Community > Posts By > SALDANA130

SALDANA130's photo
Thu 05/27/10 10:49 PM
Well I can only hope for this to work out as I hope for. Besides that tomorrow is a new day with new goals. Although I may not be content with certain things I can only leave it up to you Lord to make things unfold the way they are meant to be. I might not like some things but am prepared for them all.

SALDANA130's photo
Thu 05/27/10 10:45 PM
The sun rises and falls, the stars bling as diamonds in a black hole. Emotions are all around, time passes as we get older with every second. Embrace the life that we have been givin for there will be only one. The tears of those that are alone will plant a relationship with another. Dont be affraid of that, that you dont understand for we are all here together in this world that continues without us. Life is great though all this negativity that is in our lives and in the world

SALDANA130's photo
Thu 02/18/10 11:23 PM
Hello everyone, I have two days off in a row and well nothing to do. So im hanging on the computer, how is everyone doing this early very early morning?

SALDANA130's photo
Sun 12/27/09 01:46 PM
Man all these peoples responce by just asking how everyone is. wowhappy

SALDANA130's photo
Thu 08/20/09 08:51 PM
wow we all have it good.:wink:

SALDANA130's photo
Thu 08/20/09 08:46 PM
U know, U dont know how gr8 you have it until its right in your face. Not only did I get two dayz off from work in a row. I get to spend every minute with my son. I took him to the sprinkler park today and it was so amazing to see him having all that fun. Wow life is gr8.:banana:

SALDANA130's photo
Wed 07/15/09 04:28 AM
Thank you.happy

SALDANA130's photo
Wed 07/15/09 04:27 AM
I just wanna hope everyone on here has a nice day, dont drink to much coffee this morning. Watch out for the donuts. ")

SALDANA130's photo
Wed 07/15/09 04:23 AM
I really hope today turns out to be one of those days that I look back on and say wow that was the day the so and so happened. I really have been having some really down moments lately. ")

SALDANA130's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:18 AM
thank you, you have completed my poem for me.flowerforyou

SALDANA130's photo
Wed 07/08/09 05:27 AM
The ship sails into the ocean with pride and honor the ship encounters opsticals that it must over come. I am this Ship. High waves that push the vessel to the max. Yet the ship continues through out its journey. I am strong. Fight, Fight, till the last of all energy is used. For in the End there is the light.....")

SALDANA130's photo
Wed 07/08/09 05:15 AM
Just want to say hello and hope everyone has a Priceless day today.

SALDANA130's photo
Mon 05/11/09 04:52 PM
:tongue: I love roasted cKn!

SALDANA130's photo
Sun 05/10/09 10:04 PM
I just want that person I can come home too, a person to spend time with. I just want someone who will love me for who and what I am. I just prey for the best.

SALDANA130's photo
Sun 05/10/09 09:49 PM
:tongue: I really want to find aa good friend that is a great person that I can express my self in anyway. All my friends are trying to hook me up with these girls that just arent my type. The first girl I just wasn't attracted too. The other girl just always talked about her ex and how she wants to be back with him. I need to meet someone who want to get to know me. Not these girls that well I dont know. Im tired of being single already. Its been 2 years and I just want to meet that one great person. Where do I go from here? I hope that I wont always have these lonely nights with just me thinking about how single I am. I know single has it advantanges. I need a best friend that all.

SALDANA130's photo
Sun 05/03/09 09:42 PM
seeing that when I let her go and that she has come back. This must be a sign of what it really is. I need to except the fact that her and I will always be friends. To have a realationship with this person is a huge challenge that I have already commited to.

SALDANA130's photo
Sun 05/03/09 09:31 PM
On December 14th of last year an old friend came back into my life. this person and I had a rough history yet were bound to make things work between the both of us. As time has passed we have had our disagreement and our arguments. It is hard to let this person go yet I believe I already have. Although I have let her go she continues to come back to me. I love her with all my heart yet there are a few factors that stand in the way of her and I being together again. For starters she lives in Michigan where I met her and grew up with her. I live now I in Texas. There are alot of factors that tell me too move on yet the truth is the we love each other. Maybe it was meant to be, yet just not right now.

SALDANA130's photo
Tue 04/28/09 06:57 PM
alright lol seriously where is the party at...........ah im going to the bar. bye guys.

SALDANA130's photo
Tue 04/28/09 06:56 PM
why is everyone in katy so lame?:tongue: nah just kiddin I love my peeps here but damn they need to learn how to have some fun.

SALDANA130's photo
Tue 04/28/09 06:54 PM
I had the most fun in Austin compared to anywhere else. I hate katy, its to suburbian.

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