Community > Posts By > No1phD

No1phD's photo
Thu 02/07/19 02:21 PM

Oh, btw, sorry to see you back again.
You dissappeared for a bit and I thought you might have found someone.
Sorry to see that isn't true.
Not that I don't like you, I thought you were just done with the dating site searching.
Hope you have better luck now.
Well I'm sorry that you're sorry that I'm back LOL.. but I know what you mean but I'm not here looking for a love interest...
I have one of those... just visiting old friends... and keeping myself entertained with the boards

No1phD's photo
Thu 02/07/19 02:19 PM're 43...I wish! I'm a classic example of the old "if I'd known I would live this long I'd have taken better care of myself".
So do that for yourself. Sometimes looking younger will make you feel younger.
Don't think I'm being critical but personally I can age myself easily 20 years by not shaving for a week or so; my beard isn't gray it's white, white. So I don't do that.
Listen to music that comes from talent; I often say if it wasn't for Canada and Texas we wouldn't have much!
It's beautiful where you live, enjoy...
I asked my dad long ago (he's 3 years+ gone) who had seen and caused a lot of death while he was a Marine in Korea what he thought about death and after a few minutes he just said "You can't do anything about it so don't worry about it"!

Thanks for your input and the advice..
Just between you and me I'm slightly older than my profile states I just got tired of flicking through the calendar.... different system than last time before you could just enter your birth date... again let's keep this as our little secret lol

No1phD's photo
Thu 02/07/19 02:18 PM

So.. at a certain point in your life!.. you realize there are more years behind you than there are ahead of you.. now I don't consider myself old by any means.. and I never really thought of my mortality.. and if I did I could easily dismiss it and not give it a second thought....but.. recently.. like in the last 3 months... I find myself waking up in a cold sweat . And slightly panicked . In the early morning hours over the thought of my own and regrets... and all sorts of thoughts I never gave much married am I losing my marbles our at a certain age do we all go through this Phase ??

phD, wheres your scotch?! waving
... hi.. I wasn't sure if you're still online or not hope all is well with you..
I gave up the Scotch they legalized weed here LOL just kidding

No1phD's photo
Thu 02/07/19 02:17 PM

Did you run out of Kleenex boxes or did you have to go back to the Kleenex boxes...

Changes like this in life can lead one to ponder too much and lose their marbles for a while...

laugh laugh laugh
... I gave up the kleenex boxes..
I moved onto paper towel now LOL...

And omg seriously forgot all about the kleenex boxes for the reminder..

No1phD's photo
Thu 02/07/19 02:16 PM

..I find myself waking up in a cold sweat . And slightly panicked . In the early morning hours over the thought of my own and regrets... and all sorts of thoughts I never gave much married am I losing my marbles our at a certain age do we all go through this Phase ??
Sheesh man, you are sounding too old for me now ;-( well I'm happy that you were at least considering me as an option LOL .. nice to see you

No1phD's photo
Thu 02/07/19 02:02 PM
Edited by No1phD on Thu 02/07/19 02:07 PM
.. it's the same problem when you get to know somebody you like them..
You like their personality you like their physical appearance... you can totally see yourself being with them... but then you sleep together and they are ... well let's just say less than exciting in the bedroom...
There's all kinds of things that go into a relationship to make them work... some things you can Overlook and something's you can't

No1phD's photo
Thu 02/07/19 02:02 PM
And sometimes that is a bit of the problem with online dating sites you talk to someone you get to know who they are as a person first.. after a week or two you agreed to meet them in person and when you get there their physical self doesn't really match the image you have... in your own mind... or they sent you pictures beforehand but don't really show the whole physical person.....
And now here you are meeting the person for the first time you like who they are you like their personality but you're taking back a little bit by their physical self... it's a hard spot to be in you question your morality

No1phD's photo
Thu 02/07/19 02:00 PM
Well unfortunately the internet and dating sites are full of people that mislead other people.. I don't think it's intentionally though... lot of people just take headshots no full length body shots.......

I've learned the hard way.. to get as much information and as many realistic pictures before I commit to meet and greet

No1phD's photo
Thu 02/07/19 10:36 AM

Dear no.1 .....

It couldn't be the cigarettes .... :smile:

Which quadrant is the pain ??

Borborgymi ?? 7

Can you pass flatus (intestinal gas) ??

At your age .. you are a sitting duck for gallstones ., especially that fatty Canadian gravy dish . What have you eaten in the last 24 hrs .

What have you done to relieve the pressure ??

If it is stress ... Did you try lying down with your legs against the wall and blowing slowly through pursed lips to relax your sphincters and smooth muscle . :angel:

You are welcome bigsmile waving

Hope your tummy is feeling better x

Ot .... I feel fit and fabulous :banana:

Lol.hi you long time no see..
I feel better today.. I think it was just something I ate.. and yes quitting smoking has become a big priority.... seriously....

And you are always fabulous and fit my friendwaving

No1phD's photo
Thu 02/07/19 10:31 AM
Dating over 40 ?..
Dating when you're in your 40s and 50s isn't like dating when you're in your 20s and 30s.. when you're young it's all about looks ,fun. Hooking up. T and ***.. . perhaps even status....

But dating when you're older .. your priorities shift.. it's more about togetherness..
Most people have done the house thing the kids thing.. now at this age they're just focusing on themselves.. what they like what they need.. they're more independent.. they're not looking for someone to complete them but rather compliment them..

No1phD's photo
Thu 02/07/19 10:21 AM
As the saying goes beauty is in the eye of the beholder...but. you also want what you want... or at least think what you want is what you want or need
That tends to change sometimes daily..

Yes it's hard to find somebody that has the right amount of personality and the right physical appearance... all wrapped up in a nice neat little package.... and we also sometimes have to look at ourselves...

Physical attractiveness is a key factor in looking for a relationship a partner...yes

But keeping your expectations to a realistic level is important as well....

That is if you're not attractive physically fit well built... then you should not really expect to find a partner that is attractive physically fit and well-built... not saying that it's not possible... I'm just saying we have to look at ourselves and be realistic..

We can all fall into the Trap of judging a book by its cover.... I've dated attractive fit beautiful women.. but their personality was lacking...
I've dated women that have a look about them that I find attractive ..Something about their face that draws me in ..and also had a great personality... but their bodies might not have been in the best physical shape.. and in those relationships
I find myself thinking ,.she's really nice and everything .. great personality kind considerate . Funny smart ...but I just wish her body was a little more to what I like.. (athletic).. and I'm guilty of letting that get in the way of me really embracing the relationship.. full heartedly.... at the end of the day somebody once told me ...if you can have at least 80% of what you like in the other person.. that's better than spending 100% of your time being alone looking for somebody that is 100% perfect..

No1phD's photo
Wed 02/06/19 07:53 PM
It must be LOL.. I find myself watching old people.. and thinking to myself do they find the strength to go they seem to be in chronic pain.. I can't imagine they have much to get up for in the mornings... retired, nothing to do all day except tryng to make there pension stretch.. reminiscing about how it used to be in the good old days.. and seeing all the changes around them now and not any of them for the better.. mumbling under their breath as they walk down the grocery store aisle.. saying to themselves. I remember when that used to be $0.30.. and now it's $5.00..omg... looking in the mirror and seeing there old crinkly face lookingback at them.. well wishing to be young again .

. I am not looking forward to retirement I can tell you that.. I find myself thinking is this my fate.. old and alone.. children that don't visit.. nothing to do with my time but go to the mall and hang out with other seniors... I never thought of such things before... and at least not as frequently...

Midlife crisis is that what this is? LOL

No1phD's photo
Wed 02/06/19 07:34 PM
At this moment my stomach is either in knots from stress.. or I ate something earlier today that did not agree with me..
. But in the back of my head I'm thinking maybe I have stomach cancer or an ulcer....
. Maybe I live too close to power
Omg.. what is the government putting in our but I'm pretty sure I just ate something.. that isn't sitting well with

No1phD's photo
Wed 02/06/19 07:27 PM
Edited by No1phD on Wed 02/06/19 07:28 PM
So.. at a certain point in your life!.. you realize there are more years behind you than there are ahead of you.. now I don't consider myself old by any means.. and I never really thought of my mortality.. and if I did I could easily dismiss it and not give it a second thought....but.. recently.. like in the last 3 months... I find myself waking up in a cold sweat . And slightly panicked . In the early morning hours over the thought of my own and regrets... and all sorts of thoughts I never gave much married am I losing my marbles our at a certain age do we all go through this Phase ??

No1phD's photo
Wed 02/06/19 07:16 PM
Well this is my second go around... this time I just rejoined.. out of curiosity to see who was still here from.. my first go-around..
I was curious to see if anything has changed... and nope !!..pretty much the same site.. some familiar faces and some new faces... still a lot of scammers and catfishers..on here.. still a lot of uninteresting topics.. mixed in with the odd relevant are worthwhile topic.. still a lot of game playing on the boards...but a good site.. to blow off a little steam.. are post something of Interest... in between channel

No1phD's photo
Wed 02/06/19 07:09 PM
Well... someone in my building.. where I rent my apartment.. had bed bugs.. so as a preventative measurement management..
Had all the units .. treated..for bed bugs..
Now!! I do not have bed bugs in my unit but I had to do.. all the steps necessary for the Exterminator to do the treatment... basically .. push all furniture away from walls at least two feet.. remove baseboard heater covers remove outlet and electrical faceplates ... what a ginormous pain in the ***.. basically like packing up your apartment to move !..but you don't move...
All night last night getting ready and all this evening putting all my belongings back where they belong ... the whole experience has left me feeling nauseated and slightly my stomach... all because one of my Neighbors... probably bought a second hand couch.. or paperback book... or whatever used article ..that was harboring bed bug eggs... thanks neighbor.

No1phD's photo
Mon 02/04/19 12:20 PM
Edited by No1phD on Mon 02/04/19 12:22 PM
Dinner... funny thing when you know what you're making for dinner life is good... but if you have no idea not a clue no inspiration..
Making dinner becomes quite the task...
.. I do most of the cooking... I am a rather good cook.. I put love into my food.. I always say that. When somebody says!.. what did you put in this to make it taste so good?..Lol.. but anywho I digress.. back to the question... tonight is wonton soup homemade with fresh spring rolls and dipping sauce... it's light but filling and healthy and it only takes under a half an hour to make..

Can or box of chicken broth put into a pot
I add chicken bouillon just to up the chicken flavor..
Liquid fish sauce teaspoon
Maggi or Knorr.. liquid soup seasoning teaspoon .
chopped green onion.. I also add a little red chili paste just a pinch .
Finely chopped Ginger
Julienne celery stalks.
Julienned carrots..

I let that all come to a boil..
Then I add a pack of undo noodles..
Those white fat noodles you can find them at your grocery store in the Asian aisle. They're precooked..
I let the noodles cook in the liquid for 5 minutes then I add store bought wontons I like the kind from Costco. Roughly 5 wontons / person...

I also get my spring rolls from Costco.
Just follow the cooking instructions on the back of the box .I do mine in the oven..
.. I usually serve them with a choice of three dipping sauces...
Easy peasy dinner once you've made it once and master it.. get the soup seasoned just the way you like it it becomes very much a go to quick meal...

No1phD's photo
Mon 02/04/19 12:07 PM

I think you made the right choice. You sound like a good man... and so count yourself fortunate that you have continued contact with your boys. When I got a divorce my girls were forced to visit their dad for 4 hours a week with a court-appointed supervisor going along. That was pure Hell for all of us, but it was necessary. More than once I considered packing the car and driving me and the girls to Canada. Enjoy what you have. I feel that Datwasntme is spot on.

I'm so sorry you and your children had to go through that ..I couldn't imagine someone having to force my kids to visit me.. or having to send my children to somebody that doesn't treat my children well... very painful decisions to make and conversations to have...... and yes I see my boys daily I drive the youngest to school in the morning they don't live far from me so I'm happy to do it gives me a chance to see his face.. and wish him a good day... that alone is enough to get me through my day... some days I don't know if I made the right decision in leaving... but here I am... and there they are... I guess at the end of the day you just make the best of the situation that you can.. do what you can do and don't worry so much about what you can't do

No1phD's photo
Mon 02/04/19 12:03 PM

Hi No1phD,

I have 2 girls at home with me. Most mothers can't believe it. But I think some of your comments are right ...
Having them in their original home is important for consistency and familiarity.
Also I feel your pain ... my girls are with their mother for 2 nights, first time since our split. I miss them so much and it's only been 3 hours!
I agree with others ... if you can't have them full-time you must negotiate to have your boys at least once a week.

Keep strong. And stand up for yourself. Although men and women are supposed to be equal, it seems to be given that the woman gets the kids as a norm. But having your kids as a man should be a right, if you're a good person.

Yes . My dad raised four of us on his own..
I don't know how he did it.....
I don't know if I could do it even with just two boys.. my hat goes off to my ex-wife she does a great job... and I do everything I can from my end to support her ..I know it can't be easy and it could probably become overwhelming... so I go over often even when they're not there ..I will do some light house cleaning for her.. minor repairs shovel the sidewalks cut the grass.. it helps me feel some way

No1phD's photo
Mon 02/04/19 11:52 AM
I'm thinking.. I really don't want to go back out into the frigid cold again .. it's like -30..
Out..but I need to go back out into it..brrrrr
cannot wait for spring to get here