Human nature is not a machine
Just back after 20 years
Your shy, show your eyes, windows to the soul don't you know, be yourself, others don't matter as long as your true to yourself
Just back after 20 years
Just call me Robert
Just back after 20 years
Oak Wood Mall, ring a bell?
Just back after 20 years
No, we did not, however I am interested in how you think it was me. Thank you for the time to replay.
Just back after 20 years
Really, well I must know more. Can you enlighten me?
Just back after 20 years
Thank you, that is very kind of you. I wish you would have been here 20 years ago, perhaps we would have met. Never the less, nice to meet you here ,what ever here is. Hope to chat again. Take care.
Just back after 20 years
Nice smile :)
Just back after 20 years
thanks for the welcome, just looking to see if anyone remembers me, I'm sure some do,however I am seeking new friends, You know what they say, Human nature is not a machine, Who said that? Anyone one know?
Just back after 20 years
Hi, I'm back. Been in Chicago 20 years. Anyone remember me. drop me a line if you do.