How is an Opal formed
You seem to like rocks and minerals, are you a prospector at heart? lol, possibly. I am always wondering how things are made or why something works I ask questions on a lot of subjects. Would I go out looking for rocks and minerals? Maybe once just to see what I could find. There's gold in them thar hills! Might have to go out more than once to find the motherlode. I have been looking for years. How long have you been looking for gold ? |
Why Cold Air Smells Different Jan 14, 2014 09:10 AM ET // by Emily Sohn Pine needles. Wood smoke. Snow. These are the smells of winter, and for people who live with distinct seasons, wintry weather brings its own set of olfactory experiences. But why does the cold of winter smell different from the heat of summer? One reason is that odor molecules move much more slowly as the air temperature drops, said Pamela Dalton, an olfactory scientist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. That means that there are simply fewer smells to smell on a cold, crisp day than there are on a hot and humid one. The Smell of Attraction There's a reason you're attracted to certain scents and it has to do with your own natural smell. It's the same reason why hot soup smells more than cold soup does and why the garbage truck leaves behind the strongest odors on steamy summer days. What's more, our noses don't work quite as well when the ambient air is cold, Dalton said. In experiments that require biopsies of olfactory receptors that lie deep inside the nose, researchers at Monell have discovered that the receptors "bury themselves a little more deeply in the nose in winter," she said, possibly as a protective response against cold, dry air. "We're not as sensitive to odors in winter," she added. "And odors aren't as available to be smelled." Cold air also stimulates the irritant-sensitive trigeminal nerve, said Alan Hirsch, a neurologist and psychiatrist in Chicago. The trigeminal nerve is what makes you cry when you chop an onion and delivers a hit of spiciness when you inhale a whiff of strong mint. Fossils Give Clue to Smell of Ancient Earth When odors stimulate both the trigeminal nerve and the olfactory nerve, the experience of smell becomes more intense. There is a strong psychological component to our sense of smell, Hirsch added, and what we expect to smell has a big influence on what we actually smell. In "The Invalid's Story" by Mark Twain, for example, a man is stuck on a train next to what he thinks is a rotting corpse but is actually a box of stinky cheese. So overwhelmed by the smell, he spends too long seeking fresh air on the freezing platform and develops a fever that ends up killing him. "What you think a smell will be impacts whether you like it and what you perceive it to be," Hirsch said. "So, if you go outside in the winter and you are used to smelling snow or chestnuts in the fire or whatever you happen to smell outside, that's what you will interpret smells to be." Of course, the smells that are available to be smelled differ as the seasons change. Summer brings flowers and dirt and barbeque smoke. In the most wintery of places, there isn’t much outside on cold days except snow, blustery wind and cars warming up. To cope with the smell deprivation of winter, many people compensate by burning more scented candles, cooking more aromatic stews and baking more cookies. That creates a greater contrast between the indoor and outdoor environments. "You probably have an uptick of indoor scents in the winter," Dalton said. "Homes are closed up, windows are closed. We concentrate the smells of cooking and living." |
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Fri 10/09/15 07:05 AM
This is one of a number of areas of concern, which is challenging to deal with, precisely because of HOW such concerns are too commonly recognized, analyzed, and addressed. It's the Official Formulaic Grand Procedural Response System which really mucks these things up for us. The O.F.G.P.R.S. consists of the following: 1. Someone of some consequence, with access to a significant Mass Media forum, notices a problem of some sort exists. 2. Because they believe that only Official Problems ever WILL be addressed, they look for a name for it which includes "syndrome" or "disorder" or even "epidemic" as a part of it. 3. At this point, it immediately becomes next to impossible to get anything done about them, because as soon as any concern is escalated to the status of New Grand Epidemic, it becomes a political target for those who are sure that all Official Problems are just made up stuff. 4. At the same time, Pharmaceutical companies and Medical People On the Make after new profit mines, leap to reinforce the idea of it being both a dangerous epidemic, and a calmly recognized Medical Condition which they can (expensively) address by way of regular (expensive) treatments. As usual, the people who benefit the very least from all this maneuvering, are the people actually suffering with the problem. And tragically, because the political debates about it take the forefront, the needed investigation into what is ACTUALLY going on is impeded almost completely. Alternate or associated concerns can be entirely overlooked. I myself suffer from anxiety issues. Sometimes very greatly. I have found that in me, at least, there is both a biological component, and a psychological one, but that there is ALSO a very real existential one (so to speak). I almost called it a Personal Historical component, because the anxiety has deep and real roots in my past. This all means that each component of the concern has to be dealt with, or the 'treatment' will be unsuccessful. If I am anxious because my life situations have had the result that the same behaviors in others which comfort some, cause me to suffer fear or anger or something else unpleasant, then relaxation medicines will simply make me drowsily angry, and perhaps even more paranoid, as I have to add an inability to focus properly on the danger, to my list of concerns. If I am jumpy because I am suffering a bad reaction to some food preservative or coloring or other additive, then no amount of therapy will help, and some medications might make it worse, or disguise it enough that I begin to make poor decisions while under treatment. And if my concern has erupted for real reasons, but an "expert" steps in to declare that it's just a matter of my learning to "organize" my life better, or giving me some other sort of "you're just not trying hard enough, you wanker" message, then I will get worse, and no one else will be helped either. Very tricky. I agree that some things such as for example ADD , ADHD , now OCD always Autism going back to depression and anxiety can be over done . Also I am sure are miss diagnosed example Central Auditory Processing Disorder can seem like ADD or Autism . Migraines can be seen as someone being over anxious when really they are worried when the next migraine will come and what may set them off my youngest is like that. Medication I have been on after having my oldest for after birth depression I agree is not fun, However it did help. Also I went to support groups as well. True some people are more prone to anxiety or depression more then others. This I think creates more strength in that person they are more self aware and hopeful know when and have the access to support care. My self I take walks usually in a wood setting find someone to talk to or just read in a quiet room. What ever works for that person to help them relax and think why they are have anxious feelings. |
Anxiety does seem more common I think there is a lot more pressure on kids now. Pressures to compete in schools, activities, social life, clothing so on then there is entering the workforce is another story altogether.
Medication is not always the answer learning to organize, self actualize realize own strengths , coping skills , self confidence and unwinding are good skills. Empathy , understanding and helping others would help as well . |
Have you seen a ghost?
What Is Sleep Paralysis? Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but unable to move. It occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep. During these transitions, you may be unable to move or speak for a few seconds up to a few minutes. Some people may also feel pressure or a sense of choking. Sleep paralysis may accompany other sleep disorders such as narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is an overpowering need to sleep caused by a problem with the brain's ability to regulate sleep. When Does Sleep Paralysis Usually Occur? Sleep paralysis usually occurs at one of two times. If it occurs while you are falling asleep, it's called hypnagogic or predormital sleep paralysis. If it happens as you are waking up, it's called hypnopompic or postdormital sleep paralysis. What Happens With Hypnagogic Sleep Paralysis? As you fall asleep, your body slowly relaxes. Usually you become less aware, so you do not notice the change. However, if you remain or become aware while falling asleep, you may notice that you cannot move or speak. What Happens With Hypnopompic Sleep Paralysis? During sleep, your body alternates between REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep. One cycle of REM and NREM sleep lasts about 90 minutes. NREM sleep occurs first and takes up to 75% of your overall sleep time. During NREM sleep, your body relaxes and restores itself. At the end of NREM, your sleep shifts to REM. Your eyes move quickly and dreams occur, but the rest of your body remains very relaxed. Your muscles are "turned off" during REM sleep. If you become aware before the REM cycle has finished, you may notice that you cannot move or speak. 12 |
How is an Opal formed
Interesting Posts! ![]() There is a lot of info on rocks and minerals . A few books are worth the read as well. |
How is an Opal formed
You seem to like rocks and minerals, are you a prospector at heart? lol, possibly. I am always wondering how things are made or why something works I ask questions on a lot of subjects. Would I go out looking for rocks and minerals? Maybe once just to see what I could find. |
Turkens Chicken Breed Page support By: support Posted 1/12/12 • Last updated 1/12/12 • 24,961 views • 0 comments Turkens Turkens or Transylvanian Naked Necks are a love or hate breed. There seems no middle ground for these strange chickens, people either love them or despise them. There are two types of Turkens, one recognized by the Standard of Perfection as a single comb chicken that lays brown colored eggs. There is also a breed with naked necks in Australia locally known as "Turkens". Those birds have pea combs and lay blue or green eggs. It's mostly likely turkens originated in Hungary or Transylvania. Turkens were given their names because of their featherless necks. Their looks are so odd people believed that they were some kind of turkey/chicken mix. This isn't true as it's not possible for a turkey and chicken to have viable offspring. The gene for the necked neck is dominant and will cause any first generation chickens with a different breed to have a naked neck. Two chickens that have Turken blood in them with full neck feathers will produce naked neck chicks. The Standard of Perfection recognizes Buff, Red, and White for the large Turkens in the Miscellaneous or Continental Class. But like most breeds different colors and patterns exist like black or barred feather patterns. Turkens are a dual-purpose bird. Turkens lay between 120 and 180 medium/large brown-shelled eggs a year with very good food conversion. They don't generally weigh more than 8 pounds but some places use them as a meat bird. Turkens can get broody and tend to make good mothers. Turkens are with both single combs and rose combs although the Standard of Perfection only recognizes the single combs. Combs get to a medium size while wattles and earlobes tend to be small. Their earlobe color seems to vary from a little white to red. I believe they are supposed to be red in color. They are cleaned legged, without beards or crests and have four toes. There are standard and bantam types of Turkens. Turkens are active, hardy, mild-mannered birds. They are great foragers that would make very good free-range chickens and they deal with confinement well. They are resistant to disease. Turkens do well in hot and (surprisingly) cold weathers due to the lightness of their feathers. If you can get over their looks I'd say they would make good pets. |
Can ducks and turkeys be kept with chickens? Kim Willis In the typical old picture of the barnyard a variety of animals peacefully share the space. And if ducks, chickens and turkeys have a lot of space and plenty of food, uneventful mingling will usually occur. But there are some drawbacks in allowing ducks, chickens and turkeys to mingle and things to know before you try it. Ducks are very messy creatures and need to be able to “play” in their water. In a brooder ( warm place to confine baby poultry), baby ducklings will tend to huddle around the water container. They eat and immediately drink, getting food into the water and getting water all over the bedding. If baby chicks are in the brooder with them, they often are exposed to wet litter and more humid conditions than they need for healthy growth. Baby ducklings should not have water dishes that they can get into or swimming water until they have feathers. In the wild the oil from moms feathers keeps them dry and floating, even when they are downy little balls. Without mom they get cold and wet when they play in water. Baby chicks should not get wet and if they are with ducklings who can get inside water dishes they will too and may drown. Baby chicks are often more aggressive than ducklings and may pick on ducklings, pecking them until they are bloody. Even if the floor doesn’t get too wet and the mixed residents are getting along baby ducklings need a higher protein food than chicks that will be layers or pets. Ducklings need a game bird or meat bird starter feed, generally 22-24 % protein while most chicks require about 16- 18 % protein. Meat chickens and ducklings could share the high protein feed. Ducklings should not get medicated chick feed either, they will get diarrhea and be harmed instead of helped from it. Once grown, ducks and chickens do get along in a free range situation. Occasionally male ducks will be sexually aggressive toward chickens. And nesting ducks may chase chickens away from the nest area but usually little harm is done by that. Ducks will keep any drinking water muddy, even if a pond or other source of water is available. If confined however, there are additional problems keeping ducks and chickens together. Once again ducks tend to keep the pen or floor of shelters wet and messy. The drinking water will be dirtied. Ducks really need a place to bathe in above freezing weather and the “tub” area will get very wet. In close quarters there are more likely to be problems with fighting between ducks and chickens. In some cases ducks will be the aggressors, in others roosters or even some hens will pick on the ducks. And ducks need higher protein feed than chickens. Turkeys and ducks have much the same problems and concerns, although they do need the same type of feed. Turkeys seem to suffer even more than chickens from wet conditions. It’s really not a good idea to raise them together in a brooder or keep ducks and turkeys in close confinement together. Once again in a barnyard, free range situation there should be little problem keeping ducks and turkeys together and these two species rarely fight. Mixing turkeys and chickens creates other problems. Turkey poults, ( babies) and baby chicks need the same kind of brooder conditions. However turkey poults need a high protein feed to grow properly and avoid crippling leg problems. Meat chickens could share that feed but chickens that will be layers or pets should not. Unfortunately chickens can carry a disease called Blackhead that does not affect them too much, but is deadly to turkeys. That is one reason experts don’t recommend mixing the birds, even though Blackhead is not a common disease anymore. If you are just raising some meat chickens and turkeys to butchering size keeping them together probably won’t be a problem if there is plenty of space. Breeding turkeys can get aggressive with chickens and adult turkeys are known to eat the eggs of chicken hens. The hens will copy their behavior and soon you will not be getting eggs. The presence of large turkeys in close confinement with chickens seems to stress some hens, even though little fighting is seen. In a free range situation turkeys and chickens will get along well, although you still have to worry about Blackhead disease. Turkeys and chickens will kill each others chicks if you are allowing natural breeding and hatching to occur in mixed flocks. Of course chicken hens will eat other hen’s chicks too. In confined housing turkeys tend to dominate roosts, nest boxes and feeding stations. This can be worked around if there are sufficient roosts, nest boxes and feeders but care must be taken so that no birds are being left out or becoming too stressed. The bottom line is that in a pet situation where the birds roam freely in a large area mixing chickens, ducks and turkeys generally works out ok. You’ll want to make sure all the birds are getting enough feed and that any really aggressive birds are removed from the flock. In confinement, in pens and shelters, it would be best to separate species, especially if you want to breed or show your birds. In brooders ducklings should be separated from chickens and turkeys and it would be best to raise only meat type chicks with turkey poults. If you are raising rare and expensive turkeys you need to go the extra step and separate them entirely from chickens. In fact they should not be in pens or areas where chickens have been kept in the last year. This is to prevent Blackhead disease. One more thing to mention. Chickens and turkeys do not mate freely and produce offspring. (Artificial mating and a few rare natural mating birds have produced odd, sterile offspring). The chickens with naked necks called Turkens are just a breed of chickens selected from a mutation that left a chicken without neck feathers. And while ducks may breed chicken hens from time to time, no offspring will occur. |
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Thu 10/08/15 05:28 AM
really????? They have wheelchairs for dogs and cats too. |
USA Spider Identification Chart |
Paralysed rabbit walks again with bunny wheelchair Bertha the bunny was given a new lease of life after her devoted owner built her a wheelchair to help her recover from a hip injury By Dillon Leet 11:59AM BST 18 Aug 2015 A disabled rabbit has been given the chance to walk again after its loving owner built it a bunny wheelchair. Bertha the bunny was left paralysed after her hips collapsed in May. Vets told Melanie James, her owner, that the kindest thing would be to put her down. Instead, Mrs James made her bunny a custom wheelchair to give the pet a new lease on life. "It's actually a puppy wheelchair that's been adapted to fit her", Mrs James said. “It took her two days to take to it but it's given her so much independence. "She's always been very dominant and if she didn't want to do something she wouldn't. "She sits in it maybe for a couple of hours and then she has a rest." The device hooks onto the bunny’s back and allows her to roam freely around her home at the Ani-Mel charity in Bank Mill, Cumbria. Her devoted owner also gives Bertha daily baths, physiotherapy, antibiotic injections and plenty of movement to aid her recovery, with the hope that soon Bertha may be able to walk again soon. Mrs James is thrilled with the giant rabbit’s progress. “You still get the odd person saying she'd be better off put down”, she told reporters. "My answer to that is that wherever there is still life, everything deserves a chance.” |
Movies I would pay to see
Might see Everest and my youngest would love Hotel Transylvania 2 3D.
How is an Opal formed
What is a Fluorescent Mineral? All minerals have the ability to reflect light. That is what makes them visible to the human eye. Some minerals have an interesting physical property known as "fluorescence". These minerals have the ability to temporarily absorb a small amount of light and an instant later release a small amount of light of a different wavelength. This change in wavelength causes a temporary color change of the mineral in the eye of a human observer. The color change of fluorescent minerals is most spectacular when they are illuminated in darkness by ultraviolet light (which is not visible to humans) and they release visible light. The photograph above is an example of this phenomenon. Fluorescence in More Detail Fluorescence in minerals occurs when a specimen is illuminated with specific wavelengths of light. Ultraviolet (UV) light, x-rays and cathode rays are the typical types of light that trigger fluorescence. These types of light have the ability to excite susceptible electrons within the atomic structure of the mineral. These excited electrons temporarily jump up to a higher orbital within the mineral's atomic structure. When those electrons fall back down to their original orbital a small amount of energy is released in the form of light. This release of light is known as fluorescence. [1] The wavelength of light released from a fluorescent mineral is often distinctly different from the wavelength of the incident light. This produces a visible change in the color of the mineral. This "glow" continues as long as the mineral is illuminated with light of the proper wavelength. the fluorescence phenomenon Diagram that shows how photons and electrons interact to produce the fluorescence phenomenon. How Many Minerals Fluoresce in UV Light? Most minerals do not have a noticeable fluorescence. Only about 15% of minerals have a fluorescence that is visible to people and some specimens of those minerals will not fluoresce. [2] Fluorescence usually occurs when specific impurities known as "activators" are present within the mineral. These activators are typically cations of metals such as: tungsten, molybdenum, lead, boron, titanium, manganese, uranium and chromium. Rare earth elements such as europium, terbium, dysprosium, and yttrium are also known to contribute to the fluorescence phenomenon. Fluorescence can also be caused by crystal structural defects or organic impurities. In addition to "activator" impurities, some impurities have a dampening effect on fluorescence. If iron or copper are present as impurities they can reduce or eliminate fluorescence. Furthermore, if the activator mineral is present in large amounts, that can reduce the fluorescence effect. Most minerals fluoresce a single color. Other minerals have multiple colors of fluorescence. Calcite has been known to fluoresce red, blue, white, pink, green and orange. Some minerals are known to exhibit multiple colors of fluorescence in a single specimen. These can be banded minerals that exhibit several stages of growth from parent solutions with changing compositions. Many minerals fluoresce one color under short-wave UV light and another color under long-wave UV light. Fluorite: The Original "Fluorescent Mineral" One of the first people to observe fluorescence in minerals was George Gabriel Stokes in 1852. He noted the ability of fluorite to produce a blue glow when illuminated with invisible light "beyond the violet end of the spectrum". He called this phenomenon "fluorescence" after the mineral fluorite. The name has gained wide acceptance in mineralogy, gemology, biology, optics, commercial lighting and many other fields. Many specimens of fluorite have a strong enough fluorescence that the observer can take them outside, hold them in sunlight then move them into shade and see a color change. Only a few minerals have this level of fluorescence. Fluorite typically glows a blue-violet color under short-wave and long-wave light. Some specimens are known to glow a cream or white color. Many specimens do not fluoresce. Fluorescence in fluorite is thought to be caused by the presence of yttrium, europium, samarium [3] or organic material as activators. |
How is an Opal formed
Thanks for that interesting article. It is written in language that is easy to understand. Your welcome. I like Opals and in discovering how they are formed make them even more interesting. Here is a list of minerals as well Andalusite Anhydrite Apatite Arsenopyrite Augite Azurite Barite Bauxite Benitoite Beryl Biotite Bornite Calcite Cassiterite Chalcocite Chalcopyrite Chlorite Chromite Chrysoberyl Cinnabar Clinozoisite Copper Cordierite Corundum Cuprite Diamond Diopside Dolomite Enstatite Epidote Fluorite Fuchsite Galena Garnet Glauconite Gold Graphite Gypsum Halite Hematite Hornblende Ilmenite Jadeite Kyanite Limonite Magnesite Magnetite Malachite Marcasite Molybdenite Monazite Muscovite Nepheline Nephrite Olivine Orthoclase Plagioclase Prehnite Pyrite Pyrophyllite Pyrrhotite Quartz Rhodochrosite Rhodonite Rutile Scapolite Serpentine Siderite Sillimanite Silver Sodalite Sphalerite Spinel Spodumene Staurolite Sulfur Sylvite Talc Titanite Topaz Tourmaline Turquoise Uraninite Witherite Wollastonite Zircon Zoisite |
How is an Opal formed
How is an Opal formed
by Steve Smith writer Most of the gemstones that are found are treated artificially either by heating them at a certain temperature or by adding some kind of chemicals in them. But Opal is the only gemstone which does not undergo any type of artificial treatment. After reading this article, you will have a very clear idea about the exact process on how an opal is formed Opal, the natural gemstone forms in a very interesting way. It is formed from a combination of silicon dioxide and water. The stone is truly natural and is formed in a very beautiful manner. When water runs down through the earth, it collects all the silica present in the sandstone. This solution is formed by natural decomposition. When the water finally evaporates under extreme conditions of heat, then it forms small oval structures which take the shape of an opal when they are hardened. The silica rich solution which is formed in the volcanic rocks creates cracks and voids by the weathering process. Many fossils releases molds that acts as a secondary mineral in the formation of this gemstone. Miners call it by the name of potch and the mineralogist terms it as Common Opal. During the initial formation, the gemstone is in its unnatural state and therefore many pores are formed in it. Opaline Silica fills all those pores, thereby accumulating all the grains. Variation inside an opal depends upon a number of factors. Climate plays an important role in the formation in the variation. Wet climate helps to maintain the amount of silica inside the stone where as a dry climate significantly reduces the water content inside the stone thereby making it harder. Moreover, regions where volcanic eruptions take place also a material known as the white kaolin is formed and thereby it helps to produce an Australian Opal. Many scientists as well as mineralogist are still researching in order to find out the exact way by which an opal is formed. They are constantly trying to figure out the chemical conditions or the acidic reactions that are responsible for the creation of an opal. Opals mainly have their origin from the Great Australian Basin. Three other places that are Lightning Ridge in New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland boulder where black white and matrix opals are found respectively. Another important member in the family of Opal is the Boulder Opal. Even this gemstone is formed naturally. But the appearance of such kind of opals is quite different. These stones are generally elongated in shape. They are mainly formed by the accumulation of sandstones. Though, some minute cracks might develop in this opal but it does not affect the appearance of the stone in any way. Boulder opals are cut into fine precision by the gem cutters to give them the desired shape. Matrix and Pipe are the two important opals that are yet other members of the opal family. Matrix Opal is very rare in existence and they are mainly formed by iron stone. Pipe Opal on the other hand is like a pipe structure that is usually longer in shape. Hence, Opal Beads are one of the most natural gemstones that are found on earth. |
Handcuffed man jumps out window to avoid capture, falls 40 feet to death: Official THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wednesday, October 7, 2015 9:23:06 EDT AM ATLANTA -- A handcuffed man seeking to avoid arrest died after crashing head-first through the third-floor window glass of a downtown Atlanta office building and falling 40 feet to the ground, authorities said Tuesday. The man reported Tuesday to a pretrial services program of Atlanta's Fulton County Superior Court when authorities determined he had a gun nearby and they were preparing to arrest him, court spokeswoman Tiffany Russell said. Fulton County Sheriff's spokeswoman Tracy Flanagan said the man jumped from the window after he had been handcuffed and seated. He later died of his injuries at a hospital. A hole could be seen in window glass where he exited the building. Investigator Clint Harbin at the Fulton County Medical Examiner's office identified the man as 22-year-old Tyquan Richardson. Flanagan said the gun was found concealed in paperwork with the man's name on it outside a security checkpoint. Authorities did not immediately disclose any information as to why the gun was in the paperwork. Flanagan said Richardson had told deputies after the gun was discovered that he didn't want to go back to jail. Richardson later ran headfirst toward the window and fell 40 feet, according to the sheriff's spokeswoman. Richardson had been arrested on drug charges and was released Friday, according to Fulton County jail records. Richardson had also been arrested in 2013 on aggravated assault and battery charges, those records also showed. The leap occurred at the Atlanta offices of a pretrial services program that gathers information on people who face criminal charges, those booked into jail and others. It also monitors defendants out on bond while awaiting trial, its website shows. |
The FAA Issued a $1.9 Million Fine to a Company for Illegal Drone Flights Jamie Condliffe Filed to: drones 10/07/15 6:30am The FAA Issued a $1.9 Million Fine to a Company for Illegal Drone Flights The Federal Aviation Authority comes down on hard on illegal drone flights — and now it’s issued its biggest ever fine for the offence, demanding $1.9 million from the aerial photography company SkyPan International. The FAA claims the the company performed a total of 65 unauthorized commercial drone flights over New York City and Chicago between March 21st 2012 and December 15th 2014. In each case, the FAA alleges that the aircraft that were used lacked the airworthiness certificate and effective registration required for commercial flight. Of the 65 flights, 43 apparently strayed into New York Class B airspace too, without receiving the air traffic control clearance that’s typically needed for such activity. The FAA also claims that the drones didn’t feature the two-way radio, transponder, or altitude-reporting equipment that craft operating in that airspace are supposed to, either. All of which is enough for the FAA to level a $1.9 million fine at SkyPan. The company now has 30 days to respond, but it seems that it won’t pay up without a fight. “SkyPan has been conducting aerial photography above private property in urban areas for 27 years in full compliance with published FAA regulations,” explained a representative to the National Journal. “SkyPan is fully insured and proud of its impeccable record of protecting the public’s safety, security and privacy.” While the FAA points out that “everyone who uses [U.S. airspace] must understand and observe our comprehensive set of rules and regulations,” some may suggest that the rules are murky at best. The FAA handed out its biggest approval of commercial drone use to date last month, for instance, but Google is forced to use legal loopholes to test its own craft. The FAA, at the demand of Congress, is currently putting together blanket rules that would legalize the use of small drones, but, as Verge points out, they may not be ready until 2017. [FAA via National Journal via Verge |
That is a beautiful story, so many of them are not told. It is a nice article I am glad that Amanda managed to find Susan. It is to bad I agree that not very many stories such as this one are not published very often. |
Thank God for a nurse that that saw me as and adult and put two an two together and told me the name I needed to find my birth family/medical records. It most likely saved my son's life because taking him to St Louis and having him treated at "Bob Hope" Cardinal Glennon hospital found things that small town doctors didn't and had pretty much written him off. Sometimes Nurses seem to know more then doctors. Sorry to hear of the problems your son had I am glad he is ok. |