where's the real men lol
Woman killed all of the real man as a wise man dave chapelle said. Chilvary is dead and woman killed it. Lol
I agree
well said
happiness does itexist
yes ofcourse happiness exists but we have a misconception on where to look for love and happiness. we seek love and happiness by looking outward, we search outwardly for love and happiness and never find it, the secret is that love and happiness is found by looking inwardly, it is already within us.
The trinity derived from paganism three gods in one Constantine was also a man who claimed to be the son of God, now you connect that to Constantine having authority of what was put in and left out of the bible what do you get? the quran states that we should not associate partners with God this in itself is an abomination and a transgression of one of the commandments. study to show thyself approved.
the problem is that every time someone ask hard questions like this about Christianity or merely point out historical facts it is considered as attacking. this is why I left the Christian faith making one be closed minded and afraid to seek the truth more like a tyrranical dictatorship if you will.
its historical fact that Constantine was a pagan roman emperor and converted to Christianity but never dropping his pagan beliefs, traditions or doctrine, and to top that off at the council of nicea he had power over what books were to be kept in the bible and which were to be burned. I would say this type of event in history needs to be investigated.
not necessarily iam just basically asking questions I grew up in the Christian church and as I have gotten older I like to research and when you look at history and this arises you ask questions. my question is that could have paganism been infiltrated into the doctrine of Christianity.
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As far back in history than can be remembered man has been involved in idolatry. Idolatry is worshipping any man creature or thing above almighty God. In text of the quran the story of Abraham is more detAiled then the bible the quran states that when Abraham was a child his father worshipped a carved idol in the form of a man who once lived and he was a really great man inthe past when iinfluential and great people rose up and died in honor everyone would carve images of them in honor and rememberance later this honor would turn into worshipping these people as gods or mediators between God and man abraham rebuked his father for his idolatry and told him God is only one God and he should be worshipped alone and add no partners with God well in Christianity this same idolatry goes on with the worship of jesus as God whom was a man.
This doctrine also came from paganism constantine was a pagan whom converted to christianity only to bring pagan doctrine and traditions into christianity. For example constantine was the first to claim to be the son of God and or Gods son he also started the trinity doctrine which he put into the bible |
Why relationships fail?
It is not wrong to have money but when money becomes the sole basis of a relationship thats when it becomes wrong. Everything that money became the basis of has destroyed the true meaning of what that particular thing is music and church for example. Ofcourse money is needed to survive and provide basic needs but when money becomes a higher value then love, respect, loyalty, dedication, comittment, then thats where the relationship will head south. Money can make someone respect you, become loyal dedicated and committed to you but if someone portays all these qualities to you only because you have money than that love is false its not true love if money is the only thing the generates you to like someone.
Why relationships fail?
Correct but if all relationships were positive as in never giving up on your partner standing by there side helping them and fighting to work the relationship out if the majority of relationships were like this that would be what I would address but they are not and the part of solving a problem is finding out the root cause of it and you cannot find out the cause if you refuse to address or look at the problem heck look at the word fiance sounds very close to finance
Why relationships fail?
It seems in this day in age atleast for man that you have to be able to.give something other than yourself in order to be with a woman. When I say give iam meaning things of the material world it cost to date its a form of prostitution if you have money she is interested if not you wont even get the time to get to know the person. Now the other form of giving or true giving in a relationship which is put at the footstool is spiritual giving such as your time, your love, respect, and dedication and commitment to that person I feel that these qualities go ignored for the lack of materialistic things an individual does not have so that individual is ignored. Relationships end for nothing more than lack of wealth or money so then it seems in todays age what holds two people in a relationship together like glue is money and as long as that is subconsciously the reason when that money runs out so will the relationship.