Community > Posts By > lloudogg

lloudogg's photo
Mon 08/21/06 07:37 AM
I beleive there are very few things in life that have any real substance
to them, any real meaning or purpose. We need the basics to sustain our
life, such as food, drink, housing, money(to create the conditions) and
purpose and direction, to fulfill our lives and to give it meaning.
When we are financially secure, we ACQUIRE the ability to look and
search for the things that bring each of us the fulfillment in life,
that we beleive we NEED. "Need" is a very peculiar word as it denotes
something we MUST have. I choose to beleive that I do not NEED
anything. Now "WANT," that is a different scenerio. I have already
acquired my "Short" list of Needs. I also have an even shorter list of
"Wants!" It seems THAT shopping list is very difficult to fill. I have
encountered a very "frustrating" pattern, unique only to online dating.
In real life dating, two people meet, maybe by chance, talk, and it goes
from there. In online dating we have the ability to stop anything
before it goes any further, simply because we don't feel attracted to
the picture posted.After all, which one of us, just up and email a
profile, that does not have a picture posted on it. Doesn't just that
fact, make us all rather vain and really unattractive? I have noticed
that women will post photos that bring all the best of them forward for
the eye to see, while men, do not seem to care, they just throw up any
photo they happen to have on their computer and HOPE that it will bring
women to them. We all "browse" the photos first, and if we like what we
see, then we read the profiles. How "backwards" is that? I believe
that each of us wants to spend the rest of our lives with a person, not
a picture. I recently tried out my theory, by emailing a lot of
different profiles that had no pictures posted, and to my utter delight
I ran across two ladies, who by ANY mans standard, would be considered
"STUNNING!" Both of those two ladies wanted to be "found" because of
who they are and not because of how beautiful they truly are and guess
what? Although they are beautiful on the outside, they are truly more
beautiful "INSIDE." So to the men out there who really want to find
someone they will be happy with..."Try emailing photos without pictures!
It will take a while, but where I found Two, I am sure there are many
more!" Now, I have a very big decision to make and I do not look
forward to making it! Louie aka