Community > Posts By > jimmymac1966

jimmymac1966's photo
Sat 06/06/09 07:55 AM

Sadly, I'm wearing my comfy grey boxers with lil pink pigs on 'em & a grey T-shirt that says: I'm Already Visualizing You With Duct Tape Over Your Mouth...shocked

Sounds quite inviling to me!!!!!!!!

jimmymac1966's photo
Sat 06/06/09 06:01 AM

O tell me Magic eight ball, How do I get with the one that posted this thread?

8 Ball says, " Money is always a good place to start "

That damn 8 Ball!

You can tell the eight ball is female!!!!! just kidding

Well I hope so you want to "get with her!"

Well that true. :)

jimmymac1966's photo
Sat 06/06/09 05:55 AM

O tell me Magic eight ball, How do I get with the one that posted this thread?

8 Ball says, " Money is always a good place to start "

That damn 8 Ball!

You can tell the eight ball is female!!!!! just kidding

jimmymac1966's photo
Sat 06/06/09 05:49 AM

Magic 8 Ball, will I have any luck on this site?

8 Ball says, "Many men will hope they "get Lucky" with you "

Very cute, thanks for making us look like dogs. lol

jimmymac1966's photo
Sat 06/06/09 05:47 AM

All you're Questions will be answered.

O tell me Magic eight ball, How do I get with the one that posted this thread?

jimmymac1966's photo
Fri 06/05/09 08:23 PM

X's are X's for a reason.

I totally agree

Been there done that, won't go back/

jimmymac1966's photo
Fri 06/05/09 08:17 PM

:heart: Have you ever thought you were in love but then figured out maybe you hadn't been?:heart:

Yes, I have thought it was possibly love, turned out to be fleeting lust. It was fun while it lasted.

jimmymac1966's photo
Fri 06/05/09 08:15 PM
Hello, how are you doing this evening?

jimmymac1966's photo
Fri 06/05/09 07:55 PM

:heart: What do you think is the #1 complaint people have in relationships?:heart:

Mine is honesty. I want someone as honest and upfront as me. I don't think I am asking for too much.

I think this is true, however sometimes you can be honest. Believe it or not.

jimmymac1966's photo
Fri 06/05/09 07:34 PM
Unfortunately he's an ASS. It's sad that anyone could send that kind of an email. I would say he is someone that is very unhappy with his station in life and the only way to get satisfaction is to play games and be hateful. For these people I hope KARMA bites them in the ass. I suggest not dwelling on it and try and do your best to get past it. Learn from this experience and grow. Me are made up of our life experience, that's what molds us into the people we are. I'm sure you are a good person and you did not deserve this treatment no one does. I wish you the very best on your dating. An remember do not let the low lifes get you down.

jimmymac1966's photo
Wed 05/20/09 02:40 PM

I'm lost, I just do not get it. I truly believe NO ONE should settle but hell the pick'ins are thin. I know you women have to be as frustrated as some us men. Women want a good man. Hmmmm is that true? It seems all my women friends that are looking for a good man, they pick out the assholes. Hell I could see it coming before they did. Then they get all upset and do not understand. Then us men we all seem like hell we can do better, but why do we think this way? What makes us think and chose badly? An no offense and I truly truly mean that. But I totally like this site because you can put yourself next to the other person. I do not get it when someone wants to meet and it's like what were they thinking. Like I said I do not want to offend. But we are all human, there needs to be some attraction. Lend me your opinions and call it like it is, let it out.

this may sound a bit blunt... but... winners don't give up. If you get knocked down, dust off and get up again... have some 'heart' man...

I'm really not a quiter, I was truly trying see if it was just me or is everyone in the same boat and we just do not see each other. If so, it must be a big ass boat. LOL

jimmymac1966's photo
Tue 05/19/09 09:09 PM

An insight?

Women want confident, assertive men, who know who they are, what they want from life, and have the tenacity to get it.

Does that equate a woman being a doormat? No. it means a man who can see his partner, appreciate her qualities, respect her, and still be solid in himself.

We dont want men who are soft, in their convictions.

That's why bad guys appear so attractive....whether we will admit it or not, we are so incapable of being attracted to men who appear emasculated... who are not solid in their unique maleness.

We feel safe with men who are capable, and confident, we can trust they are who they project themselves to be...they walk their talk... they have the capacity for empathy, and compassion, and a sensitivity to their partner, but ultimately, can be relied upon to be supportive, or take charge.

We are all capable of being independent, as usually quite competant people.... doesn't necessarily mean women wish to remain dominant within the relationship.

For me, a dominant, confidant personality is attractive.

I know this is a generalisation, however it fits the question asked, re; bad guys.

Can't add anything to THAT! Except DON'T give up. I did. I had. DON'T!!!

There's alot to be said about confidence. I totally agree with the confidence thing. But there are several factor that goes with that.
Woman want a confident male. That's great. They should have that. Well we need a confident female. Unfortunatley many women out there have been cheated on and now they have insecurity issue. It's sad but true. I think people that are sincere are hestitate to leap in fear of the worst sometimes. It's not lack of confidence, it's what our life experiences have taught us.

jimmymac1966's photo
Tue 05/19/09 09:00 PM

U've only been here for just over a month an only posted all of 7 times in the forums. This site is more about gettin to know people in the forums rather than browsin profiles.
Give urself some time an get into the forums. Get to know people an let them get to know u.shades

This is true about this website. I have been on several different sites for almost two years now. So I'm not only post my experiences from here. I just happen to like the set up at this site better than others I'm on or have been on.

U give the impression of bein a sweet guy. Don't give up so easily. Like I said, get out in the forums an make urself known. Never know what'll happen.shades

I'll log on more often and post more, so maybe people can get a feel of who I am.

jimmymac1966's photo
Tue 05/19/09 08:57 PM

I'll be honest...I only read this up until the asshole bit, then I just figured the rest to be another "nice guys finish last" rant...maybe I'm wrong, but such is life.

Sorry it has nothing to do with nice guys finishing last. It is what it is. I never said I was a nice guy.

jimmymac1966's photo
Tue 05/19/09 08:53 PM

U've only been here for just over a month an only posted all of 7 times in the forums. This site is more about gettin to know people in the forums rather than browsin profiles.
Give urself some time an get into the forums. Get to know people an let them get to know u.shades

This is true about this website. I have been on several different sites for almost two years now. So I'm not only post my experiences from here. I just happen to like the set up at this site better than others I'm on or have been on.

jimmymac1966's photo
Tue 05/19/09 08:08 PM
I'm lost, I just do not get it. I truly believe NO ONE should settle but hell the pick'ins are thin. I know you women have to be as frustrated as some us men. Women want a good man. Hmmmm is that true? It seems all my women friends that are looking for a good man, they pick out the assholes. Hell I could see it coming before they did. Then they get all upset and do not understand. Then us men we all seem like hell we can do better, but why do we think this way? What makes us think and chose badly? An no offense and I truly truly mean that. But I totally like this site because you can put yourself next to the other person. I do not get it when someone wants to meet and it's like what were they thinking. Like I said I do not want to offend. But we are all human, there needs to be some attraction. Lend me your opinions and call it like it is, let it out.

jimmymac1966's photo
Wed 04/22/09 09:58 PM
Unfortunately LOVE is not at the top of the list. Communication is the number one key. I do not mean just communication with your partner. In this day and age, your family and friends play a vital role in whether or not you stay together. You really need to think hard before you decide whom you choose to vent to about any problems you may be having. Your family and friends love you and do not want to see you get hurt. This works for men and women. So think twice before you set there and complain to your best friend about you and your partners issues. Because the next thing you will hear is you can do better, you do not need to put up this crap, you need to have someone in your life that works with you. An before long even the smallest things will piss you off to no end. I know I have been guity of this. My family and friends cared a great deal about me. They only wanted the best for me. Well sometimes you venting will turn them against your partner. So be fair to yourself set back and choose the words you want to use when talking to your partner or friends and family about your partner. It may help you in the long run.

jimmymac1966's photo
Sat 04/18/09 06:54 AM
I will download more pics, it's just really hard to pic them when your not that photogenic.



jimmymac1966's photo
Sat 04/18/09 06:42 AM
Ladies please rate me. Give me suggestions, you can be brutely honest. I can handle it.

I do not think I'm ugly but in the breathe I know I'm not the catch of the century. I just can not figure it out. I enjoy this concept because you can take your pic put it up against someone else and see if you would be a good looking couple. Some people just do not look good together. I get it. After that you can see what there personality and there profile is like. Or am I doing this all wrong? PLEASE GIVE ME SOME OF YOUR WISDOM.

Thanks and Best of Luck with your Search.


jimmymac1966's photo
Wed 04/15/09 11:49 PM
Good men????? That is the question? Or is the question ladies? That no one really knows what they want or are willing to settle for a little less in one aspect or another. We all think we know what we want but when it presents it's self we shy away. I know I'm quilty. No body wants to settle for less than we feel we deserve. Hey we all have those rights. But don't let the good ones sail bye.

As far as my age group, which is old, I do not feel old (above 40). But it is what it is. Most or all of us have been divorce. Woman I hate to break it to you. The really good guys, are gun shy because they have been through the ringer in a divorce. An most good men get the shaft in that department. Now the bad men who do not see their kids and pay their support. An no offense are just losers. Well ladies you picked those men. An us good men picked the wrong woman.

In this day and age it is extremely hard to stay together. Hell everything is against you. The chances of a couple staying married is not good. I hope I find someone. I want to be with someone. But like I said I will not settle for less than I feel I deserve. I did that once it did not work. I did get a beautiful daughter out of it. She adores me and I adore her. But she will be grown and gone. I really do not wish to be alone when that time comes. I wish everyone on here the best wishes in finding that someone special. flowerforyou