The eyes are the most powerful tools one possesses, with them we can attract, share, summon, flirt, etc. communication without words, oh so sweet. My days could be spent just sharing without words. Of course, we'd need to talk, whisper if needed, into each others ears. we will explore, only time will tell if we stay or fall, but we will gain nonetheless as we journey into life.
I'm happy most of the time, could always be happier. I like life, have goals, and of course could always gain an extra friend. My past was a blur, lived for the moment and didn't plan that much. These days, I'm optimistic about my future, life has always been fun and I'm living it for the best of it, conscious of those around me and my actions, my karma.
Touch is great, being close, but knowing that space is precious, one should always be mindful of time, slow and steady wins the race.
Profession: electrical