Community > Posts By > NathanRoss
not many gamer chicks fronting up.
Surprised. I expected a Billion WoW gamers to shout out. Met a bunch in a cyber cafe the other day. was laughing , cos i always find WoW gamers funny when they talk about their Guild business. Blizard : These days charging $1 for a update, means a $40 million profit... not bad. |
wow this got majorly off topic. back to chicks who game posting userids lol.
Anyone use Steam? Chat and game. Without ruining the game. Surely not all gamers sit in their underwear and eat cold pizza? I prefer to game in slacks and eat finger food. Where at the girls who can tell me what the ending of Bioshock is without googling, Or the true FF fans? (or the J-RPG fans period)? bet they're all too busy gaming to join a site like this.. |
Borderlands deffinately/.
My other games. Battle field BC GTA IV Worms (don't laugh it's fun) Little big planet UFC 2009 I'm also on Steam if any of you r PC gamers.. =) |
Paying money to give out email addresses, seems kinda... um .. well dumb. look at face book. its free, and just about anyone can see anything you like .. for free.
This sites half way there, just (imho) it doesn't seem like many ppl know about it. (more importantly. no KIWI girls do) You should advertise on more sites lol. I'll link you on myn, but I only get 1500 hits a day =( Any thing that gets the great world of singles to even look at me is huge help, and this sites great at that! |
Hi guys n more importantly gals.
It's not a secret that I fall into the "gamer nerd" category, often trading a night out for a night in gaming. some think this is lame and time wasting, and sure I probably agree. But some rumors go around the internet of Girls who like gaming almost as much as guys. These fabled females sound interesting. Perhaps true love could be found on the battle fields of CoDMW2, on the race tracks of GT5, or maybe even in the universe of Little Big Planet. Consider this a call to arms. If your a gamer, and wanna meet people who are like you, but of the opposite sex, i say you post your PSN or XBOX live User ID's for "dating" and "gaming" possibilities. There has to be at least one "real life" gamer chick on this site? hell its a great way to start a conversation, and looking back 10 years later saying "remember how we met? When I fraged you over 50 times In the arenas of Quake?" Classic. GunjiOtaku - PSNID. Say hi sometime. |
No photo
um maybe "Quit been a shallow Muppet and grow some cahoooneys"
Looks are only important if you intend on marrying the person (you'll see them lots for the next 50 years or so) if its short term who cares what they look like. IMO. Unless if they're really really hot. cos if they are they're likely way out of your (my) league and I'd rather waste my time on what Cleo call "ugly" tyvm. BTW Size 12 is back in ppl!! |
Which bothers you more?
a) The Apocalypse, b) what you'll wear tommorrow night c) The lotto numbers this week D) Swine flu. Seems 95% of Nz actually voted more for the Apocalypse than Swine flu.. Yet why is Swine flu getting more media attention than 4 Scythe wielding skeletons foretold by some book written millenniums ago? Whats your plan of attack if your family or freinds get sick? What if you get sick? Do you even care? Or do you live in the western world where Flu only kills people who live with animals (chickens/cows/pigs), of visit the "slums" of 3rd world countries? Birds, Pigs and what next? Donky Flu.. Beware sleeping with donkeys. |
Click here for free *insert* that you can't get in *insert country*.
No member ship, NO hassles just all the *insert* you can handle. Whats that? it links to the cyber H1N1.exe file? ROFL. |
How's your day?
My day was great. did some over time at work to make up for the hole in my wages from the Broken arm = not at work incident.
Thank god bones heal. Chilling out with a well earned JD n' coke and some dvds. before waking up to do it all again. |
What are you wearing?
just a Black Sabbath Shirt and jeans.. pretty much "something black with rock logo + jeans" = my daily gear. No reason to dress up when your social life consists of turning on a ps3... =P
Internet Relationships
Um no.
I'd say if your dating someone they don't have the right to be mad you "date" some one online either.. Cos i know some ppl frown on that too. Why is virtual reality suddenly an open ground for a "relationship". You meet ppl online to hopefully meet in person one day, not to Constantly "date" online.. thats kinda weird and creepy imo. and if you have a cyber bf/gf etc and you leave them alone while you go out with a Real life person, maybe they should do the same.. |
ROFL at the comments. science dammit! ppl actually read this shiz and reply?
to be honest once ive had that drink, had the cry, and woke up the next day i kinda forgot wat i was even moaning about besides which, I've ironically become that which i hate and despise. So yea just ignore this and assume i was drunk or something. I've had my Demon to start my day, nothing like 500ml of pure sugar to perk u up. |
Thanks for all the comments guys. Yea I'd love to tell a heroic tale of pushing some toddler out of the path of a speeding jeep, etc, but sadly the truth is far more embarrassing and lame.
Out cutting foliage with the old man, he was up the tree with a chainsaw getting rid of the little branches. he'd already started on the trunk before and realized the tree wasn't falling due to the branches holding it up by grabbing the nearby tree. Not an intelligent move as the tree snapped while he was mid climb.. 70KG of tree fell on me, so I threw my arms up to prevent the trunk from snapping my neck/crushing my skull. good news is dad jumped to saftey into the pool. the ice cold water broke his fall =P. Bad news is ive shatter 3 bones in my wrist and need a cast on for a few weeks. =( which is uberlame. What goods time of work if I have no one to hang out with and can't play ps3? =P Well yea. worst things have happened at sea. |
I've often looked around at the mall, the cinema, local hang outs etc.
Why is it you always see some drop dead gorgeous chick with a creaton, or a guy who obviously couldn't care less? I know millions of ppl ask this. Likely these guys with the abs and confidence are better people, and I'm the bad guy who's judging... But come one, I'm a nice guy, I'm kind caring, romantic, and with a sense of humor, that leaves most with wet undies.(take that as you will =P)I'm not rich but I'm 22 and earn 55K(nz$) a year. I'm smartly dressed, and borderline OCD (my room/lounge kitchen are spotless). I can't say I'm confident but many ppl i chat with online tell me im a nice guy.. Which is why I fear I'll die alone. (cue big emo tears) I just want some one. Someone like all the unlikely characters that come into tv shows and date the fat ugly guy.. or FEZ (if u get that joke u'll understand me better). Sometimes I wish I were an asshole and treated woman with no respect... No more of this "woman date assholes and marry the nice guy years later" This site should make a pact to get nice guys and girls on the same wave length for once. Sorry for the rant. I was stood up tonight, felt the need to vent my spleen to someone.. =P Ah the internet, the only place you can feel alone, while surrounded by people. -N8 |
22yr old male from NZ found in chat rooms web wide as TheMerovingian, or WrodSmith, GunjiOtaku on the playstation network, and N8 in real life.
CTC? |
Hey There good day everyone
** Warning Newbie popping his comment cherry **
Hi all, Wheres the "newbs say hi" thread? anyone Ctc? |