Community > Posts By > Bella124

Bella124's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:31 AM

Huh, has no one heard "privacy?" I don't want access to my boyfriend's e-mail, cell or anything else, nor would I have any respect for him if he insisted on access to mine. It's a matter of trust. If you don't have that, you have nothing. Besides, what if you insist, they give you access, you find nothing? Then you've blown their trust in YOU. Think about it.

True...but you dont always have to ask...If you get close to the phone and he hides it, or drops the window while hes checking email...tale tale signs

Tell tale signs of what? That there's something he doesn't want you to know about? Like perhaps a surprise for you? Or maybe just something that's none of your business? Too many people are far too quick to jump to conclusions based on weak-ass "evidence" such as this. Simple communication will often solve these problems, without having to resort to snooping and invasion of someone else's personal stuff and space. Just because you're in a relationship does not necessarily mean you can or should have access to every area of their brain and life every moment of every day. Seriously, if people have such lack of trust, they have NO business being in a relationship of any kind. That kind of lack of trust speaks volumes about insecurity and immaturity.

Ok...let me reword that a bit....if he does it, after never doing it before. If its a new act. If he has never hid anything before. Then when you ask about it, and try to talk he changes the subject.

Bella124's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:25 AM

So I've always been very in touch spiritually (not so much religious) and I believe in the "soul mate" reality. Dating is nerve racking to me and some seem to think that looking (passively) for one's soul mate is too much what do you think?

I dont think a "soul mate" is always a lover. I have a male friend that from the moment we met, we were connected. I think hes mine. We have never been anything more then friends. Look closer at the people in your life. You might have yours already and just dont know it.

Bella124's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:17 AM

Huh, has no one heard "privacy?" I don't want access to my boyfriend's e-mail, cell or anything else, nor would I have any respect for him if he insisted on access to mine. It's a matter of trust. If you don't have that, you have nothing. Besides, what if you insist, they give you access, you find nothing? Then you've blown their trust in YOU. Think about it.

True...but you dont always have to ask...If you get close to the phone and he hides it, or drops the window while hes checking email...tale tale signs

Bella124's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:12 AM
i think its the fact that neither person is willing to meet in the men need sex to know they are loved....women need love to have sex(not all...but most). so its a nasty cycle. women does not want to have sex pulls away....women feels less on and so on

Bella124's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:04 AM
I think you can be in lust with 2 people...but not love