a honest open man
well i like being broad with what i look for because what. i really want i can not put into words. it's like i'll just know it when it happens. because love at first sight does not exsist. i belive it takes time to " love " any one so any one who is willing to take the time to love me for me is who id want. as far as sex only goes im bored more often than not so i post threads just to see where they go. im not like that in person i just really wantto talk and maybe i go the wrong way about it but who cares about what i say today 40 years from now
does spelling count?
i think god should take all these shallow spelling obsesed and make them suck at spelling to teach them a lesson i have more good qualities than spelling. im a good singer, cook, reader, im great with doing elctrical work, im a fairly desent writer, i am a artist in many feilds and specialty is cooking and just being me. so for all shallow people who reject those for not haveing the ability to use correct grammer all the time i hope you wake up and find out that its alot harder to spell your own name than it used to be....
a honest open man
im not a door mat i know how to treat a woman
a honest open man
no no no im prince charming... i dont argue very often when im with a girl i do my best to give her everyting she wants and more.
a honest open man
nah i no work tomarrow... so im takeing advantage of my free day to look around and see what i can possibly find if anyting ha ha
does spelling count?
cant a few typos just be cute once in a while if i see how its properly spelled once i try to spell it the right way
a honest open man
age dosent matter to me. but before you all start saying it does to you i respect that. and im ok with being to young but your only as old as you feel and i feel 21
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a honest open man
their are stilll a few up
does spelling count?
no because what i do i dont need a resume... i do electrical work and sure spelling counts when your filling out a bill to give some one to pay and all the words that make it on the bill are always spelled right. and when i order from a supply house all those are writen correctly as well. so no spelling for me wouldnt be needed on a resume
a honest open man
is any girl out there looking for a relaxed laid back kind of guy who enjoys all the simple things in life? who will be there for her throgh every thing no matter what and stand beside her till the finish? im only asking because im lookin for the same things in a girl.
does spelling count?
and i can spell most of the words in the stupid dictionary but once in a while i just dont think while im typeing and any woman who looks atjust a mans spelling is amazingly fooooooking shallow
does spelling count?
i dont see why if i miss spell a only a few words out of the english language that i should lose points in atractiveness... its just talking why does it really matter im smart. funny. charismatic. and open. and honest. and i do my best with what i was given.
does spelling count?
see this proves my point i have trouble with some words like prefur or etc... i spell he words how they sound and i have been told its cute sometimes but in my other thread about sex they are freaking hounding me lol
How old are you?
im 21 and at the top of my peek..
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does spelling count?
Lady's does it always matter if a guy cant always spell specific words theright way?
im awake tring to pimp myself out on here through threads lol
Come on In - part 52
Wow i missed i alot huggs the whole room you guys keep me inter tained
just chillin
hahaha a rimjob for ur bird nice lol but is that even possible? im not sure but any ways hows everything?
just chillin
no need for critisism lol so im new to posting threads.
just chillin
Mwhahahahahahaha yes a big convo hows every one doing tonight? i feel great freaking fantistic and im wondering how every ones monday night is going?