Community > Posts By > wing_man

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 10:03 AM
hows it going ? And howd u know my flavor of kool-aid bro

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 10:02 AM
So Wheres The Kool-Aid? Beep Beep.... Drinks Kool-Aid Sup Yall

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 10:00 AM
So Sittin Here Drinkin Muh Kool-Aid whats up yall

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 09:05 AM
i do enjoy advice so please keep giving out the advice lol huggs

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:53 AM
age dosent matter

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:45 AM
this is ok because i likes older wemons lol

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:44 AM
jumps into the pool and sits on the bottom and waits to be saved

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:41 AM
posted 2 more poems in the poem section lays close by the fire i feel as if im wasteing away and im not even 21 yet damn points to self scott is to old

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:36 AM
playing with this gun loaded and on the run
dout sticks inside my brain and feels all the
pain soaked by the cold hard rain...

deep thoughts fill my head like vikoden in
the pill bottle end is coming soon loose leaf
paper in the sun start to draw this is fun...

only drinking water i will out live my sadistic
father the lord looks at me and smiles in the
brease for we both are necked but i do not
yet know...

i draw a pretty picture mountains trees and
a house coluds and sky and rain washed away
sad memories...

mable, granite, and diamonds only one will last
forever hard, cold, white, cuts all things forever
gold, silver and bronze i look like the fonze...

walking in the shadow i write my name upon the
wall later which will fall crumbled is the world and
i lay on the sun washed shore...

silent is the grave for the man with not a name
wonder do i must if he should feel the pain wistper
in the wind he says there is no pain...

death will surely define us no matter what you do
it sneaks and it creaps and it plauges those who are

finally i come to say what is ever on my brain to
wonder at the lack of pain hollow do i feel is anything
else left real...

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:35 AM
filling full is never dull and being dull
is so profound then listening to the
screaming of the little kids he is
beating never gets him off when he
looks at the old tick clock my mind is
often far away but never really stays
the same sane one day not the next
im running with a knife and its really
so muych fun you should do it to when
not on the run brains leak out from my
nose and no one ever knows im tripping
balls on lsd while making love to the
shaggy tree

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:32 AM
nm sup

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:30 AM
ill just be less random

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:28 AM
i like to be a bad boy though im at the top of my game points to self built for endurance

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:21 AM
geee a guy goes through the effort of posting what im told not to about what i spilt on my boxers and no one wants to make a new running jokes dies a little bit inside from diapointment

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:18 AM
Edited by wing_man on Sat 05/30/09 07:25 AM
walks into center of room and passed out :D yay go me 40 days till 21

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:12 AM
tahnks i would like every one to send me mail on here bc i like reading the mail better lol

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:11 AM
thanks. glad to be here but when i write i post how i feel at the moment i never re write the same thing twice thats if i screw up the whole thing goes bye bye and i go a diff dierection ii dont wanna be cocky or a jerk but i feel as if i may be something close to a very small part of what mozart did. bc when i write its never corrected. its done the way it is bc thats the i felt. i can give a link to my poetry w eb site if you wanna read my other writes private message me for the link

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:07 AM
hides with chris in the closet at walmart shhhhh theyll never find us in here chris keep quiet and remember they are 25,000 colsest in walmart

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 06:56 AM
i did
im not sure i think i suck lol

wing_man's photo
Sat 05/30/09 06:55 AM
open your heart and let it breath
close your eyes and forget how to
see feel your way down and sit on
your knees open your mind and run
with the brease sitting alone hurts
and heals brakes your heart and sets
you free no where to hide nothing
to prove except to your self your no
longer a fool

open your heart and let me see the
scars that i made are starting to fade
close your eyes and listen to me say
i love you and hate you everyday in
black clothes i walk really slow singing
a lullaby that you only know kisses now
sting thats odd like a ring

open your heart and show to the world
the new person you are a shinin new
star close your mind to the world and
relax for a while your impatient i know
just be who you are and you will excell
very far breath in really slow and breath
out really slow look at that your starting

open you eyes and watch the clear skys
birds singing and cherping all spring long
close your ears so you cant hear the words
of the man in the mirror he taunts and he
teases always unpleased tries to bring you
down to fall on your knees

open the bottle and drink all the rum smile
real wide and look like a bum close your lighter
and start with the laughter what ticks and tocks
and runs on the wall a click a clock it looks like
a rock you seem very content with this new way
of living so open your eyes and its him that your

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