Shannonface "Looking for someone original who likes to have fun."
38 year old woman from San Antonio - Castle Hills, Texas      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About Shannonface
Is it so much to ask for someone who is genuinely alive? There are so many wounded souls out there. I just want one that is alive, free, pionate, likes the same things I do, at the same point in their life as me, and at least partially good looking. Honestly, I don't even care about appearances that much. I like a little meat on a man. Although a nice face is important. I don't want a bum. I don't want someone old and set in their ways. I don't want a hermit who only wants to stay inside and rot. I want someone who is self-sufficient like myself. I work 50+ hours a week to support my child and myself. I put every ounce of myself into everything I do. I don't half- my life. I just want someone who is gonna do the same. Someone who knows how to have fun, and isn't gonna make things complicated or be unrealistic. Just LIVE! **** the rules. Be an intelligent, funny, free-thinker who doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks and has a pair of cohones! Hell, I probably have more balls than half the men out there, lol. And I'm a chick! I'm so sick of settling. And I'm NOT going to do that now. If you fit the bill, aren't an idiot, bum, or general loser who just wants to sleep with me, than please, feel free to contact me. Otherwise, my time is precious, please don't waste it. A bit about me: I have a 2 year old daughter named Jade that is my life. In the words of August Rush, "I love music more than food." My favorite band is slipknot, I've kissed marco from nightwish (He's a nordic god), Dream Theater, ICP, Job for a Cowboy, System of a Down, Disturbed, Megadeath, Cradle of Filth, Avenged Sevenfold, Lacuna Coil, Tenacious D and many, many more. I love anything that sounds good, but my favorite genre is metal. I like acoustic instrumental, flamenco, salsa, etc. as well. The only thing I can't really stand for long is some rap and most country. My friends are my family, and I love my family more than any material thing on this earth. Good company, a way to get into mischeif, and some entertaining surroundings is a great time in my opinion. I love movies too. Anything by Guiellermo Del Toro is awesome. Frank Miller also. And of course Quentin Tarantino. (Pan's Labyrinth, Sin City, Pulp Fiction) I love to read as well, love the sword of truth series. Also love anne rice books. Robin McKinley, deerskin is in my top 3 favorite books of all time. I'm not religious, nor do I believe in organized religion. I'm not a meek little homemaker that is going to make your life complete. I am an original person, I say no when I want to, and I know who I am and what I'm looking for. I've only just begun living. If you're interested in going along for the ride, and you can handle it, message me. I have many flaws, but, if you can accept me for who I am, that's a start. Oh, and ladies! Feel free to message me too. If these fools can't get their act together, I might go full lesbian! lol -Shannon
Profession: Waitress
Physical Appearance
5' 6"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
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