Community > Posts By > ShaggyMotorMan

no photo
Sun 09/06/15 07:42 PM
Roughly two percent of unattached pregnant women rushed to the emergency room to give birth claim to be virgins.

What I think this shows is a misunderstanding of what the term 'virgin' means.


PS - Odd that once two thousand years ago everyone takes a virgin birth as gospel, yet today everyone laughs at the idea. As well they should have back then, too. S.

no photo
Sat 09/05/15 04:22 PM
There are a large number of things getting confused here, perhaps deliberately.

There is the law of the land, and the law of (some) God. They are not the same.

There is what is just and what is legal. They are not necessarily the same either.

In this particular case, the elected official swore an oath to uphold the law of the land. The law of her God, be it Amun, Ra, or Ba'al, is entirely irrelevant.


no photo
Wed 08/26/15 05:15 PM
When you try to put people in boxes, all you see are people in boxes. The labels "lib" or "Dem" or "gun-totin' truck-drivin' cousin-screwin' redneck" are all wrong.

The wrong is not equal, but they're all wrong.


no photo
Tue 08/25/15 10:12 PM

Funny how that since it's not a Repub, things are quite different....
Progs and libtards are masters at appealing to emotions and base nstincts....unless it's to lambast one of their own.

If you are going to throw about remarks like 'Progs' and 'libtards', you should not be surprised at all when you are lumped into a group of 'them'.

After all, that's just what you did to me.


That's what happens when you only have 17 posts to your account and you start attacking people.

So it's okay to attack people if you have 17,000 posts?

You Dem's are so stupid.

I guess volume makes up for quality.

no photo
Tue 08/25/15 05:14 AM
Repost and reply when you have something beyond cheap mockery and made-up accusations.

These may say more about you than about those you are commenting upon.


no photo
Mon 08/24/15 11:18 PM
If there isn't love, no amount of money will make it better.
If there isn't money, no amount of love will make it better.

If you've a happy balance, more power to ya.


no photo
Mon 08/24/15 11:05 PM
Chicken wings.

Buy the 'drumettes'. Defrost them first.

3 lbs. chicken wings
1 cup soy sauce
1/2 lb brown sugar

1 TBSP ginger (root) and/or 2 cloves minced garlic to taste

Mix up the sugar and sauce and seasonings and chicken and throw it all into the fridge together for 24 hours. This '3 hours marinade' is not enough at all.

Bake in marinade @ 350F for 20 minutes. Longer if they're big pieces of chicken. 25 or 30 is okay. 45 is right out.

Then broil for 5 minutes on a cookie sheet. Leave the door open a little while broiling. Turn, and broil for five minutes more. Make 'em crispy.

Serve hot if you can, but they're awesome cold too.


no photo
Mon 08/24/15 09:29 PM
Once more, the details.

It is not illegal to say that there are people who say they would kill the president. Stating facts is not liable.

Stating that you are one, that's different.

But merely pointing out that there are people who do think so is not a crime at all.

Much though you might want it to be.


no photo
Mon 08/24/15 09:22 PM
Road Island?

And videos can be cheerily edited to say anything. Look at the smear on Planned Parenthood (Oh, but you believe they showed only the facts, huh?).

Ayup. Have a nice day. The plural of anecdote is not data.


no photo
Mon 08/24/15 09:18 PM

They do have Jim Webb who if they actually think about it could be a real problem for a Republican candidate. The guy is a heavily decorated war hero,

They tried that with John Kerry. A Purple Heart vs. a guy who went AWOL from possibly the best National Guard job anywhere, and look who won.


no photo
Tue 08/18/15 07:04 PM
Edited by ShaggyMotorMan on Tue 08/18/15 07:05 PM
It seems to me from your username that you are European.

Are you? Have you made a particular study of American freedoms?

Just curious,


PS - No. Your right to swing your fist does not end at my nose, it ends where there is a reasonable probability that it will end in my nose. Your right to have your children wandering around as potential disease carriers ends before they interact with my children. S.

ed: deleted typo S.

no photo
Tue 08/18/15 06:54 PM

Funny how that since it's not a Repub, things are quite different....
Progs and libtards are masters at appealing to emotions and base nstincts....unless it's to lambast one of their own.

If you are going to throw about remarks like 'Progs' and 'libtards', you should not be surprised at all when you are lumped into a group of 'them'.

After all, that's just what you did to me.


no photo
Thu 08/13/15 09:02 PM
Unfortunately, MsHarmony, little details like the facts are not interesting nor absorbed by demagogues. Particularly uncomfortable facts.

Appealing to emotions and base instincts? They are good at that.


no photo
Thu 08/13/15 08:53 PM

It's a matter of public health.

Do you also believe that parents should be able to dictate the speed limit on every public road their children might drive upon?

There are limits to personal freedom when they impact others.

Furthermore, the 'risks' of the vaccine are drastically overblown, while the risks of not getting the vaccine are entirely overlooked.

Science, *******. It works.


Parents do NOT DICTATE.... They RAISE their OWN children, by the standards they see fit & believe in ,& are against. Like....
Vaccines, Sexually, Religion, Education, Morality & Traditions.

It is THE STATE/ Government/ Global Elite that want to DICTATE.

No one, should f@ck with the family.

Indeed. In the privacy of your own home you may do whatever you like. However, if you would like to interact with the rest of society, then you must take steps on your own to be a useful and helpful and not dangerous member thereof.


spock The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Basically National Socialism and Marxism are the same thing

Adolf Hitler

And thank you for Godwinning the whole argument.


no photo
Wed 08/12/15 10:53 PM
I have read your post on the other thread, and I add my remarks below:

1. True. So what? Isn't being protected from some better than being protected from none?
2. If you were incarcerated in a nunnery at the age of 5 until you die, then yes, you probably will not contract any sexually transmitted disease. However, in pretty much everyone's life, sex will happen at some point or other. Recall your grandparents had sex, at least once.
3. Again, so what? Many go away, so no harm is done. Some don't - And some can be prevented by the vaccine.
4. Again, so prevent those you can, and deal with those you can't. A little prevention is better than none, even if perfection isn't there.

2. Yup. Mostly by vaccination.
The rest are reasonable observations but do not bear at all upon the benefits or risks of vaccination, besides pointing out "Getting this disease is no fun. Anything you can do to minimize the risk thereof is a good idea."

1. Nope, nobody ever claimed it did.
2. Nope, nobody ever claimed it did. Still a little is better than none.
3. See above.
4. Yep. Prevention is better than getting the disease in the first place.

1. See the remark above about being locked in a nunnery. People have sex. It's what they do. Your parents did, your children will if they have not already.
2. Nothing wrong with multiple tests and multiple prevention activities. One flosses as well as brushing one's teeth.
3. Nothing's perfect. Some studies show some things, some studies show others. Unless you cite exactly which study you're talking about, I have no idea if you're talking about some Scientology scam study or a well-peer-reviewed and published in a reputable journal (and not later retracted) pile of horsepucky. I can make a study that "proves" the Earth is flat.
4. Yep. Nothing's perfect. But the adverse affects of NOT getting the vaccine are statistically far more likely that adverse effects of getting it.
5. Once again, wouldn't it be better to just not get it in the first place?


no photo
Wed 08/12/15 08:08 PM
It's a matter of public health.

Do you also believe that parents should be able to dictate the speed limit on every public road their children might drive upon?

There are limits to personal freedom when they impact others.

Furthermore, the 'risks' of the vaccine are drastically overblown, while the risks of not getting the vaccine are entirely overlooked.

Science, *******. It works.


no photo
Wed 08/12/15 08:01 PM
Unfortunately for some of your positions, I happen to live in the USA, as does Senator Bernie Sanders, where we have a little thing called 'Freedom of Speech'. It's the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.

Those of you in other countries may or may not have your own rights in that regard.

But once again, thinking about something is not the same as doing something. Saying something is not the same as doing it.

Mentioning that there are prisons for people who think something, or who say something (in the USA), is tantamount to admitting you should be yourself imprisoned for thinking that other people should be wrongfully jailed (a highly heinous crime in itself).

I am old, white, and depraved. But just because I wrote that doesn't make me a criminal. Those who would say there are prisons for people like me have thought and said crimes of their own. And they too are not criminals.

Unless they act upon it.


no photo
Wed 08/12/15 03:29 PM

I thought that's what will power was, the wall between a thought/feeling and an action

and if fantasizing is so close to action, isn't speech even closer....?

slippery slope,,,,,,

That being exactly the point. The difference between an honest person and a criminal is their actions, not their thoughts.

When you keep in mind that throwing someone into prison for merely thinking about something is a crime in and of itself, I ask those who have never thought of committing a crime to stand up, lest they too be jailed under the same reasoning.

Reasoning may be the wrong word.


no photo
Mon 08/10/15 11:08 PM

You really want to go see someone who thinks a woman fantasizes about being gang raped and men fantasize about beating women?!?!?! sick

I believe that there are those who do. That this one is one I'd like some more proof than 'Fox News said so' or a miserably taken out of context quotation.

Furthermore, fantasies are not actions. It is those who act upon them who deserve condemnation.


no photo
Sat 08/08/15 01:38 PM
Hi all,

Anyone want to accompany me to the Bernie Sanders Rally?

Monday Aug. 10th night, 7pm

Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena
3939 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90037

I was thinking of using public transportation, but the trains out to where I am quit running at 7:30, so I'd be left standing there with a cardboard sign and my thumb out afterwards.

A carpool would be fun too - I do have a car, I was just going to leave her at the train station. With friends I could drive us all down there.

Yeah, short notice. But hey. You should RSVP before you show up at . (https, too. Encrypted.)

Have fun,
