UWannaPlayWithMe "I created a profile for a reason. read the damn thing!!"
62 year old man from Brownwood, Texas      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About UWannaPlayWithMe
Hello. My name is Art and before we begin I must lay down some ground rules. Because I have meet nothing but liars and scammers thus far I feel the need to make a few points so that you will know where we stand and what you can expect from me. I know some will say I am a jerk but after a year of this crap I had to find some way to weed out the scraps. 1) If you are not American, if you can not speak English and you do not live withing driving distance to me then don't bother me. You will just be wasting your time. I do not and cannot drive so it will be up to you to decide how far is to far to drive since it will be you who is traveling to visit me. If you message me be sure to formulate complete and comprehensible sentences. This broken English and poorly formulated sentences crap is a clear sign you are not in the US or are seriously lacking in good grammar skills and I'm not going to try to discern which one and will assume you are in another country. 2) If you're looking for a sugar daddy or someone to give you money and take care of you, look somewhere else. My children are all grown and gone and have no interest in being a daddy to anyone. If you cannot take care of yourself and pay your own way then you will be of no use to me. 3) If you are unable to understand something the first time someone speaks then we will not get along. I have no patience for those incapable of listening the first time around. If I must constantly repeat myself or tell you the same thing multiple times then you obviously have no clue and don't care what I have to say, in which case you are'nt worthy of my time. 4) If you cannot accept a man for who he is and not expect him to change because you think he should or could be something else or something better, then I am definitely not the man for you. I am quite content with who I am and have absolutely no intention of changing to make you or anyone else happy. Take me as I am or get the hell on down the road. 5) If your profile has no picture, don't waste my time. If I can take the time to post a picture, so can you. If your profile only says HI or some lame crap as that, don't waste your time. If the only thing you have to say about yourself is HI then you are likely to damn boring for me to want to get involved with. 6) I am in the process of building my own home while living in it at he same time, so at present it is much like living in a very large tent, but if you like camping then this could be a lot of fun for you, and I would love to have someone to share this experience with. If you have a problem with that, piss off. 7) If you are a sissy then don't waste my time. I have no time for weak or citified people. I live a simple yet somewhat rugged life which in some ways is a lot like old school camping. and if you don't like or cannot handle old school style camping then you and I will not get along. I am happy with my lifestyle and do not need all the luxuries that people today think of as necessities. 8) If what you want is some sissy, girly man who will bow down to your every whim, and is wrapped up in the superficial world of money and possessions, then keep on moving on. I ain't him. If however you are interested in a strong rugged man who lives a very simple, quiet, drama free life who takes each day as it comes, and tries to make the most of it. then I'm your man. 9) You must love animals. This is an absolute must. 10) If you have children that's fine. I have no problem with that. If however you are looking for a man to be a daddy to your children then you need to look elsewhere. I have no intentions of being anyone's daddy. My children are grown and on their own and I'm not looking to take on any more. I have been down this road several times and it always ends badly, and I am not planning to make that error again. I can be a friend to your child but that is all I can be, so don't expect anything more than that. They are your children, you take care of them. 11) If you respond to this posting then you must understand that if at any time you send me a link to another date site as a means to verify who I am, I will automatically delete your message and block you from ever messaging me again and I will consider you not worthy of my time. I am everything I present myself to be and if my word isn't good enough for you then there is no way we can proceed. If at any time I find that you are not what you present yourself to be, I will terminate all communications. I have no time or desire to be dealing with liars, scammers, players or pretenders. 12) PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THIS::: If you cannot comprehend simple English and cannot figured it out the first time I tell you something and I am forced to repeat myself more than once then don't waste my time or your time. I have neither the time or patients to deal with flipping idiots who don't know how to listen the first time. This applies to chats, emails, phone conversations and all other forms of communication. I am to damn old and to damn tired to be dealing with idiots and people who don't listen. Consider this profile your first test in determining if you are worthy of my time. 13) In the beginning expect me to not believe anything you tell me. I have had over a half century of listening to people trying to lie to me and trying to BS me and have gotten to the point where I don't believe or trust anyone until they prove to me that they can be trusted. Even here on Mingle2, over the past year I have had over a dozen women try to play me and all of them have failed. In fact only one has made it to the phone call stage. Two made it to the email stage and the rest never made it past the Mingle2 message stage. Do not try to BS me or waste my time if you are not truly serious. I will find you out. 14) Yes, all this may seem a bit sarcastic and even a bit harsh, but we do not live in a gentle world, and frankly I am fed up with the losers I have encounter thus far in my search for a partner. I'm sure there are other things I could say but we can get to those issues as we come to them. LIKES - Country life, cuddling and snuggling, long sloppy wet kisses, coffee, holding hands, country walks, fishing and hunting, animals, cooking, coffee, sunshine, stormy nights, lightning shows, more coffee, gardening, my animals, music (most any kind except rap, hip hop or any of that new age freaky garbage {{I'm into music that predates the late 80's early 90's}}), movies and documentaries and I am turned on by a woman who can carry an intelligent conversation. Did I mention I like coffee? There is more but I'll let you learn about those things as time passes. DISLIKES - Cities, liars and cheats, people who think they can BS me and play me for a fool, snow and cold, people who see things that they know are wrong yet are to afraid to speak out against them, people who go along to get along rather than be who they are and follow their own path, religious fanatics (believe what you wish but don't preach to me and we will get along fine {{if you let religion dictate your relationships look somewhere else}}), bars and clubs (I don't mind going out to dinner every once in a while but would rather stay home. If you have to go out to have fun then you don't really know how to have fun). If you are a smoker, this is not a deal breaker. If however your breath and mouth smell and taste like an ash tray we are going to have a problem. I quite smoking in July 2014 and I can definitely tell the difference. Thus you will need to be sure you brush and rinse out of respect for me. Occasional drinking is fine but I have no patience or tolerance for drunks and alcoholics. If you drink to the point where you get stupid or aggressive, don't drink around me. There is more but you will figure them out over time. I am not interested in head games and drama. No matter how good you may think you are I will figure you out. I have been around the block more times than I can count and I'm no ones fool. If you want to know more about me as a person you can message me here on Mingle2. Do not ask for yahoo messenger cause it will not work for me. After I am convinced you are not some twit looking for a sugar daddy or just looking for someone to give you money then I will be willing to take it to the next level. Don't ask for an email address because everyone who I gave my email to has done nothing but flood my old email with spam mail for other date sites and I am not going there with this new email. If and when the time comes and I feel I can trust you, I will take us to the email phase. For now message only on Mingle2. Do not ask for a phone number or text because I don't have a phone. If and when the time comes I will call you. No head games or bull**** allowed. No clingy or needy women either. Serious women only need respond. I also have a web cam so we can video chat via Skype messenger if you're interested in that kind of thing. There is something to be said for being able to see the person you're talking to. If you did not read this entire posting and understand completely what has been said thus far, then you have already failed. If you respond to this posting it will not take me long to figure out if you actually read this posting and your level of comprehension. Remember I did say I have no patience for those incapable of listening the first time around.
Profession: Disabled
Physical Appearance
5' 8"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
Want Children?
Your History With UWannaPlayWithMe