Community > Posts By > Jaan Doh

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 04/19/24 02:02 AM

The best sport in the world is baseball. When did other people completely lose interest?

Hi again Cat, how yummy of you to drop by :joy:

Mmmmm I don't think it's that people lost interest, I feel it's more that the next generation prefers to play their games on the Internet, rather than in real life out in the sunshine and elements...

And maybe even mollycoddle their kids and wrap them up in cotton wool balls :joy:

Instead of letting them eat mud and graze their knee's...

I can see a glimpse of the future now, and laughing and having fun will be a crime very soon lol :joy: 🀣

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 04/19/24 01:56 AM

Seriously is Blondey back from her tour of duty or is this some wanna be impostor...
will definitely find out once Apple joins up to form that dynamic duo known to Minglers as ' Matchmakers... unlimited ' ...???

Yes it looks like Ms Blondey is back from surfing in new Zealand?

Matchmakers... Unlimited?

Where does one get an application form?
I'd like to be matched to an Audrey Hepburn look alike :joy::heart_eyes:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 04/19/24 01:53 AM

Boo .. lmao .waving I have so many questions …
Have I missed anything exciting ?
Who is doing who ?
Who has been up to mischief ?
Who has found a real match ?
Has mingle been inundated with an abundance of sexy men for me to toy with ?:smile: pitchfork Fill me in on all the happenings .. otherwise I will have to rely on the mingle grapevine !!!!!

Welcome back Ms Blondey :smile:

No you didn't miss anything, just same inane threads about what love is :joy:

Who is doing who?, I don't know, I'm always the last to know :joy:

Who has been upto mischief?
Well, I cannot lie :innocent:, everyone except me has been naughty, I'm a good boys now I've turned a new leaf :leaves::joy:

Who has found a real match? I guess the honest answer to this is..
All those whom God has shined Torch :flashlight: on
And all those whom God wants punished :joy:

Mingle has been inundated for sure, less with the in and more with the undated I guess 🀣

I would love to fill you in, but it's time to run off to the dungeons for punishment (work) and I cannot be late, cos it's payday whoop whoop :tada: :confetti_ball: :pray: :rainbow: :sunny: :balloon: :dancer: and Fridayyyyy too :pound::moneybag::credit_card:πŸ₯ƒ:beers::wine_glass::joy:

So yes, it's the grapevine for you, unfortunately :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 04/19/24 01:42 AM

Thank you Robin, it's Doh :joy: not though or though :innocent:

Do you feel my reply was serious enough? There wasn't even any emoji's in there, even though there could have been :joy:

Witch was tha last month when we were seriously serious in sensible serious matters/material questions here:monkey::monkey::smile::smile:

Being sensible once a month is enough for a lifetime :joy:

On a different topic, I think you should sport a monkey tail moustache beard :joy::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::monkey::monkey:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 04/19/24 01:33 AM

No Bottle in Evening, :champagne:
No blessing & prayer,
No Chaknaa, na muttona
No pouring πŸ₯ƒ so boring
Friday ON. Pocket empty noun:credit_card::moneybag:
Halala Friday 🀣🀣🀣

Don't worry Robin...
I will consume few few glassee for you πŸ₯ƒ:beers:
Instead of chaknaa muttona, KFC :chicken::hamburger:
And yes, yes, very soon pocket empty :ok_woman:‍♂️:joy:
So yes, hallelujah :raised_hands: Friday :joy:
:see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil: Happy Friday!!!

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 04/19/24 01:17 AM
Edited by Jaan Doh on Fri 04/19/24 01:17 AM

Today was one of my boys birthday his is now 3 and on the 18 it will be his brothers birthday and on my favourite day of the year 420 it’s my birthday :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::sunglasses::yum:

Happy birthday, happy soon to be birthday, and belated happy birthdays to everyone....

Don't forget...
It's whoop whoop :tada: :confetti_ball: :pray: :rainbow: :sunny: :balloon: :smile: that most wonderful of all days :raised_hands: Fridayyyyy again....

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 04/19/24 01:13 AM

mingle2 likes me so much that my none thread post gets deleted...:grin:
I'm the topper in these class maximum deleted syllabus in whichever exam I try to open/offend

Cheers Robin,

For a minute I'd thought I was going mad :joy:

Now I fee much better and only a bit nutty :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 04/19/24 01:08 AM

Absolutely yes. I've had a handful deleted over the years, magically, silently and secretly with zero notice or explanation. I imagine one or two may have technically crossed the line and could be considered "rude" by some secret moderator but others, in my opinion, were fairly mild and disappeared.

People have strong views about Trump and Biden but thankfully, those comments seem to stay up even though, again technically, it could be considered crossing the line or "rude" when addressing those in the opposite party.

I'm for free speech in this country unless it is GROSSLY way out there. So much so that the vast majority of folks would want it banned. None of what I've ever written that was deleted was THAT far over any imaginary line.

Cheers Mr Good Guy,

I had thought I was going senile in my young age :joy:...

My thread wasn't out there offensive either, hmmmm it's a very strange one... But nevermind we live and we learn...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 04/18/24 02:24 PM
I was pretty sure I posted a thread the other day, now I can't it?

Did it get deleted? Do threads get deleted without any notifications?

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 04/18/24 02:16 PM
Welcome to Mingle all the noobies, and good luck too :four_leaf_clover: 🀞

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sun 04/14/24 04:04 PM
It's very disturbing...

An underlying it all is thoughts of gaza 1 and gaza 2 the fossil deposits that rightfully belong to Palestine but are in the process of being taken away from the by Israel, UK and USA between the 3 of them, so the money can't finance terrorism (according to them)...

In the modern world, there is no such thing as unprejudiced justice, it's more about might is right...

So we continue until the day that God instructs Israfil to blow the horn, and then each of us will have to answer for our deeds...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sun 04/14/24 03:16 PM

"5ft 9 barefoot and 8ft 4 in heels" ????????

those must be some heels!!!!!!


Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 04/12/24 09:44 AM
Welcome back Trixie, hope you're good and don't remember I owe you Β£20= :joy::joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 04/12/24 02:12 AM

Here in the UK the regulations have continued to tighten up on modified vehicles. If you change the engine for another new/reconditioned/unleaded conversion but identical engine that is OK. If you install any other engine, maybe larger capacity, an upgrade, or just a different manufacturer, the vehicle will require to be examined at a government testing station for safety reasons. It costs a lot more than the normal MOT test required on all vehicles over 3 years old, and must be completed at a government testing station. Once tested, the changes are recorded and an updated registration document issued, so the annual MOT test is all that is needed in future. If the vehicle is over 40 years old and registered as a 'historic vehicle', then it doesn't apply, these vehicles do not require a MOT test.

It is over 40 years old :joy:...
Not as old as myself though :joy:...

It's a mk1 fiesta 1983...
And the engine n gearbox are from a mk3
I'm saving up for the cost of having the work done and still finding it hard to find a garage to do the work :sob::joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 04/10/24 09:07 AM

We're any of you lucky enough to see the eclipse?

Did you manage to get any photos?

I'm gonna try and see if they show it on the news later, after I get home :house_with_garden: from the dungeons...

Yes and yes. drinks I sat in a friends pasture in a suburban with the sun roof cover open, the seats laid back, and the a/c on. happy it was cool but I probably wont see the next one.

What impressed me most when I saw 1999 eclipse in UK, was how each leaf on every plant echoed the eclipse effect in miniature

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 04/10/24 09:05 AM

it made me search on Google and discover there's a eclipse in 2025 :sunglasses: in the UK wit woooooo :joy:

I'm sorry to disappoint you. It will be only a partial one with 30-40% of the sun obscured. The total one not coming until 2090.

I'll settle for 30-40%....
Its better than nothing...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 04/10/24 09:02 AM
Edited by Jaan Doh on Wed 04/10/24 09:04 AM
Account >> Settings >> Mail Settings >> Blocked Settings...

I think that's it..

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 04/10/24 03:15 AM
I'm looking forward to watching this in the future :sunglasses:

I have to read some reviews about it too lol

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 04/10/24 02:56 AM

correction 2045


Cheers for that Toodygirl, it made me search on Google and discover there's a eclipse in 2025 :sunglasses: in the UK wit woooooo :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 04/10/24 02:55 AM
1) Tell her ariverderci
2) Change the locks
3) Throw all her clothes out of the front bedroom window on the street below

Sometimes you just can't beat the old fashioned way of splitting up :joy:

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