Community > Posts By > emylgu

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Sat 07/25/15 02:20 AM

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Sat 07/25/15 02:19 AM

but it amazes me how many people on this site say they want to meet their soulmate but he or she must be within 50 or 100 mile

Why does it amaze you?
Do you speak Chinese or Hindi or Indonesian?
That's about 40% of the worlds population right there. China, India, Indonesia. 3 countries. Out of about 196.
If your "soul mate" was going to be in a foreign country, then more than likely it would be one of those than any other individual country.
And none of them have English as their primary language.

I'd be more amazed about someone believing in soul mates and willing to search foreign countries for a bride but unwilling to learn the necessary language, or focusing solely on English speaking ones.

what if he or she ISNT within 50-100 miles

What if they are within 50-100 miles?
If you believe in soul mates, don't you have to believe that someone or something created that person specifically for you, as opposed tocomplete and total random chance?
How evil would it be for that which creates souls, the soul that is a companion to yours, to put them halfway across the world? To actively hide them from you? It would be like god or nature absolutely abhorred you and really didn't want you to find them at all.
Is it that good of an idea to go against what nature or god wants?
They put them far away without offering you any kind of clue whatsoever on how to find them...maybe they don't want you to.

Other than that, when you are looking for something you have no idea if it exists or where, wouldn't it just be common sense to look around you first rather than taking off into wilderness parts unknown?

Good things come to those who have PATIENCE!

Not always.
You ever been to the DMV? How about having to wait for the cable guy to show up?
Patience is a good thing to have, after you've found your "soul mate."
Not so good to sit around and wait.
But if you are going to look, it makes sense to look close to you first, doesn't it?

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Wed 05/20/15 04:58 PM
Welcom to the jungle :D