Community > Posts By > 1amm3

1amm3's photo
Thu 04/16/09 01:38 PM
Absolutely! But only if...
You've spent as much time as humanly possible together,
You're both absolutely honest with each other,
The chemistry between you is right,
and finally...
You're heart skips a beat every time you see each other/touch/kiss/etc.

It is possible, its just rare.

1amm3's photo
Thu 03/19/09 12:22 AM
Being sincere in your opening is the most important. For subject lines I use the beginning of a thought, i.e. "I was just wondering..." or "What would you..." That's worked for me so far. But remember, the subject is just what they see in their inbox. It has to be tailored to the recipient to make them want to open the message. Once opened that message has to be sincere, honest, and interesting to them. Try using a "so what" stance when criticizing your email. Ask yourself if the person you're sending it to will actually care about what you have to say. If there is a glimmer of hope (don't aim for perfection) you have a shot.

Oh, one more thing. Opening in a negative light, bad idea. Things like, "I'm not really good at this" or "I don't know what to say in these things" makes the recipient automatically wonder what else you don't know or aren't good at. Keep your messages confident and clear.

Hope that all helps! Good Luck!

1amm3's photo
Mon 03/16/09 10:33 PM
Watchmen had an amazing and complex plot. Much like Sin City or Seven Pounds, the plot finally delivers a "Eureka!" moment when all that has happened in the story makes perfect sense. I do agree that Dr. Manhattan's full frontals were a tad overwhelming. With that minor issue removed I whole heartedly agree with reviews toting this movie as amazing.