Community > Posts By > Cyriopagopus

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Sat 05/16/15 05:22 AM
Nice mug of tea will do me :smile:

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Sat 05/16/15 05:15 AM
I don't miss it. I refuse to believe that only bad things are worth reporting. I tend to make my judgments on my personal experiences instead. Good quote from Wizard of Oz, So painfully true!

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Sat 05/16/15 05:00 AM

Sure would. Chuck your cell phone in the lake, while you're at it. (Not sarcasm lol)

laugh Theres a newspaper in UK called the Sun, They have on page 3 a pretty girl topless every day of the week. On page 2 is the politics, They sell millions. Who's going to read the politics when theres boobies? It's like on page 2 the world has ended and were all going to die but hey...look to the right and theres boobs and nobody notices a thing. Tabloid media and mainstream media is a joke. A casual distraction while they pilfer you're wallet and steal from you. I have not owned a TV since 2001, Nor shall I ever own one again.

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Sat 05/16/15 04:52 AM
I think we have about another 5 billion years before the sun decides to burst and engulf us all. If we all died tomorrow the earth would recover no doubt, Just in time for Chimpanzees to evolve and screw everything up. Most of the damage has been done by all the useless crap we go out and buy. consumerism, Supply and demand. Thats an issue. If we just had to worry about what we were having for dinner or whether we were going to eaten by Pterodactyls things would be similar but the planet would be in better shape. We're human and we would still kill each other for the last banana but sure there would be less impact on the environment.

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Sat 05/16/15 04:44 AM
Turning off the television would be a good start!

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Sat 05/16/15 04:28 AM
I agree money and religion will be the end of us, Way too much trouble that it's worth.

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Sat 05/16/15 04:23 AM
Nothing political happens organically, It's carefully planned. Take the European union for example, It took nearly 50 years for that to happen. It has to pass over generations and give them time to indoctrinate children in schools to be the generation of least resistance until they bring in the next phases of change. Do anything like this in a short space of time, Blood would run through the streets. Take 50/60/70 years hardly anyone notices that they are being screwed! I guarantee that anything political legislation passed has probably been on the shelf waiting until the time is right to implement it. Cynical yes, But it's happening everywhere and were just letting it happen.

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Fri 05/15/15 01:07 PM
Central/South America would be great!

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Wed 05/13/15 03:28 PM

Anyone here an arachnid fan? Or kept any arthropods as pets?(besides hermit crabs)
I personally own a whip scorpion, she is the coolest thing!

I have a fairly large collection of spiders in the range of 300 + individuals. I breed them also. Spiders changed my life!

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Wed 05/13/15 03:24 PM
I have a Staffordshire bull terrier who is mental but probably the coolest dog ever! Such a character and about 300+ spiders which are just awesome.

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Wed 05/13/15 03:05 PM

Anybody else here keep them or are interested in them?

Porche, or MG?

Personally I'd go for the Alfa romeo, But no...Tarantulas!

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Wed 05/13/15 03:05 PM

Gross gross and gross.
Beady eyes looking at you.
Ewwwe oh my gosh its on the floor. Stomp stomp stomp. Ha I got you. Phew I feel so much safer.

No I don't like them.

You quite sure about that?

no photo
Wed 05/13/15 03:04 PM

Anybody else here keep them or are interested in them?

the only thing interesting a about a spider is when it is a dead spider

Yes I agree to a certain extent some dead spiders are interesting. Live ones are much more fun though!

no photo
Wed 05/13/15 03:01 PM

never had one as a pet
all ways carry the ones i find inside outside

Good stuff! They're fascinating animals.

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Wed 05/13/15 02:51 PM
Anybody else here keep them or are interested in them?

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Wed 05/13/15 02:34 PM

Do we know its measurements?

How would you use it's measurements? I've used measurements for spiders but I did not think they can be used as a taxonomic tool for identification. More of a rough guide of average size.

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Wed 05/13/15 02:29 PM
I concur, Men and women are just as bad as each other. when you have been cheated on repeatedly it's easy to think that "all men/women are bad" but it's just not like that. Men and women have been cheating on each other since they started diddling each other with their ding dongs. Only difference is that since the liberation of women in the last 100 years it has become less taboo for women to "behave" like men who lets face it have had the rule of the roost for way too long! It's down to the individual which is the best option for them, For me for whatever reason cheating is just not an option and there really is no excuse. Communication and respect go along way. I try not to think about the negative involved in a relationship breakdown, I'm experiencing one right now and yes it hurts like hell but it's not the end of the world. In UK we have a saying "life begins at 40" I turned 40 two weeks ago as I was being told I was no longer wanted. I had left my home, My family and my friends to live in a foreign country to be with my partner and after 8 months it just went south. I am traveling back next week with a positive attitude. We both lost out in my opinion but is it the end of the world..NO! Don't see it as the end of anything, It is merely the beginning of something else that could be a whole lot better. Keeps me from losing my mind!!!!