Community > Posts By > DON_CORDOVA

Thu 10/14/10 06:34 PM
I'm with Bastet126 on this one, they do have all the fun. I sometimes wonder if some of us were born in the wrong era lol.

Thu 10/14/10 09:51 AM

There is another thread about Genetically Modified food, or GM crops.

If there was ever an example of science gone wrong, GM crops is it. The world could reap huge benefits from the techniques being used to move and replace genes but the indiscriminate spread of spores from corn, grapeseed, soy, etc. as crops, is a disaster in the making.

I don't want to eat a corndog that makes it's own pesticides.

actually that sounds interesting. i think i'll peruse that thread

Thu 10/14/10 09:32 AM
AH! this guy is really something special. Alright. I'll bite, lets play your game until we're both comatose shall we? We'll have fun going in circles and get nowhere. I'm quite surprised after reading a few of your posts which seemed to have a high level of intellectual prowess, that you would resort to a petty verbal fight. I may have thrown the first punch granted, but it was not intentional, well maybe it was. But since we're already at it, what the hell, why not go ahead and see it through to the end, huh.

Let's talk about your post that Quotes me. Convenient to post only a partial quote that you can twist to support your pretentious attitude towards anyone who would DARE question you intellectual aptitude.

And since we've taken it that far, ill go ahead and sink to your level. And possibly take it further.

"You're not convinced of your own words? Well, then I guess we can ignore everything you post!"

Not convinced of my own words..(snicker)nice play on words, didn't work but hey they all cant be winners. But nice try.
What is this, are trying to play to the crowds? I wasn't aware that you were given the moral hierarchy to answer for everyone else. There's no "WE" in this, just you and me. I'm sure no one else want's to drag themselves into this.

"The preceding sentence was a facetious comment designed to make you think about the logical flaw in your reasoning, not to smack you down for being stupid."

AH! The egotistical Bravado rears it's ugly head again. I'm sorry i cant help but laugh at this. Oh! It's a disclaimer too! how studious of you! It's seems that (and I'm just going out on a limb here) by your reasoning, everyone's logic is flawed...but yours. How about you step back into that never changing reality of yours that you hope everyone will conform to. Yeah, the one you continuously post about in this topic board. Which coincidently, had nothing to do with the original topic. But hey, far be it from me if you feel like going off on a tangent. It probably would have been better to start another topic board with that in mind...just a suggestion.

As for the second half of your post, yes that monstrosity of self-importance and self-assurance you call a post.

Oh where do the contradictions begin?...Somewhere between "I could be passive-aggressive in return, but that might lead to in infinite loop of increasingly petty and decreasingly intellectually valid comments." and "Or I could make a joke (done), or I could point out some obvious flaws in a direct way (also done)" What are you kidding me?! I love this part! What a way to try and save face. Waiter? Yes, i would like a plate of arrogance with a side of hypocrisy. Easy on the "decreasingly intellectually valid comments" if you please.

So Mr. passive-aggressive after you remove your foot from your mouth, be so kind as to try and explain what you had HOPED to accomplish with that disaster of a post you put up. Inquiring minds wish to know.
Was it an inside joke that only you would laugh at? Honestly to me it sounds like your screaming "look at me! i'm so smart that i make other smart people feel that they are retarded!"

Never thought i would get into a pissing contest with someone on a dating site. There's a first for everything... so much fun.
The way i see it, we can continue this debacle (you know, i play the brigand, you play the part of the good samaritan who takes umbrage or visa versa)or we can choose to end it. now to Quote you..

"Let's see what happens next." Yes...Let's.

Wed 10/13/10 06:44 PM
Edited by DON_CORDOVA on Wed 10/13/10 06:47 PM

Again, replacing the word "science" with the word "reality" in the above posts will illustrate the flaws in the arguments.

Our interpretation of reality is of course subjective. The actual reality itself is not. This is why we can say the the universe did not pop into existence 6,000 years ago. It's ridiculous even as an opinion, which is fine. The problem arises when beliefs like that are allowed to drive public policy that affect the rest of us (who live in reality).

Science is the process of discovering how reality works. Religion is a a series of dogmatic myths designed to answer unanswerable questions, like "Why do bad things happen to good people?" and "What happens after I die?"

Yet a perfect example of someone taking a simple question too far into their own direction. Lets try to stay on topic here shall we? i would try to offer my opinion to him that reality is subjective because it is ever changing, ever evolving due to the actions and choices of man. reality is what you make it. But this is someone who is so deeply convinced of his own words, that to correct him or argue with him just seems a moot point to me. And on that note i think i'll find another topic. have fun everyone!

Wed 10/13/10 04:44 AM
Edited by DON_CORDOVA on Wed 10/13/10 04:46 AM
I find myself wondering how religion got into this conversation. Perhaps someone read too much into the original question and mistakenly took it out of context. However, in regards to the OVERALL topic and conversation flow, one can speculate on both religion and science until they're blue in the face and still remain in a stalemate. The reason being is actually quite simple if you think about it. Both science and religion are a product of mans Ingenuity and Genius. Allow me to elaborate a bit. Science is a product of man's want for advancement and understanding of how things work. Religion is a product of man's want for good moral standing and order in a chaotic world. Science helps us create and discover. Religion helps us balance and define ourselves. both created by mankind, which we all know are fallible. it goes back to a couple of sayings. "to error is human" or "Man can justify anything, they need but to convince themselves it is correct"

and as far as this question is concerned

How do you feel about Science today? It's definitely become the "end-all/be-all authority" about everything...Each day new scientifc health warnings come out through the media and they are presented as "infallible" because they are based on someone's research...I tend to view Science as the government sponsored religion. How do you feel about it? Thanks....

I personally feel that the media will report just about anything these days. science itself is fine and dandy, we use it in everyday life, science is what produced 90% of whats in your house. as far as it being a religion, im not ready to go that far, regardless if its government sponsored or not if it helps some one then great!

Wed 10/13/10 04:07 AM
originally from cali but been living in Clarksville, TN for a few years

Fri 05/08/09 07:06 AM
lol sorry been a bit busy act II coming later today

Thu 05/07/09 08:31 PM
clarksville TN

Wed 05/06/09 06:56 PM

so us ladies can pick more appropriate mates

Dont you ladies always do the picking??....I didnt know us guys had a CHOICE......Well.... what will I learn next here on Mingle??whoa

we have the option? when did that happen? no one sent out and urgent man memo..

substance...please clarify, there are many forms of substance, but if i was a betting man i'd slip the noose over my head and make a leap of faith that your definition of substance is categorized as one with a moral aptitude to do was is needed in a given situation and the frame of mind to know what he wants out of life and has the maturity to take everything in stride and be the best that one can be. more over that he can be sensitive enough to know a womans moods and be able to act accordingly to the given emotion. to be curtious and act with a bit of chivalry that would make him a role model to alot of deadbeats?

Wed 05/06/09 06:34 PM
insanity!!!. im not that drunk but if this keeps up i sure will be..< takes a seat and begins to chug

Wed 05/06/09 06:25 PM

Wed 05/06/09 06:16 PM
in the deepest cavern of the darkest light,

lies a shattered soul without the gift of inner sight,

through the abyss he spies the reddened skies, a mirror of apathy in ones own eyes,

stumbling on he fights to find his way, dreading this moment for the moon no longer held her sway.

he struggles on straining to find the path, but stops cold at the sound of a shattered laugh,

"whos there!" he cries, the words forced out as if to betray his lies.

he waits for an answer though none is given, he prays this moment his boldness is forgiven,

"i am AMARAK!!" the icy voice cracks.

with a horrid look of terror on his face, the man begins to curse this torrid place.

"i beg of you let me pass!" he cries, fearing the words may be his last.

"why in such a hurry?" Amarak coos, "you must know of me surely"

this wanderer knows not this place, he looks around to find a face.

(tat tat tat tat) footsteps on the granite ground, a tapping of an eerie sound.

stepping back from this sound the wanderer trips and hits the ground, "where are you!?" he screams looking for a form thats true.

out of the blackness a form comes through, astonished the wanderer looks on, Amarak steps foward into the fading light, "silly me i thought you knew... be frightened, for i.. am!"

Wed 05/06/09 05:36 PM
look the way i see it is that it will either happen or not, like mirror said you act desperate it's like smearing poo all over yourself, me personally, i just go with the flow, you cant expect to get a hit the moment you join a site like this, i try to make friends maybe network a bit get to know the person and if theres something about them that peak my curiosity then i persue them a bit to find if they feel the same way. best advice id give you is just be yourself dont try to be anything your not cause the truth comes out wether you want it to or not.

Amidst the blue skies a link from past to future.. the sheltering wings of the protector..

Wed 05/06/09 01:09 PM

Cast my thoughts into the deepest night, allow my soul rest from this dreadful fight.
Sleep my soul for tomorrow is a new battlefield, dangers and sights of the unknown tomorrow yields.
escape the thoughts of my personal hell, think of that which shields me from everything, my personal shell.
Away i fly in my wildest dreams, am i awake or asleep? such a paradox is torn at the seams.
So sleep my soul regain your former power. For tomorrow is a new day and it begins in the waking hour...

Wed 05/06/09 10:24 AM
last time i was a kfc i waited for 20 minutes and the lady handed me a bucket of burnt legs...needless to say i left with my money and never returned.. didnt they get sued over that kitchen fresh chicken thing?

Wed 05/06/09 10:13 AM
mother nature huh... yeah she liked to wreak havoc on southern Cali when i was down there... been through about 5 wildfires. the latest one that happened about a year and a half ago was that last straw i lost everything and got fed up and moved to TN with some friends. i think 4 countys got leveled in that one. i know i didnt see the sun for a week cause of the ash, no one could do anything without getting heat stroke or or having lung issues. sigh... fun times

Wed 05/06/09 10:04 AM
o0o0o i think i walked into the wrong room....<<<quietly lurks to a shadowed corner until he knows what the hell is going on.

Wed 05/06/09 09:46 AM
simple mindedness breeds ignorance, arrogance is soon to follow...

Wed 05/06/09 09:42 AM
sometimes electroshock is the only way to go...if a thread becomes a cadaver..just post some incredulous like....peanut butter jelly time! peanut butter jelly time! PINK PANTYS AND A MISSING TOOTH BRUSH!

Wed 05/06/09 09:36 AM
yeah it's more or less a situation with strings attached that causes issues in the long run,especially if its a woman with morbid curiosity....< flinches. and yes i would have to agree on the post above.