Community > Posts By > breezesummer
A Date ... I'm Scared
Take a leap of faith :) you can do it!
You are just gonna meet him in person, who knows what's gonna happen really. Good luck! |
I don't understand why a man wants to take offense when a woman turns him down.
Same reason why people rant. It's the same motivation. They have some kind of an emotional reaction, they need to find an outlet because of it, that's the particular reaction that works for them; taking offense. Others go find forums, or comment sections, or chat rooms, and rant to strangers to let it out. Go and get another one. There are millions of them out there. It's what I've always done. Worked for me.
So there is no difference between women? You just sign on, hit the search tab, and start at the top left hand profile, email them, and work your way down the list, covering them all? Why do a lot of women have to have a list of what they think they want?
Because most women have been asked that stupid question by stupid guys "so, what are you looking for in a guy? What do you like in a guy? What traits do you find the most attractive? Why kind of guy is your 'type?'" It's as common as "so what do you do for a living?" Have you tried to come up with "intelligent" ways to describe your job? Padding your job title? Trying to describe all the "good" things about your job to tell people why it's awesome and fascinating? It's like there is a double standard.
Most of the time there isn't. What there is, is a failure to communicate. Never accept at face value the reasons why someone rejects you. The only important thing is that they are rejecting you and they communicate it as a decision and not a hypothetical. Especially if you haven't ever dated them before, or for very long. They are going to tell you crap in order to do 1 of 3 things. 1. Protect you. 2. Protect themselves. 3. Some combination of 1 and 2. When people give you a reason as to "why" it's never so simplistic to be one single solitary thing. People are complex. They build up emotions over time. Little nuggets of negative emotional reactions snowball with new information. Same with positive ones. Then, certain things just make that snowball big enough to teeter over and push it towards taking action. Lots of people just scapegoat the straw that broke the camels back because they think that's what caused the biggest negative emotional reaction. What ever happened to accepting someone and loving that person for who they are & what they are and where they are at?
Accepting comes after you really know someone, what motivates them. If you accept someone before you even know them, it kinda makes knowing them pointless, which ultimately makes the other person pointless except as an object for you to accept and then change yourself to accommodate them in order to prove that you've accepted them. Most sane people won't do that. The examples in the OP speak of people that don't really know each other. Where did the pride in some men go? If one woman doesn't want you, Go find one that does
I would think just dropping one woman without feeling bad, without taking offense, without being hurt by rejection, would indicate an absence of pride. I'm just thinking of people like the Butabi brothers, or the 40 year old guy at the nightclub wearing a shirt that says "this isn't a beer belly, it's the fuel tank to my sex machine," hitting on every 20 year old girl they come across, being constantly rejected, and having it not faze them so they just move on trying to find one that doesn't reject them. ![]() |