Community > Posts By > massagetrade
Bill Cosby - Guilty
Sorry Ras, 50 accusers, law of averages, they can't all be lying bud.
Choosing to accuse someone is not a coin toss, and there is no law of averages which guarantees that one of them is telling the truth. And they absolutely CAN all be lying. I think he is guilty, and I also think that many (not all) of the women are lying because its a safe way to get attention. But none of us truly know if he is guilty. A safe way to get attention? That's just retarded IMO Yes. Many of the accusers have been out of the spotlight for years, and now they are back in it again. They have been invited to talk shows, and they ended up on the cover of New York magazine together. And not one of them is required to provide a shred of tangible evidence before they are allowed to join the attention train. I lean towards believing the earliest and most consistent accusers are telling the truth, and I also lean towards believing that at least a few of the women who later came out of the woodwork are just taking advantage of the opportunity. Of course, I wasn't there, so the only thing I know for sure is that in 2015 the media is exploiting this spectacle in every way possible. There are no guaranties period, the law of average i'm talking about is the fact that not all of these women are money grubbing liars out to ruin some innocent entertainers legacy. That's your belief, and maybe its a perfectly reasonable belief, but there is NO law of averages which guarantees your belief is correct. I'm sorry but it just cannot be that 50 women are doing this in sync to a really swell guy.
It might not be the case, but it most certainly could be the case. |
transferring music
This program is great for finding larger files (like videos or some music collections) |
transferring music
I can't answer your question directly, but these two ideas may help you:
1) Install VLC if you haven't already: Its free and safe. It can index the music on your device and might show you where your music is. If that doesn't work, you can: 2) Install ES File Explorer if you haven't already: And use it to explore your device |
My software sucks
Well upgrade it using itunes :) But back everything up first. You can't trust apple to take care of your data. Several friends of mine lost all of their photos when they upgraded the OS on their iphones. |
Bill Cosby - Guilty
Edited by
Mon 08/31/15 06:15 PM
So many accusers,innocent until proven guilty. ![]() Sorry Ras, 50 accusers, law of averages, they can't all be lying bud. Choosing to accuse someone is not a coin toss, and there is no law of averages which guarantees that one of them is telling the truth. And they absolutely CAN all be lying. I think he is guilty, and I also think that many (not all) of the women are lying because its a safe way to get attention. But none of us truly know if he is guilty. |
breastfeeding is "unnatural"
wonder how that Fool thinks Mammals have ever evolved and climbed on top of the Food-chain? I know, right? Any biologist will tell you - breast feeding is one of the most natural things humans do. |
Jeffrey, Welcome to Mingle2.
I found your two posts interesting: I started hearing voices when I was meditating on why demons exist. I wanted to know if Hell was real. I now know after twenty four years of hearing demonic insanity that some people suffer from cognitive deficiency, which leads to frustration because of the lack of ability to succeed.
..... ..... they demand proof for their beliefs. They are more immune to mental illness. Those who think rationally have a more well defined reality than those who think in relative terms. I think you are on to something here. Our brains and senses do not work perfectly. We sense things that aren't there, and fail to sense things that are there. But if you are the kind of person who steps back and asks rational questions about the nature and causes of your experiences, you are going to be less likely to be adversely affected by malfunctioning perceptual machinery. |
Jason Stapleton Program 07.13.2015 They Can't Predict Tomorrow, But 200 years? No problem! Climate scientists claim we are headed for a mini-ice age, but weren't they calling for global warming before? If they can't predict tomorrow, how can they possibly predict hundreds of years from now? Actually, you have it backwards. The Washington Post reported the solar scientist that did the work said, "On the one hand, Zharkova maintains that her research was not intended to make assumptions about the effects of solar variation on climate — only to lay out predictions about the solar activity itself. “What will happen in the modern Maunder Minimum we do not know yet and can only speculate,” she says." It is the press who came up with the "ice age" connection. The climate scientists said she didn't know anything about climate research and that the solar minimum will have little effect. ![]() |
Homeopathy ... is quite effective in treating autism and schizophrenia False. Homeopathy is useless as a field of study, and its treatments have been shown again and again to be no more effective than placebo. Of course, the homeopathy con is also big business! And any time something is big business, there are people invested in lying to themselves and to other people. There is so much BS 'evidence' out there that homeopathy is supposedly effective. Dig deeper and you find paid-off researchers, bad statistical analysis, and extreme cherry picking. It is you who is to dig deeper to understand the principles of homeopathy. It works and has its own reasons to work. It has limitations like any other treatment mode. Also, due to ignorance and limited education, many homeopaths cannot do a good job. Do you know water is capable to retain information in it even if the original substance is removed entirely from it? Please dig deeper into the basics of its science before refuting it outright. Keep your mind open to new information...this is how you can grow in life. I used to be intensely interested in all forms of 'alternative medicine'; I've read a great deal about homeopathy and I've had many long conversations with homeopathy's Faithful, including of course 'certified homeopaths'. Do you know water is capable to retain information in it even if the original substance is removed entirely from it?
![]() This is why I don't drink water. I'm just too much in tune with the imprinted energy of all the previous turds those water molecules have come in contact with. |
Bill Cosby - Guilty
This is a sick & graffic picture you painted here.
Accusatory & misleading Exactly. |
Bill Cosby - Guilty
I'm just going where the investigators may not be yet. If he can drug and rape grown women, who's to say he hasn't abused his child guests? Perhaps, this option should be looked into as well. Who is to say?! If he can do all of that, maybe he also murdered his neighbors!? I'm just asking questions here. If he might have maybe murdered his neighbors - maybe he also poisoned entire cities. I don't need evidence, I'm just saying maybe we should look into it. Who is to say that Cosby hasn't started entire wars? Millions of deaths may be on his hands. Perhaps this option should be looked into as well. |
Unfortunately I don't know anything about the speciality of the doctors. But 6 doctors, male & female all living in the same area with the same 'speciality' , ALL I'll faded & probably murdered.. someone or some group wanted them dead. ![]() What next ? I wager that 2-3 of them were involved in some very shady business, and this is the result of that business. Most areas of 'alternative medicine' involve some slightly shady business anyway. For the rest of them, I'd wager the events are unrelated. But it would be much more interesting if I'm wrong about that! |
She is a raciest & a fool & doesn't know what year of is, imo.
That's a great, concise summary of her problems. |
Edited by
Wed 07/08/15 03:50 PM
Homeopathy is useless as a field of study, and its treatments have been shown again and again to be no more effective than placebo. Of course, the homeopathy con is also big business! And any time something is big business, there are people invested in lying to themselves and to other people. There is so much BS 'evidence' out there that homeopathy is supposedly effective. Dig deeper and you find paid-off researchers, bad statistical analysis, and extreme cherry picking. There must be around hundreds of homeopathic colleges and thousands of practitioners in India Europe and Australia practicing for several years. Its concepts were given to the world by Dr. Hahnemann who was, back then, a conventional doctor practicing English medical science. I think lucky are those people who have understood the power of homeopathy and are getting its benefits. Dr. Hahnemann was a doctor of sorts, but he was wrong. Doctors can be wrong. "English medical science" was a joke in his day, and he was a critic. He was right to criticize some of the superstitious practices of his day, but he was wrong in his theories about the causes and cures of diseases. Popular snake oil is still snake oil. Homeopathy has no power. Truly Homeopathic remedies are no better than placebo. I qualify that with truly homeopathic remedies because some homeopathic practitioners, when they find that their remedies are not achieving long term cures, will tell their patients "In order to get the best results, you need to make the following lifestyle changes...". Some lifestyle changes will help the body cure itself of disease - but that is not homeopathy. People who think they are benefiting from homeopathy are actually benefiting from their own body's intrinsic healing power. Why should we waste our money or our time on snake oil? We should learn how to actually help the body heal itself, or get advice from those who do. Edit: Also, there are herbal remedies out there which are actually effective, and which contain a useful dose of herbs, but which will market themselves as 'homeopathic' when they are not homeopathic. That's another reason to clarify that truly homeopathic remedies are useless. The money grubbing marketers behind the homeopathy movement have people so confused and misled, that true herbal remedies actually sell better when they have the label 'homeopathy' on them. |
Greece is nothing more than a entitled welfare country. These people haven't seen real austerity yet.
Yes, everything I've heard from greek citizens and everything I've read suggests this is true - even from people who defend Greece in this standoff. |
Homeopathy ... is quite effective in treating autism and schizophrenia False. Homeopathy is useless as a field of study, and its treatments have been shown again and again to be no more effective than placebo. Of course, the homeopathy con is also big business! And any time something is big business, there are people invested in lying to themselves and to other people. There is so much BS 'evidence' out there that homeopathy is supposedly effective. Dig deeper and you find paid-off researchers, bad statistical analysis, and extreme cherry picking. |
Apparently, "alternative doctor" is another name for a ... ![]() Pretty much. |
that it can be done just as easily and safely
What?! As I suspected, you have confused a safe, controlled demolition with a completely uncontrolled collapse. |
| everyone needs to go to this website and read EVERYTHING that is on there, and you will truly see what is happening to america. the people who have hijacked our government dont even lie about it, they flaunt is publicly thinking that americans are too stupid and lazy to ever catch on, and so far they are right for the most part. once you read everything, it will all become clear what is being perpetrated against us, we can stop it, but we have to want to stop it! Once you read this website, it becomes clear that some people have figured out a way to gain notoriety on the web: Lie to gullible people, and use your lies to drive traffic to your website. |
all this stuff is great news for the few elite demolition companies in business today... they will be saving tons of money and man-hours of work by adopting this new technique of razing skyscrapers..... no longer will it be necessary to do any of that ground level preparation to compromise the integrity of those pesky core columns whatsoever..the new manual says, we can just take the elevator up to the upper portion of the building and fill a couple of floors with fire accellerants (like thermite maybe) and explosives and hit the detonator switch... then, when top 10 or 20% of the building falls twenty or thirty feet enough force will be generated to bring the remaining balance of the building straight down to groung zero just like a stack of pancakes...there will be no bowing outwards of the outer structure support columns, no chance of the top portion falling off sideways or for that matter, the whole building falling sideways, no chance of any 20 or 30 story spike-like twisted mass of mangled steel and concrete to deal with either...clean-up will be a breeze.... the NIST along with the example of the twin towers falling identically within hours of each other, prove beyond a shadow of doubt, this new technique should become the new standard throughout the demolition industry.... What is your point? Are you saying that the official explanation must be a lie, because proper demolition is hard and expensive, and yet fire brought a building down? If so, you seem to be ignoring the most important part of a controlled demolition: Control. |