Community > Posts By > joncanuck

joncanuck's photo
Fri 07/31/09 12:23 PM
Edited by joncanuck on Fri 07/31/09 12:24 PM
You should add a couple more pictures. It's a good idea to include at least one that shows your upper body or full body and at least two or three that show your face clearly. Your profile is a bit sparse, so write more about yourself - your interests, your goals, hwo you spend your time, and what your looking for.

joncanuck's photo
Fri 07/31/09 12:19 PM

a bunch of ladies out there cant handle me talking to my ex on the phone regarding my kids, if she says something to me about something they did that was cute or funny and it makes me smile or laugh, I am accused of being in love with her still, it is crazy and madness, but I will not change or put my kids off for anyone.

Wow! I can truly identify with that... It has made me broaden my horizons a bit, though. I used to only think about women who were within a couple years of my age... I've thrown that out the window.

joncanuck's photo
Fri 07/31/09 12:16 PM

what if it were a situation where the man is in a differant province and has actually avoided any contact other than financial help, he chose a lifestyle and i told him i do not want to expose my kids to his lifestyle would that effect a mans opinion on a relationship with me if the father isnt involved at all...he has only see his son 2 times..

That's too bad that he's not involved in a more responsible matter. He's missing a lot, and so are the kids! You're not alone. I have 2 little kids and most of the women I meet run away when they find out that I am so committed to them (equal custody takes a lot of time, too), regardless of how old the woman is. And women under 30 tend to shy away completely as soon as they find out I am a single, involved dad, no matter how interested they were before that. I think being young is a large part of it - and you are young! I know when I was under 30 I wouldn't have wanted to get involved with a woman with kids. I just wasn't ready for that kind of responsibility.

I think any mature, responsible man wouldn't care about how involved the father was. The guy is interested in you and will take it for what it's worth. Hey, and I'd date you, if that's worth anything!

joncanuck's photo
Fri 07/31/09 11:12 AM

p.s. I've never met a _really_ smart person who was a poor speller in their native language.

lol,I could debate that one with you,wink,,,
I am to say the least a BAD speller and my grammer sucks as well,,but to say them I am NOT smart,,,would be a lie by ANY standard.

Actually, you're right on that. I thought about it again and realised that one of the smarter guys I know is a terrible speller! He has learned very well how to use resources and check his work. But if he's writing something by hand there is almost guaranteed to be at least one error. He is dyslexic, so that does make a difference. I guess bad spelling can happen with even the smartest people! This said, of course, has nothing to do with simply typing poorly and missing errors in checking it - anybody could do that. (i.e. Renissence... Renaissance). With an online profile it is always a good idea to go back a few hours or days later and have a fresh look to see if there are any such errors.

joncanuck's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:39 AM
It doesn't matter if you think you're smart; poor spelling and grammar give the opposite impression. When you're online, that is what matters! You don't have the opportunity, as you do in person, to prove otherwise except through the written word. If you're not sure of how a word is spelled (such as "Renaissance") then use an old fashioned dictionary (there are plenty online), since spell checkers are know to be poor at catching everything.

p.s. I've never met a _really_ smart person who was a poor speller in their native language.