 06/06/09 08:21 PM
I think if i were to judge someone by their picture alone i'll alienate the chance of getting to know some really interesting (if a little strange) people!

Do you ever get know people on here from their personalities first and foremost? Or, is it only the beautiful people who are worthy of your time?


A very ugly old bird in search of a blind Adonis

I thank you.


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Sat 06/06/09 08:07 PM
Thank you all. So far, so good. Atleast you don't bite...yet! happy

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Sat 06/06/09 07:57 PM
I'm new to all this :tongue: