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Tue 05/19/09 05:01 PM
Edited by random_char_here on Tue 05/19/09 05:02 PM
One of the major problems with virus scanners is that they can only find virus that have been found, basically if yeh catch a new virus yer virus scanner cant find it.

There have been know instances of keyloggers in add's from some wow sites. So its good idea filter out adds from sites, not allow java, flash ...

One of the things yeh can do is get a Authenticator from blizzad its a lil dongle displaying some numbers that change every min or so wen yeh log in yeh have to enter those numbers.

Just go to blizzard online store and search for "Blizzard Authenticator" only cost like $6.50 plus shipping.

If yeh know yer secret code or what ever its called it shouldn't take to long to get yer account back they also restore it to what its was before it got nabbed.

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Thu 05/07/09 08:10 PM
Sounds bandwidth intensive I guess if everyone starts capping bandwidth this is gonna be dead in the water?

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Thu 05/07/09 07:38 PM
Neodymium magnets are fun just gotta watch yer fingers around em :P

Been collecting em outta hard drives for there size those lil suckers are hard to pull apart.

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Tue 03/31/09 07:22 PM

I have seen it...Those are 2 hours I will sadly never get back.

I often wonder where my life would be today if I had spent those hours doing something more painting my ceiling bright orange...frustrated rant

Yeh be in a white room with padding ?

be kinda weird having a sequel to that movie.

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Fri 03/27/09 05:36 PM
Any jackie chan flic his older ones.
Jet Lee in hero

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Wed 03/25/09 07:52 PM
Edited by random_char_here on Wed 03/25/09 07:52 PM sounds like an opt-in type of thing *shrug*

I opt out of spam all the time called a spam filter :tongue:

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Mon 03/23/09 11:06 PM
In the long run a degree will be a whole lot better then a certification. Due to the fact that a with a degree yeh will get broader spectrum of knowledge whereas a certification will cost yeh bunch plus its a basically a cram course in a narrowly defined area.

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Mon 03/23/09 07:49 PM
Theres a really cool one called "night watch" its a russian movies didn't get into to many movies theaters had a decent plot
and a decent budget so looked really cool.