Community > Posts By > Jaan Doh

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 11/28/23 11:55 AM

Got the tags today :smile: drinker drinker drinker rofl flowers

Congrats... :beers::beers:

Now you can cross that item off your list...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 11/28/23 11:53 AM


I have had a few odd replies to my messages.

However, I am not interested in a relationship with the Men anyway.

Me too, I'm not interested in a relationship with men either :joy:🤣

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 11/28/23 11:44 AM

"Jaan Doh",

It is a noble profession, however I'm not a school teacher. What made you think I might be one?

Yes I couldn't agree more, being a teacher is indeed a noble profession, one with responsibility and also one that requires a person to pass on all their knowledge onto young minds...

I believe that movies, tv etc (visual mediums) are there to be seen...

And music, lectures etc (audible mediums) are there to be heard..

And money etc (financial mediums) are there to be spent (not hoarded)

And knowledge is there to be passed on, onto the next generation, so yeah I think it's a noble and valuable job/career...

I thought you may be a teacher, because you're rarely wrong and it's always educational to read your responses (at least to me it is... Maybe I'm showing my level of illiteracy lol)

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 11/28/23 11:22 AM

Hi everyone,

Id like to get to know someone safe, honest, kind, and cool to see if we could potentially be a good fit for partners n life for however long it lasts. I'm a decent person with a budonka-donk behind. Great sense of humor. Seeking similar interested like minded man to chill with once in awhile. And I'm not much of a chatter. Thank you!:)

BUDONKA-DONK ?? Could You Explain in Detail
What that Means ?? what

I only know BUDONKA-DONK from the movie Robots (2005)...

Hi Amanda, welcome to Mingle and good luck too..

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 11/28/23 03:57 AM
I feel that "How are you", "How was your day" are open ended questions, that really require a complete answer, it's not like a closed question where you only expect one word responses...

I can understand that some people are shy or introverts and don't like to talk, but then everyone has to make sacrifices to find their mr/miss nearly right...

And if the other person is making an effort and writing to you in whole sentences then maybe they're interested in you enough in you, for you to make an effort...

If the shoe were on the other foot, I'd bet that we wouldn't be happy with the other person's responses either.. And when that happens we just have to realise the other person is not REALLY interested in us but just being polite by answering....

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 11/28/23 01:15 AM
Good Morning World,
If your in Britain :flag_gb:, you'd best get ready for winter, it's here now and it's frikkin freezing :joy::sob::snowflake::snowflake::snowflake::snowflake::snowflake:⛄⛄⛄:cloud_snow::cloud_snow::cloud_snow:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 11/28/23 12:34 AM
Hi all,

I'm from Manchester in the northwest,
and hoping to make new friends locally

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 11/28/23 12:16 AM

Number of licks to center of Tootsie Pop ?

I couldn't figure this out, because I didn't understand the question :joy:

Luck for me Mr 1000111010123 answered :joy:

Everyone knows that's 3 because you can't resist biting it to get to the chewy center

Then I understood that a tootsie pop must be some kind of ice cream or lollipop :joy: or something like that lol

Yes , I was referencing an old commercial for them, probably a YouTube video of it. Now got me wanting to look

I think my favourite advert of all time is the lynx/axa deodorant ad where angels fall from the sky...

Note that even the blind guy with the walking stick sees the angel... :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 11/28/23 12:08 AM

Then try to reread it at least two more times, and hopefully you will get the second half, which seems to be more obscure for you than the first one. :blush:

Thank you, by the way, are you a school teacher? :joy:

I'll try to read it again on the weekend when I have lots more time :pray:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 11/27/23 04:00 PM

lol it is so true, I think people go through and click anyone just for the heck of it cause most times they are looking for suckers, and don't write anything on profile. be careful!

Thank you Joy :pray:

I try to be careful, but if you come across a fairy godmother please ask her to watch out for me :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 11/27/23 03:57 PM

For many years, I kept my profile as
schitty, and antisocial as possible.
Mainly, in an attempt, to keep people
uninterested, and out of my inbox.

I didn't f'n work! :sob:

Lately, I've updated to seem approachable.
Bingo! Not a single message from an unknown,
for over a month. :joy:

It's strange that you say that...

And it's a bit like if your status is single, not many are interested, but if its taken/in a relationship you get lots of views :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 11/27/23 03:55 PM

I get so many Views I have to delete daily are they pile up.
Many are not in my age range anyway.
I don't expect to date off here I am already interested in someone. I do message a few that Message me.

Finding views from someone in my age group is a rare plus...

And please stop making us less viewed people jelluss :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 11/27/23 03:52 PM
I'm mostly natrelly happy :innocent:

But traffic wardens and tax inspectors make me feel like doing murder :joy:🤣

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 11/27/23 03:48 PM

I am worried don’t want to spend time on an app

Don't worry, because it's a miracle that you changed from a man to woman 🤨

A man to a woman? :joy:

Thank you Ms Storm, Ms Morticia an Mr Larsi... :pray:For saving me :joy: 🤣:innocent:

I was misled into a false sense of security :relaxed:
by Mr Robin an Mr Laska Paul :joy::wink:

You are warmly welcomed, Jaan. Happy to protect. laugh

Thank you all,... :pray:

Because some days the grey matter is AWOL :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 11/27/23 03:45 PM

I'm not a sister :joy:
But yeah...

Come on ladies don't be shy...
Put some sunglasses on, if you have to :sunglasses::joy:

What does prince charming look like in your mind?

bigsmile shades

:joy: 🤣 Hahaha the frog prince waiting for a real princess to kiss him and turn him back into a real prince...

Thats a fairy tale lol...
Girls nowadays are likely to swat the poor frog prince with their handbag instead of kissing him :joy:

Good thing I believe in fairy tales then. tongue2

And even better since I'm not like those nowaday girls you speak of ... I always kiss, before swatting them with my handbag, or throwing them back in the pond. winking laugh

I must be getting old :joy:

This is a new fashion to me...

Kiss first then swat :joy:

Well any other way is silly. One of those frogs might be my prince. If I swat first, I'd never know. slaphead laugh

Duhhhh :joy: I forgot that...
And it makes sense lol...

Still you could kiss a frog / toad and if it doesn't turn into a prince, just throw it back into the middle...

But swatting it, is just cruel...
It's not the frog's /toad's fault it was born as a frog/toad, if we could all choose, we'd probably all wish to be born as James Bond :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 11/27/23 11:36 AM
When that popup appeared the other day, the one where you send likes, there were a couple of real cute and Intelligent mature ladies that caught my eye...:yum:

And the little voice in my head said "Send Likes", so I clicked on their photos and sent my likes...

After the deed was done and likes sent... I realised I had de-selected them two cuties :rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes::sob::sob: and sent it to everyone else :joy::astonished::scream:

Doh!! Well needless to say, that put paid to that plan :sob:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 11/27/23 11:27 AM

I'm in the middle of upgrading my computer so won't be dropping 100£ on the dance floor 🤣

You want your cake and eat it too!

I wish I was loaded, but alas I'm just a goat herderer without goats, so I have no assets and I work in a crummy office 30 hours a week :sob:

I think I should ask the Christmas Father to drop a leggy blonde in the stocking over the radiator (we don't have a fireplace or fire) :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 11/27/23 11:24 AM

Antisocial is the path to travel.

I'm travelling on a path, I'm not sure if it's antisocial but it sure seems wibbly wobbly :joy:

In the meantime I'll try to remain positive and happy, after all there's lots to be greatful about, like health... And I could have been a traffic warden and that would have been a real bummer :joy:🤣

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 11/27/23 01:28 AM
Portsmouth uk

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 11/27/23 01:27 AM
I'm thinking some people are cheeky :rage:
You're waiting for the bus, in the cold and rain, the first one to wait, and after you another 4 guys wait...

Along comes the 6th and boldly walks to as close to the front as possible :rolling_eyes:.... Fricken clowns 🤡 :joy:

I just stepped in front of him and blocked his path :joy:🤣🤣

The others didn't say a word... Or even stand up for themselves :rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes::thinking:

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