Community > Posts By > sumbeach063

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Wed 05/13/09 09:44 PM
Thanks ladies, I do know what you are saying, ANd hugs for that. But I had my hard drive mess up,and thats the only pic I have with me in it.... I'll find something else.....or I put nothing up....

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Wed 05/13/09 03:44 AM
Yes very true, but sometimes you can write a book, in few words, and it means alot. I'd rather get in here and start talking then wasting time talk about myself. Not that I am putting down the ones that spend the time saying whats on they're minds and in they're hearts. Good luck.

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Wed 05/13/09 03:39 AM
Time out, hey as a child I thought it was a vacation to another world.LOL Kind of like LOST IN SPACE....Or star track....

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Wed 05/13/09 03:34 AM
What like 2 yrs ago now I was on my way to meet a friend in Carry NC, and was just cruising down the road listing to a new CD, enjoying the music. Lost in the tunes. when I looked up and bam there he was. I said Oh snap, and pulled over. The motor cop, came to the window "said hey you going to a race?" I said why yes I am, the great american one. He Look at me and said well at the rate of speed you were traveling you'd win. OMG.....LOL.

I hadn't realized I was breaking the sound barrier, NOt really, but that would be so cool. Any way, I got the ticket, lowered of course . Not sure why.

Maybe cause I was looking good and smelled good too....And no I don't use the women power very often, and wasn't then. Got to Carry, and plenty of time, had a blast, and came home. And I feel this way if it's you time, it's you time, they read you before they see you. Can't hid the gun....LOL

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Wed 05/13/09 03:21 AM
well , if you ask the ones that know me for real, they'll say Id rather make you laugh then piss you off. But NOw I can do that too, but so would like to make you laugh. And thanks alot....Passing the hugs around....Better get them , cause I'm fading fast....LOL

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Wed 05/13/09 03:12 AM
Kind of like BR549, breaken rich....Well maybe not.....LOL

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Wed 05/13/09 03:09 AM
Not really but made you look. So many times as Ive looked across the web, you find places have become so boring, SO a few friends from another site said Hey, come check us out. So here me is.

Now I am a twist of alot of things, Please some times don't take me too serious. I have a great since of humor. And life is way to short to waste on making people angry.

Hugs sometimes brings more joy, then not being hug. Good rule of thumb. smooched

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Wed 05/13/09 03:00 AM
Well from what I gather, IMO. Having did nothing , sometimes brings something!!! Life brings many things when we least expected. RIGHT !!!

So just start every day as tho you don't care. And Then mean it, thats when something wonderful happens.

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Tue 05/12/09 05:32 PM
Yep, and the sad thing is its happens on all the sites, not this one, all of them......Oh well party on people.....

And hello.....bigsmile