Community > Posts By > Marree

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Fri 07/24/09 03:52 AM
*Sigh* Me too. I really think that 'the one' really isn't out there. SEriously, what's the chance of meeting them in all these people? I wish I could give up, but it's still that lingering thought in the back of my head that keeps coming up everytime I'm bored or go out by myself.

We're in the same boat. I'm considering becoming a Nun. HAHA. Well, good luck to both of us...

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Fri 06/05/09 07:36 AM
Going over board with this one.


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Fri 06/05/09 07:31 AM
Cuddly Panda Bear

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Fri 06/05/09 07:22 AM
I am

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Fri 06/05/09 07:17 AM

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Wed 06/03/09 05:09 PM

I have a few female friends that stay in bad relationships & I can't for the life of me figure out why...makes no sense

I had the same problem. Although, before my friend got married to him, (they were married within 3 months of dating or less I think?) I told her at one point, to wait. I just didn't like the guy and I knew someone was up, but I tried to tell her to wait. He was controlling I could tell. Wouldn't let her call me or other people. She couldn't hang out like we used to. After they got married it didn't last but maybe two months. She's going through a divorce still as we speak. So, I wish that she would have listened to me in the first place to save her all that trouble.

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Wed 06/03/09 05:04 PM

hockey mask and a chainsaw

I tell you! Take that idea!!! It'll work!

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 05:02 PM

Be careful what you wish for kids, I had "him" and had to let him go for MY own good.

I swear I had met 'the one'. I still feel it to this day, but I let him go because it just didnt' feel right... especially after he proposed to me after dating for 4 DAYS... COME ON! WHO DOES THAT?

Anyways, I gave the ring back to him, told him that it was too early, and never heard from him again. So, I am half/half with myself. Part of me thinks he wasn't the one, and the other tells me I let him go.

BTW, two years after that, He just got married about a month ago...

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 04:56 PM

Well, I don't know your situation, if your into getting a used car or brand new from a car lot, but if I were you.. (And I was at one time) I learned from my sisters' mistake of buying a used car who had alot of trouble with it and kept having to repair it. I would go with a new car (like I did) and they last SOO much longer. As well as having manufactorers warranty and all that jazz. It saves on any maintence within the first three years. I even get free oil changes with my car as long as I keep the darn thing. LOL.

i would go new but i have a 5000 dollar budget and DEFINITELY dont want to finance anything. too young and too poor to commit to making a decade's worth of payments for a car that will depreciate exponentially before it is totally mine.

Well, all I had for my 'new' car was $200 and an old '92 chevy lumina with RED INTERIOR... ugliest thing in the world. Haha. I did pretty well though. I think that liked buying new and my payments are less than 250 a month. So, it's not that bad. ANd besides, I bought that at 20. I'm almost 24 now. So, I was younger than you are now!

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 02:40 PM

I really don't know what to do. I've not met anyone off here yet, or hardly talk to anyone worth keeping a conversation with and I havn't made any friends really so I'm not even sure why I am still on here even though it's bee less than two weeks or so, I don't remember. lol

Has anyone had sucess on this thing?

Stay in here and talk ... lots. You'll be fine. Worst case scenario, you make lots of friends who will put you up when you travel. Maybe you even make job contacts. You'll laugh a lot for sure. It's been fun for me thus far in myriad ways.

And, also, I've met people from here. It works. It's just not the MAIN reason to be here I think.

Well, I don't travel much, but hey... there's a reason to start! I've got on another site as well, but the 'fish' isn't biting there either. HAHA. This ocean is too big. These forums might be my next favorite place.

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 02:37 PM
I am as single as can be and hating it too. Everyone around me seems to have their (someone) and everything. Wedding plans and $#it and I'm tired of being alone. Can't find 'him' out there or on here. I think I'm screwed in this world. lol

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 02:30 PM
Well, I don't know your situation, if your into getting a used car or brand new from a car lot, but if I were you.. (And I was at one time) I learned from my sisters' mistake of buying a used car who had alot of trouble with it and kept having to repair it. I would go with a new car (like I did) and they last SOO much longer. As well as having manufactorers warranty and all that jazz. It saves on any maintence within the first three years. I even get free oil changes with my car as long as I keep the darn thing. LOL.

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 02:24 PM
I really don't know what to do. I've not met anyone off here yet, or hardly talk to anyone worth keeping a conversation with and I havn't made any friends really so I'm not even sure why I am still on here even though it's bee less than two weeks or so, I don't remember. lol

Has anyone had sucess on this thing?

no photo
Fri 05/22/09 08:02 PM
flowers Wasn't calling ya one dear, I just said they were nothing like the hooker heels.... ect.

lol. Those are cute, but I'd break my neck in em! laugh laugh

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Fri 05/22/09 07:42 PM
I give you a rate of a 9.5love and a date if you lived near me! SAdly you don't live near me, so I guess we're both still single. sad

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Fri 05/22/09 07:38 PM
Dude, those are nothing compared to the hooker heels someone wore to the nursing home today and lepard print non the less.

Those are cute! :D

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Fri 05/22/09 07:31 PM
Dang that's one heck ofa ride! lol. Awesome!

no photo
Fri 05/22/09 06:49 PM
Hey, just wantin to know if my profile is interested or not? Any advice or ideas' to add to it to spiff it up a bit?

no photo
Fri 05/22/09 06:28 PM
Welcome. I'm new to this place as well and i'm trying to figure out how this place works too.

Seems like this place has some more potential than

I agree with redhead, Get a picture that shows the REAL you, and not what you think people are interested in. I would like to see the personality of your face. Not your bod.