Community > Posts By > zabsMan

zabsMan's photo
Wed 03/04/15 07:07 PM
Lol meant to say

Christ church

zabsMan's photo
Wed 03/04/15 07:06 PM
Christ crunch

zabsMan's photo
Wed 03/04/15 06:53 PM
Brother when you find your fourth girl friend just give me a shout to come and help out whenever she is feeling horny and I'll come and do my best to satisfy her. I promise to leave as soon as the deed is done. At least that way your next relationship has a chance to last a bit longer then the previous ones.

zabsMan's photo
Tue 03/03/15 08:11 PM
Bro only thing I can tell you for sure is that no sex will definitely make your relationship weaker.

zabsMan's photo
Tue 03/03/15 08:08 PM
I am sorry but one cannot define themselves as a true lesbian if they still get turned on by a man once in a while. That would classify the person as bi-sexual and then I guess it's natural to be in a relationship with one sex and once in a while want to have sex with the other sex. Or even better to have a threesome with both sexes together . Lol

zabsMan's photo
Tue 03/03/15 08:01 PM
Having read your profile I think you are probably talking about what you are looking for and you clearly state you don't want to get into a serious relationship. You only after an intimate encounter.

If I am correct then the main reason you might feel us men don't read your profile is because of the nature of man itself. Men in general have great big egos and specially the ones you choose to talk to or date would even have bigger egos. It's hard for them to accept your words literally. Deep down all the chosen ones would probably believe they are one up on the rest of the guys here and therefore they posses the power for you to want to get into a relationship with them (even if they are not in it for a relationship themselves). They need to believe this to affirm themselves . That's all.

zabsMan's photo
Tue 03/03/15 07:52 PM
I am speaking for myself here. I believe one is very lucky If they are having sex with some one they love.

Being a man I also must admit that it is also possible to have a lot of sex (where love is not involved) and derive a lot of physical pleasure out of it.

Lastly (again speaking for myself here) it is possible to love someone yet have sex with someone else and derive pleasure (I am not say this is right or moral just stating my thoughts on "love" and "sex").

zabsMan's photo
Fri 02/27/15 07:41 PM
Having a good sense of humour, easy going, generous , kind and being attentive and loving. These reason I am going to keep out of the equation because most men have all these attribute or at least they can pretend they have them (this is for the men who see dating woman as just a game).

The single most important factor which has attracted the women that I have dated in the past five years has been my financial security i.e. MONEY! I know money cannot buy love or happiness. But I tell you in today's day and age with out money you cannot be happy and if you aren't happy it's difficult to bring out your best attributes and be at your most attractive. Also woman decide who they might want to date and who they don't want to date. According to this they look out for our positive qualities or they are looking out for the negative ones. I think it's fair to say one sees what they usually want to see. I believe we all have what it takes to come of as interesting to the opposite sex. I also believe we also posses character traits which the opposite sex don't find attractive . Hence it boils down to what they want to see in us. That depends very much on the first impression that we make on them. Which naturally brings us back to try to be at our best, humorous self, protesting positive energy etc. This will allow the ladies to see the good in you rather then the bad and without money it's just not possible to be at our best nowadays.

zabsMan's photo
Mon 02/23/15 07:59 PM
Mate you have posted what I have wanted to post for so long. I was beginning to think PnP was something of the past. Good to see there are other people in this world who think and live like me. On a more personal note I just wanted to share something. In my own personal experience I found "the White " makes me into a rapist but takes away my ability to rape (hope you get what I mean) . But crystal (Ice) on the other hand is the best thing for PnP. It will make your brain think like a porn director and make you perform like a pornstar hours on end. :wink:. Also you might find more ladies out there willing to party with you if you switch to the latter. Hope you agree. Keep it up man!

zabsMan's photo
Mon 02/23/15 07:48 PM
It's funny but I believe I am ugly but I am also extremely rich and in an earlier post I saw you write about your friend wanting to buy LV bags and put food on the table for her kids. Well I can guarantee you I could pull your friend being as ugly as I am simply by using my wallet and flying her to the worlds biggest LV showroom in Shanghai , Xintandie district and buy her all the bags she wants. If I am correct (which I know I am) then your friend should bite her lips and keep quite. What do you think?

zabsMan's photo
Mon 02/23/15 07:41 PM
I always believed the definition for a true lesbian must be a woman who is sexually attracted to other woman and is turned off by men. There fore anyone who doesn't fit within this definition must be considered to either bi-sexual or Bi-curious. This then definitely means a woman in a lesbian relationship wanting to sleep with a man was not a true lesbian to begin with. I am a straight guy and I know there is no way I could have sex with another guy , not even have a threesome involving MMF . The idea of another man's naked body touching mine even by accident would be a turn off for me. This is because I believe I am a true straight person. If I was ok with another naked man touch me even if it was once a year, that would mean I have bi-sexual or gay attributes inside my head already and there I couldn't call myself a true straight man. Coming back to topic I believe defining your sexuality at the beginning of your relationship is very important so that in the future your partner will know what to expect. I believe you are a bi-sexual or a bi-curious person who so far was in a lesbian relationship and now you are wanting to explore your sexuality further .

zabsMan's photo
Sun 02/15/15 06:39 PM
Tali69 I always believed it's every man's fantasy to have a threesome with two females at some point in his life. What can be better if the guy's wife happens to be the one who willingly get a third party to join in. So if break up with your hubby in the future (not that i wish for that but just saying) then I'll be right here waiting for you babes. With me you can feel free to explore your bi side as much as you like. :wink::kissing_heart:

zabsMan's photo
Fri 02/13/15 08:42 PM
In my experience I have always found whenever a female partner of mine has ever suggested we have a threesome it has always been FFM and not MMF (although I would have imagined this is what most woman would naturally want). After giving much thought to this matter i concluded woman cannot have casual sex with another man . If a married woman must have sexual interaction with another person in the casual sense (and not in revenge or in spite or to get affirmation only) , they can only do this with another female not male. As I said these are only my personal understanding .

zabsMan's photo
Fri 02/13/15 08:37 PM
Ok Am I to understand that you are married to a man and now you have found yourself a girl friend with whom you are enjoying your bi-sexual side, meaning you may be bi-curious?

zabsMan's photo
Tue 02/10/15 07:32 PM
I don't wish to undermine anything anyone had said here on this topic. All I want do is to explain this topic in the way I know it. In our universe as we know it, there are angels (made of light, without free will), Jinns (made of smokeless fire, they have free will), living humans (spirit in a physical Body made of carbon based chemistry, we have free will) , spirit (dead human where the spirit is no longer with the body). Ok first off all from the living human point of view. We have no control of the Angels. They are the workforce of God and they do as asked of them . They are perfectly suited to the job they are intended for. If only god asks them to show themselves to humans they then take a physical from and come infront of us. Jinns are invisible to our eye (they also go by the name "unseen"), there are five types of Jinns in existence. Like us they also living in communities, they also have male and female and like us they get married, have children and they die (except for satan who we know shall live till the last day). Theses Jinns who show themselves and interact with man they do so to mislead us from the right path . The reason why they do this is simple, they too want to save themselves from the hell fire and to do so they would have to corrupt us humans to prove to God why Adam SAW (first human) wasn't worthy of their respect. So nearly all the strange things we see, we hear about others seeing, so called miracles, UFO phenomenon, spirit world, ouija board, black magic, white magic, medium , channeling, illuminati, one works order , etc etc etc is all the work of jinn and some of there human prot�g�s and supporters. As far as the human spirit is concerned, from the moment we die and we are buried our souls (spirits of you may) so into a type of suspended animation under the control of God , being over seen by angels . Only in extremely extremely rare cases when there is unnatural death , very violent or very unholy (suicide ) some of these spirits are not taken in and are free to roam. But I don't believe they make themselves know to other humans because by then they a very well aware of the existence of God , hell fire and judgement day. So they don't want to further jeopardise their situation then it already is . So from all this we could summarise 99% if not all supernatural, UFO, alien , monsters, strange creatures, etc etc phenomenon can all be attributed to the jinn world. Hope I have been able to shed some light on the matter. Thank for reading .

zabsMan's photo
Tue 02/10/15 07:32 PM
I don't wish to undermine anything anyone had said here on this topic. All I want do is to explain this topic in the way I know it. In our universe as we know it, there are angels (made of light, without free will), Jinns (made of smokeless fire, they have free will), living humans (spirit in a physical Body made of carbon based chemistry, we have free will) , spirit (dead human where the spirit is no longer with the body). Ok first off all from the living human point of view. We have no control of the Angels. They are the workforce of God and they do as asked of them . They are perfectly suited to the job they are intended for. If only god asks them to show themselves to humans they then take a physical from and come infront of us. Jinns are invisible to our eye (they also go by the name "unseen"), there are five types of Jinns in existence. Like us they also living in communities, they also have male and female and like us they get married, have children and they die (except for satan who we know shall live till the last day). Theses Jinns who show themselves and interact with man they do so to mislead us from the right path . The reason why they do this is simple, they too want to save themselves from the hell fire and to do so they would have to corrupt us humans to prove to God why Adam SAW (first human) wasn't worthy of their respect. So nearly all the strange things we see, we hear about others seeing, so called miracles, UFO phenomenon, spirit world, ouija board, black magic, white magic, medium , channeling, illuminati, one works order , etc etc etc is all the work of jinn and some of there human prot�g�s and supporters. As far as the human spirit is concerned, from the moment we die and we are buried our souls (spirits of you may) so into a type of suspended animation under the control of God , being over seen by angels . Only in extremely extremely rare cases when there is unnatural death , very violent or very unholy (suicide ) some of these spirits are not taken in and are free to roam. But I don't believe they make themselves know to other humans because by then they a very well aware of the existence of God , hell fire and judgement day. So they don't want to further jeopardise their situation then it already is . So from all this we could summarise 99% if not all supernatural, UFO, alien , monsters, strange creatures, etc etc phenomenon can all be attributed to the jinn world. Hope I have been able to shed some light on the matter. Thank for reading .

zabsMan's photo
Tue 02/10/15 12:39 AM
I think I am turning into a tosk too!

zabsMan's photo
Tue 02/10/15 12:38 AM
I believe to understand the alien phenomenon one has to go back to the beginning of human time to see the bigger picture they one may be able to understand what's going on. In the beginning God created the Angels, then the jinn and then the first human Adam. When God asked all of his creation to bow to Adam, the captain amongst jinns uses his free will and doesn't do as God asked. That jinn is none other then Satan. God listens to satans argument for not Bowing before Adam and asks God for one wish and God grants him that wish. That wish is for him (satan) to prove to God that man is not worthy of the jinn's respect because humans are too dependent on their free will and are most likely to be deviated from the path of God as humans are verily easily influenced. God gives satan until (what we know it as ) the end of time to prove himself to save himself (satan) from the fire of hell. Firstly we know the story of the garden of Eden when satan comes as Adam and seduces eve and a child is born (Cain) with the poisoned blood line (jinn DNA). Then Satan came to earth disguised as God (Hindu myth, Greek myth, old Sumerian beliefs). Satan then realised this wasn't working because us human didn't believe in the real God and neither did we believe in any fake God: it seemed we only believed in ourselves. So he tried a new trick. He manipulated consensus to think of natural evolution (Darwinism ), science , etc etc to make us believe there wasn't a creator at all. We simply came into being by some freak chemical reaction that took place after the Big Bang and we kept evolving till we became how and what we are today. I believe satan is still playing this card now and therefore we are having very rapid evolution of science and technology . And now coming back to the Alien phenomenon , ancient aliens , we being some kind of alien experiment , etc etc are all part of satans game. For this to have credibility people must believe in aliens . Meaning other beings living elsewhere in the universe in the same dimension as us. Therefor all the aliens sittings or abductions which are not fake or hoaxes are all the work of the jinn. This story is very very very big I made it as short as I could to try and make senses .

zabsMan's photo
Sun 02/08/15 09:01 PM
I don't really know what to think about how I come off to others. I am very new to all this. Your honesty is very much appreciated

zabsMan's photo
Sun 02/08/15 08:41 PM
Ok I have read everything and everyone's post in here. First and foremost God is one. There are other unseen beings who God created before creating man. Some of these beings have free will and some don't. It is forbidden by the rule of God for one being to interact with being of another kind. Yet there are methods, practises and ways of contacting other beings in this universe. Being limited to our human understanding we are always impressed by anything that we consider supernatural or other worldly and most of the time if one makes contact they get eluded into thinking they have found there creator or the keeper of all knowledge etcetc. This is so wrong !!! All that has happened is you made contact with the unseen "jinn". They are always around us. They always sees us but we cannot see them. They have the ability to influence our minds and body in a non tangible way . Very very rarely do we see any tangible proof of their existence (eg poltergeist activity). When one talks about witchcraft it is basically a formation of a contract between man and jinn. There are many reasons why one does this. The most common reason being getting knowledge of something that has already taken place. For example a theft had happened and one needs to know who the thief is they can then turn to the unseen and know who stole the object. Another reason for making contact is to take there help in gaining influence over another human (this is what we call black majic). Bringing about discord between man and wife, making someone fall in love you, bringing about discord between two humans, etc etc etc.

Going back to how I started one must remember God is one and one must remember never to associate anyone or anything to God. God might know show instant tangible benefits if we turn toward him instead of towards witchcraft for whatever it is we are seeking. Be rest assured God is the most powerful and has the final say on everything and without his knowledge and permission not even a leaf on a tree move to the wind. He is the creator of all energy, force, beings, etc etc in all existence and no body listens to us humans like he does. So you are always better off asking him directly whatever it is that you seek.