Community > Posts By > FreneteicAmnesic
Like Fighting Pit bulls?
Well, if so i've got a proposition 1) bring me your dog cause in my spare time i take in mistreated Pits get them back into normal living get them to tame down and then rehome them. 2) bring your fighting gloves b/c if u are man enough to make a dog fight you have to be man enough to get into a real fight.
And yes Micheal Vick should have been sent to jail for life he should never play football again!!! |
My only prob wit the movie is that Cam Gigandet turned down the role of emmet to play james i would have liked him in more than one movie cuz i like him alot but he always plays a better bad guy.
I laugh at Team Jacob we all know who wins in the end (if you read all 4 books) |
So Much For Clevland's King
It's not over until it is over! Cleveland may just win the next 3 games like nothing! Although I want Orlando to win for I like how they play. They are a good team. ![]() Honestly i dislike both teams Cleveland just because and orlando cuz i'm a celtics fan. but you are right cleveland could win the next 3 and it wouldn't really surprise me that much. But it is the fact that everyone was so sure that this was the year for Kobe VS Lebron and there is a good possiblity that neither will be there. Though throught the playoffs I think LA has shown they are not gonna win if they go anyway. Denver has a legit shot against Cle. or Orl. but If LA makes it I can see them getting swept and if i had to choose between Kobe or Lebron i go with the lesser of two evils and would rather lebron win. |
...get's blamed for all the bad, why can people not own up to thier own actions? I mean there are alot of people who blame satan for the bad but don't credit God for the good, how does that work? People acknowledge the pentagram on my back which is covered by clothing 90% of the time but fail to realise the cross on my arm. Or how is certain types of music "devil music" I mean yeah Slayer doesn't preach the bible but damn I'm not satanic cuz i listen to them. Don't ask what spawned this thought i just needed to rant about something...Quit blaming the dark lord (not Voldemort) for your problems!!!! Disclaimer: Not talking bout anyone on here!!!!!!!! Well this old lady won't be praying for you or judging you, but I am curious why you have Satan on your back and a cross on your arm? You say you are not satanic because you listen to Slayer (who ever that is.. sorry old lady here, grin) but then why do you have Satan tattooed to your back. Is it a rebellion thing? Not being sarcastic, we all had our rebellious years. Just curious. I mean you had to know that sooner or later someone would react, not just old lady's either. ACtualyl a Satanic Pentagram is an upside down star in a circle, I've got the one associated with Wicca the standing star in a circle, and as for the cross we all have our own crosses to bear and it is my way of never forgeting that. |
Ok, what in the hell is up with premoters or whoever putting Slayer on stage before Manson? i like Manson but it is SLAYER Come on if not for bands like Slayer Manson wouldn't be here. I mean plus it is two different fan bases. My only guess is they put slayer on first so the slayer fans can leave thus not having them kick the crap out of the little manson fans. They sould take every other band off of the Mayhem Fest and just have 8 1/2 hours of Slayer!!!!
my bloody valentine anyone?
Old stuff was alright new stuff ain't bad just not them.
So Much For Clevland's King
It is wonderful to see the team that wasn't gonna get beat the team that would walk all over orlando(even though they had trouble with them in regular season) go down 3 games to 1 I'm looking forward to a nice Denver-Orlando final once again to prove Kobe will never win another one and "King James" won't see a ring as long as he is a Cavalier.Plus the mvp of the finals is gonna be the birdman!!!!!
Iced Earth-Burning Times
sweet so it is my turn closet master reveal yourself clenching the truth in your throat choking on an abundance of lies i've broken it down one more time i stand and observe the puppets preach if i could cut the knotted strings instead i have to grit my teeth no control... what might have i done put your mind in my hands i'll break it down another time leaving this hate aside tie me up and tie me down tell me a secret, i'll tell you a lie rise to your behalf of the blame stand-up to tell me what is right or wrong contradict this friendship we once had play the deceiver while you preach pleasure me... pleasure my head... wishing you dead backstabbing... to gain a higher standard mistrust... distrust... a higher ground... a higher you well f*** that... a channel of degradation through this misunderstood form of communication seduction of the mind... climbing walls like hordes of rats our plagued feelings of undying lust speak... lips sealed... stolen... secret... your eyes they lie... can't hold... it in... your mouth speaks f***... hope you... choke boiling point of my brain... driving my inner insane sink the quest... stolen identity worst time... last time surrounded br betrayal a plea for forgiveness ramblings of a mad idea intake the abuse tolerance... the system an excuse for this release lost time... explore the just cause a broken verse of points a key to lock the stride to be deceived again apologies unnacceptable... through discourse taping the mouth shut... during intercourse i lust your sweet distrust... crawling through your **** keeping your mouth shut you couldn't conceive it lost this game of yours it made you deceive me lies being spoken... untrue are you afraid to see me stand your ground... a loss standing in this room alone blank spaces on peoples faces question marks in my mind wished years of agony on myself heal... this... self-blame equal sides confused this... the thread that intertwines soul... the mind of selfishness lost... all these hungry mouths transmissions from tempest bite... the nonsense comes out my... rumors that one lives tongue... speak the godd*mn truth cinema of fury a promise of lies must be left to make good for yourself boiling point pressures inside... twisting my secrets into lies |
Hopefully Dreams Come True
I had a dream last night that my band hit it big(this would be my band that broke up) and i called Chad Ginsberg (cky guitarest) and begged him to let us open for them and we did and after my band played i just jumped into the crowed and watched cKy like all the other admiring fans...MAn that would be awesome to one day play with cKy
I've been here for a week
tis all bout the forums they are addicting (i know i left this site about a year ago and couldn't stay gone)
Close Yet Far
"Close Yet Far" Who said that I wasn't right? I've lived for years without a life Don't have a soul on my side Still ridiculed despite how hard that I have tried Don't take me under your wing I don't need a hand, don't need anything I've got a roof over my head As if I'd rather be alone with me instead Close yet far Drop me a line and tell me how the hell you are And I'll tip my hat to those who can't believe it's me Though I never never never ever wanted this to be I can hear the sounds of the city Sunrise and set are the same to me A hesitating pulse is good company And my reflection offers no apology But who said that I wasn't right? And I've lived for years without a life Don't have a soul on my side Still ridiculed despite how hard that I have tried Close yet far Drop me a line and tell me how the hell you are And I'll tip my hat to those who can't believe it's me Though I never never never ever wanted this to be Close yet far Drop me a line and tell me how the hell you are And I'll think of the days when there was something to believe Though I never never never ever wanted this to be |
Isn't it easier to believe something outside of you makes you be bad? lol yeah, but i've always been one to accept responsibility for my actions, ie I was in jail for 38 days and still could end up back there for up too 27 years but i don't say it is someone elses fault i did what i did i screwed up. |
You live in a brainwashed superstitious world my friend. Ignore them and enjoy life to the max! There are always some who don't mind what you listen to and what you believe in. The world is fortunately diverse that allows us to enjoy what we deem is good for ourselves. Just brush those who don't like your idealogies to the side is the best suggestion I can give you. ![]() Brainwashed? not so much. the correct term would get me in trouble on here if i used it. Personally i don't give a rats @$$ what anyone thinks bout what i listen to or how i act. One of the highlights of last year was when some old lady looked at me saw my tattoos and my Slayer God Hates Us All shirt and started praying for me asking God and a quote "To take the devil out of this confused young man and let your presence show itself in his life" I replyed simply by praying to satan to show her the error of her ways... Yeah you will always get religous followers that will react different to your clothing, tatoos, or what have you. They truly believe in this stuff so they will naturally react to you in this manner. I would just ignore them and go about your business. If anything you will find quiet a few people who like what you like on Mingle2. If anything have fun on here and don't worry about it ![]() oh yeah i know all bout this site i left right after it quit being JSH and decided to come back.... |
Toilet Cleaning...
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
You live in a brainwashed superstitious world my friend. Ignore them and enjoy life to the max! There are always some who don't mind what you listen to and what you believe in. The world is fortunately diverse that allows us to enjoy what we deem is good for ourselves. Just brush those who don't like your idealogies to the side is the best suggestion I can give you. ![]() Brainwashed? not so much. the correct term would get me in trouble on here if i used it. Personally i don't give a rats @$$ what anyone thinks bout what i listen to or how i act. One of the highlights of last year was when some old lady looked at me saw my tattoos and my Slayer God Hates Us All shirt and started praying for me asking God and a quote "To take the devil out of this confused young man and let your presence show itself in his life" I replyed simply by praying to satan to show her the error of her ways... |
ONE Question.....
Question to God... If Adam and Eve began the world and had two sons how did the world become populated? ![]() ![]() they had more than 2 kids that is in genesis... off the top of my head i know there was cane able and seth maybe some girls i don't remember... my question is close, to that though who the hell did cane marry cuz he was banished and then married someone where he went and had kids... i'm thinking chimpanzee maybe? |
From just looking at the pix...I thought it was a Lorena Bobbit instructional...oopsie! that right there just made me understand why i felt the need to return to this site... |
Your child is smoking pot
Call the cops on my own child and let them learn a lesson. as harsh as this may sound i truly agree with you on that one. granted i've never been in trouble for drugs with the cops but my mom has had me arrested twice and charges pressed on me one other time... Now, if the child was not living at my house and was an adult well make your own decisions... |
Do you live for Christ?
“The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians: who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable."
...get's blamed for all the bad, why can people not own up to thier own actions? I mean there are alot of people who blame satan for the bad but don't credit God for the good, how does that work? People acknowledge the pentagram on my back which is covered by clothing 90% of the time but fail to realise the cross on my arm.
Or how is certain types of music "devil music" I mean yeah Slayer doesn't preach the bible but damn I'm not satanic cuz i listen to them. Don't ask what spawned this thought i just needed to rant about something...Quit blaming the dark lord (not Voldemort) for your problems!!!! Disclaimer: Not talking bout anyone on here!!!!!!!! |