Community > Posts By > 62lightheaded
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Wed 05/06/09 06:53 AM
One close call :a tire blew out, on a mountain road of, North Carolina. Threw my friend into a corn field after ,the car rolled three times. The field was muddy; that may have saved his life, according to the tow truck driver.(my friend said : his life flashed before his eyes)All he could think about was a burger, and fries, and a cherry pie.
sorry, i'm not dating much of anyone ,under the age of 45.
how many of you like the candy: Tootsie roll?? (she is a sweet little girl; lets all give her a reply.) Thank you all.
chit - chat ; about JSH
my friend said ,it was a great site--when it was on. If you have been on that site before-- how was it for you??
how about you-all?? I do like a good plate full; maybe with some par. cheese, and french bread. --You??
everyone makes mistakes..
as old as I am; I still believe in forgive ing others ,and myself for mistakes made.
What kindness do you show?
Thank you: Want2B5ft--you are right. That is what I was after, in this thread.
This big BBQ, I will be putting on in a few days, is a favorite of many.(Plenty of Coca-Cola) will be there.--chips of all kinds,home made potato salad, cole slaw, baked beans, fresh bread, & yeast rolls, green tossed salads also. (Plenty of every kind of meat, you can think of.) Do you-all have other ideas for me??
What kindness do you show?
Edited by
Tue 05/05/09 09:38 AM
do you help your fellow man, when needed? The other day; I was on a bus and noticed people having car trouble. No one was stopping to help. I asked the bus driver to let me off , I would help them. so, he let me off, and I did help them out. They wanted to pay me; I simply said , I would not think of that, at all. I just want to help if I see, I can. That's all.(This post is not to boast.) But, my thinking is to help others if possible.
much, much, more. (i have been reading, some of MirrorMirror's posts.) good, good, posts.
its hard to top a good BBQ; then a nice back rub.
What's Your Hobby?
my hobby: -- to spot as many aliens as i can, then say to them, beam me up Scotty.
would you like; a nice cold, old fashioned bottle of Coca-Cola?? or, would you prefer some other drink??
I would enjoy; steak,ranch style beans, eggs over easy, hash browns, hot rolls, gravy,bacon, orange juice, coffee, stack of wheat pancakes, & blackberry jam.
which state? why?
You can not go wrong when moving out to New Mexico.
My Darling Clementine...
an oldy, but a goodie:Frontier Days (1934) with, Bill Cody.
My Darling Clementine...
How about: Monte Walsh; with, Tom Selleck--or, Crossfire Trail.(also, Purgatory ; with Sam Shepard & Eric Roberts.)
My Darling Clementine...
Good one's: Waterloosunset, & coyuz -- Thanks--
My Darling Clementine...
Edited by
Sat 05/02/09 02:18 PM
Those are also good one's: 9CORNERPOCKET Thanks.
My Darling Clementine...
another good one is: The desperate trail; its in the Sam Elliott, Western Collection.