Women's pics
SHALLOW is when you can't ANSWER my question.
What in my first thread says that I am DEMANDING that women display a whole pic so that they can proceed with what they came here for? And all wise men KNOW that most women 'vex' with you when you tell them that they are wrong. They hate you. And if you want them to like you, just tell them they are right even when they are WRONG. But that is if you are off and on remote lovers. They come-by-me-when-you-need-sex kind of relationship. Remote control lovers. But if you are going to live together, you have to tell them the truth to help. As a parent, when your are telling your child that they are always right even when they are wrong, YOU ARE MAKING A CRIMINAL As a Police Officer, I told MY OWN SISTER that she was WRONG in a dispute with a neighbour. She and a next sister aint talk to me for years. They talk to me kind ah way now. |
Women's pics
Some people lie and say they read so they come out and see like somebody gettilg licks and they say : Let me help kick him up and I will get women to LIKE me or let me help out my friends.
This is what first wrote: Quote: Some women posts like 20 pics and not ONE is a whole view of them; like where U can see the whole person. Unless they post a pic like standing or even sitting on a couch, you have not seen them yet. They post faces faces faces; dogs, cats, stars and moon; all kind of weird or beautiful art, themselves with other sometimes with groups and so forth and so forth. I usually have to wonder what track are they on. Don't U? I wonder if men do the same thing or if women seeking men see on faces of men, if they will be satisfied to say: "Yes I will marry him!!!" Unquote Now any NORMAL SENSIBLE, MATURE, HEALTHY AND INTELLIGENT Human will see that there is NOTHING offensive or DEMANDING here. Or, let me put is this way: Where in this fisrt thread does anyone see the word 'demanding' or even a hint of demanding? Where in this do they see 'abuse of women? Where in this does anyone see a temper tantrum by a kid? A normal person might be able to deduce the word 'advice' All the allegations of 'demanding' are TRUMPED-UP charges because someone don't like what I say; and they DEMAND that I shut up. We, myself included, are ARE adults, as one lady says we can give our opinions. And some puppet-men looking for friends, pull the strings they feel the women WANT them to pull, and parrot what they feel the women saying. They do not have their own balls. They spring up like jack-in-the-box. Hoping to get a screw someday or some kind of payment. The persons who are weird and DEMANDING are those who want me to shut up and sonner than later they are going to post just as I advised. Some even jumping in the beating and kicking, while they themselves HAVE full-bodied pic showing they agree with me before I posted this thesis. ![]() But maybe some people do not KNOW what is demanding. DEMANDING is while being on some paid Sites with pshchologists, THEY WILL NOT POST YOUR GIVEN PHOTO IF IT IS NOT A 'RECENT' PHOTO OF YOU BY YOURSELF. They will write you and tell you: "Please upload a 'recent, CLEAR photo of yourself. THAT is demanding!! I do not have that power here. Do I? I am among the millions who will simply hasten away and look elsewhere. That is elementary and SO obvious. I will tell you what ELSE is DEMANDING. When Alex-whatever-something, wants me to shut-up, calling me names that fits her and prescribing pills that she takes and knows about. Every time she opens her mouth to speak, as it were, she says something to tie up herself. Around here we call that; "Foot-in-mouth-disease or 'Manufacturer's defect. This time she tells me I am approaching the EXPERIENCED 60 when she doesn't highlight that SHE is approaching 3yrs old and throwing a temper tantrum. Then she says 'do not follow expert advice. DISREGARD EXPERT ADVICE???? Now that is Weird!!! What is also weird and wacky, is posting only Japanese cartoon art and no pic of yourself. Artgurl has art too but she and Txsgal also HAVE pics of themselves. So the wise will look at their pics FIRST, and THEN look at hteir art. But as Alex-whatever-however-who, and some others say: "If you do not like it move on." Well wise folks KNOW, that is EXACTLY what will happen with men viewing pics. Now she is approaching 3 and NEEDS to grow up. She has a long way before 60, to get my experience. Please somebody help her. By the way I am not offended by any thig thrown at me. I could take it. I feel what is happening here is we are giving each other jokes and having a debating competition. And some wishes to see if I can debate. So if this is offending anyone, please let me know so I could stop. But then some will say: "If you cannot take, do not give!! Invisible has about 3 full bodied pics and I think Native-grl. So what are they saying? They are coming to the aid of women like plenty women do. They are not interested in who is right or wrong. THEY COME TO HELP WOMEN. I heard a female Attorney say that on TV a couple times. Whiew. |
Women's pics
Poolbear. U have about 3 that can be called full body. They can see all of you; or almost. From those people can see what U look like. So U recognize that U should put them there before I spoke. Good.
Mecham will join the line Oldsage and others who run around telling women they are right when they are wrong. Traitors is a good word for them; or jack-in-the-box or puppets. Read what I said about those kind. Alexia-something-whatever! I am far off the WRONG track that YOU are on. And what is this pink pills about? How do they work? What do they do? As you are confessing of your regular intake, please inform me of it's function? You may need to take a double dose. I am not annoyed with you, however; I feel pity for you. As you are so frustrated, confused and lost U direction, U do what such people do. Count stars, place japanese drawings as YOUR pics for people to see you. Ah tut tut tut |
Women's pics
well let me hear some applause. I have 2 go now
Women's pics
LAKEMAN. Could I borrow that pic to install as my one and only. THAT IS WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR ALL THE TIME? PLEASE?
Women's pics
Willy! I never said anything about NAKED pictures. If you have time, go in the archives and read my post and you will see that I am not the one looking for a sexual encounter. You read something in a book somewhere?
A person who is looking for a sexual encounter doesn't care if the person has a pic or not; He rushes to befriend the woman and tell her: "Yes you are right" With everything she says or does. He knows women love flattery. so he offloads until he gets a couple screws. THEN HE LOOKS FOR A NEXT PREY. But he makes it look as though it was SHE who let him go. so that her could pounce on her again if she did not decipher his tricks. Again, i know all about that yet I insist to TALK THE TRUTH. Which is; If a woman does not post a pic of herself ( like the experts say) SHE WILL BE PASSED OVER by men looking for a wife. Why? Because the lil time they have on the computer, after work has to be quick and maximized in time. SO THEY WILL LOOK AT PEOPLE WHO HAVE GOOD CLEAR WHOLE PICS. AND CHHOSE FROM THAT. |
Women's pics
i do ot drink either even though I have noting against who does. I reasearched that and it is not a sin as some teach. Drunkeness is the sin.
And you have a lovely whole pic and three quarte pics and you are pretty. And lots of men love women with you size including me. And you have a prety face too. I told you that long time ago. and i am still talking the truth. |
Women's pics
Cute. I just tasted a teaspoon of gallon you drank. When you wake up here's I will have some medicine for you
Women's pics
and what does yours say Alex??? It says NOTHING but a confused mumbojumbo. What kind of 'cosis' is that? Confused. Not in reality. ambigious.
Women's pics
you are a big anime fan Alex. I have a 12yr old daughter that is a big anime fan too. and she does art just like that. Hope U meet her some day?
Women's pics
Artgurl I was refering to Cute whatever. I done tell you U pretty already and many would wonder how the rest of you looks. remember?
Women's pics
a LOOMINMG TIME after he sees what You look like
Women's pics
Well Cute. You do not know what is rant. Rant is what Alex is doing. I say something and she starts to come at my throat. Instead of you as an older women telling her stop barking whoa whoa. You sart to come at me too. When you clear the smoke and go back and read, you will realize that there was no need for lynching me or nailing an innocent man to the cross.
Women's pics
Let me go and see what pics alexiateigra has posted? Oh lawd. That is why she is DEMANDING that I should ADVISE no one on pics. SHE IS VERY WISE. SHE HAS NO PICS OF HERSELF. She is letting us see what a good artist she is. Quick Quake3 please buy one of her displays. She is here for that reason it seems?
Sorry. I can't purchase any. I am also an artist and Musician. Lots of us can do all that and more. A next thing I noticed. She just born this morning. That is probably why she is not staying on the point. Which is; "Would a man message you and say will you marry me BECAUSE he saw pics of Japanese cartoon drawings showing that person is not in touch with reality? The person is like SLEEPING. They aint WAKE UP YET but accusing people of what they are guity of. And some people lapping up that just to get friends. |
Women's pics
Lesson 1 everybody:
Quake 3 is going to ask a woman; "Will you marry me?" because her pic was that or Oscar's pet worm. She only had that one pic. Lesson 2. One very Pretty woman says yes, she put a whole pic BECAUSE TXSGAL says to do it; then she uses the word anal for me SUGGESTIONG it. To me it seems like cantradiction. I wonder where then should that word anal fit? HMMMMMmmmmmm |
Women's pics
Enter a next female puppet. Oldsage. Line up for your pay!
Women's pics
Well done Quake3. You have earned you pay. You might not have to wait till month end. U might even get to give a baby. Then U both will go and live happiply ever after with you telling them everything they do is right all the time. Yeah you two will last long long.
I aint so lucky. I tell the truth. And I listen to experts. I read what they say. And I am not the one who is or has demanded anything. I volunteer advice with my good heart trying to help, and some people are DEMANDING that I should not say that. I must say what they want and I will be a good boy. So they want to grind me to POWDER. I WILL STILL TALK THE TRUTH. I WILL STILL TALK THE TRUTH!!! lEARN THAT. Exam is coming up. Come in the front seat and sit. |
Women's pics
Quake3 So I have proved you wrong. So you are now CONFESSING that YOU are a drama Queen? Ok.
I thought that you were one one of the stooges that pursue women to tell them lies like they are right when they are wrong in the hope that they will like you and offer to pay you a salary by the month or beg you to breed them. Just now you might confess that you are both. You are a Corporal. You have 2 stripes. You getting fast promotion? Ok Well I tell them the truth. And some sleep in the back seat of the class and wake up on one word like "forced." they aint see or hear none of the other words and what Proffessional psychologists on existing Datings Sites say. They are showing what kind of wife they are or will be. Do not tell them anything They always right. And they deal with other than the issue. I am sorry that I am not intelligent enough to lie to them. |
Women's pics
In 2001 when I was FORCED to become exposed to online dating; Desperate and panting, I went on a few PAID dating sites.
Then, (maybe they STILL do)they had paid professional psycholigists or experts, giving ADVICE to all on: "If you want to succeed." Wishing you luck. They had some proffessional questions too. a long long list. One of their MAIN advice section was: Put a pic of yourself. The pic must be clear. NOT FUZZY. If you can't do it, they will do it for you. If you can't take out a good picture yourself, go to a professional studio; for it is like your life is depending on it. The pic must be of you by yourself. At least one pic must be of the WHOLE you (as some do here.)and you must be smiling or laughing. Other advice was like: Be polite. Reply to all messages. Be polite. If you don't have time to chat tell them you will get back to them. When you reply ask a question. Ask a question in your tale about yourself. Be truthful. Be friendly. Message people if you are not getting enough people messaging you; especially when you now start. Do not insult anyone. They are ALREADY HEARTBROKEN THAT'S WHY THEY ARE HERE. I am now wondering if all this advice is or was GOOD advice or if I should go ahead and display a pic of a false teeth or something. That will show how deep and thoughtful I am. Not superficial. Bright and deep thinking people will recognize this and pursue me to breed them so that a perfect race will be imposed. SHOULD I NOT??? |
Women's pics
I am asking for a vote here. I am wondering if I should change my pics and just put one.
Should it be a pic of a kangaroo, a bowl of piss, 2 pounds of fresh dog dung, an old boot, or smoke coming from a chimney; or some other thing just as beautiful. Now I AM ASKING. Please do not say that I am demanding. Could someone post the chosen pic for me? ![]() ![]() ![]() |