Topic: A LEGACY MADE | |
On December 14th of last year an old friend came back into my life. this person and I had a rough history yet were bound to make things work between the both of us. As time has passed we have had our disagreement and our arguments. It is hard to let this person go yet I believe I already have. Although I have let her go she continues to come back to me. I love her with all my heart yet there are a few factors that stand in the way of her and I being together again. For starters she lives in Michigan where I met her and grew up with her. I live now I in Texas. There are alot of factors that tell me too move on yet the truth is the we love each other. Maybe it was meant to be, yet just not right now.
Edited by
Sun 05/03/09 09:35 PM
If the distance were the only factor, there would be no reason to pose this question. It must be something much deeper than that.
You need to look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself with all honesty if you can deal with the downside of being with her. You also have to be honest when you answer and not look away... Only you know what you will tolerate... |
if love some thing set it free.....
if it comes back ...... shoot the son-of-bit@h ! ![]() ![]() |
seeing that when I let her go and that she has come back. This must be a sign of what it really is. I need to except the fact that her and I will always be friends. To have a realationship with this person is a huge challenge that I have already commited to.