Community > Posts By > SINGLE1958

SINGLE1958's photo
Wed 10/21/15 10:21 AM
I'm thinking peanut butter and mayo sandwich!

SINGLE1958's photo
Wed 10/21/15 08:06 AM
My eyes when they're not bloodshot, and that I make an awesome homemade spaghetti and meatballs from scratch!

SINGLE1958's photo
Wed 10/21/15 07:45 AM
Thank you pacific,
I will do that but as far as the beard goes, I will trim it but not shave it, seems I scare people when I do, lol!

SINGLE1958's photo
Tue 10/20/15 09:27 PM
Thank You Sitka!

SINGLE1958's photo
Tue 10/20/15 08:01 PM
If they made Cherry crush would anyone pop it!!?? (Do they make Cerry crush??)

SINGLE1958's photo
Tue 10/20/15 07:58 PM
My crush is such a secret I don't even know who she is!

SINGLE1958's photo
Tue 10/20/15 02:42 PM
Thank you,
I am not great with pictures, and I really don't know anyone here to take them, I know I don't smile I have been sad for a really long time, not trying to dump on you but my confidence is shot to hell.

SINGLE1958's photo
Tue 10/20/15 10:59 AM
Hey Wolfpackgirl82,
I am very down to earth but probably out of your age range.

SINGLE1958's photo
Tue 10/20/15 10:48 AM
Thank you will fix that.

SINGLE1958's photo
Tue 10/20/15 10:47 AM
I should have said I used to live in Kalamazoo, but yes I live in Nevada.
In Michigan I was what they call a troll because I live below the bridge, not a da yupper for those above the bridge.
I see you live in Mt. Pleasant, if I remember right there is a bar or something built into the side of a hill by the football stadium, have not been up that way in like 20 years.

SINGLE1958's photo
Mon 10/19/15 08:52 PM
I like Patterson, getting into the Michael Bennett series, having a hard time finding the new one.

SINGLE1958's photo
Mon 10/19/15 08:34 PM
Hi peoples, my first time in the room, brought my coffee, where's everybody from?? By the way I am feeling normal which scares the hell out of me!

SINGLE1958's photo
Mon 10/19/15 08:13 PM
TMommy, I redid my profile take a look and let me know, by the way I am from Kalamazoo.

SINGLE1958's photo
Mon 10/19/15 07:42 PM
Thank you TMommy,
I looked at it and realized I did not do those things, by the way not a couch potato, just don't like to go by myself.

SINGLE1958's photo
Mon 10/19/15 05:33 PM
Ok gonna try this again, can any women please rate my profile.
And please be brutally honest, like I'm ugly, boring, I can take it!


SINGLE1958's photo
Mon 10/19/15 04:05 PM
Hey Eric set my email filters and still get people from across the country

SINGLE1958's photo
Fri 10/16/15 05:39 PM
I was in a long distance relationship, we lived a hundred miles apart, had dated for 5 years, I went to take her out for dinner, and ask her to marry me, only to find out she had left the day before to marry her old high school track coach, so not a fan of it, but you never know!

SINGLE1958's photo
Fri 10/16/15 04:56 PM
I am looking for a crazy, fun, romantic woman that I don't have to travel hundreds of miles to see.

SINGLE1958's photo
Thu 10/15/15 09:05 PM
Are there women in Reno??
I am 57 and lonely!

SINGLE1958's photo
Thu 10/15/15 08:56 PM
Does age matter???

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