Iheartpinkpink "Starry eyed surprise :)"
48 year old woman from Othello, Washington      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About Iheartpinkpink
Firstly,I love life! The Lord has blessed me and I am happy to glorify Him in anything and everything I do! Outgoing am I, however, I know how to be serious and have a great time in doing so-I love grammar, education, reading, and typing-BUT I also can pair that with sports, media, laughter, and a great pair of shoes :) I have a penchant for purchasing movies and not watching them(my most absolute favorite movie is The Holiday, but I also love Napoleon Dynamite,Gladiator,The Lion King,Blades of Glory, Juno, Bridget Jones's Diary, Roman Holiday and some others).The Office is the TV show which I am obsessed with. Reality shows are okay too, but I totally know that I, myself, would NEVER be able to take on the ventures of something like Survivor - ugh. I can't even take CAMPING! (But I love making S'mores!) I love buttered popcorn Jelly Bellies, blue and green M&Ms (and purple, if they were in the package), and mint chocolate chip ice cream - of the GREEN pursuasion. Im a music maven with a kajillion CDs, and I can spot on tell you what song is playing on the radio w/in the first few seconds of play-I call pop "pop," not "soda" and I can spit out an awesome phrase in Spanish which makes no sense, but allows people to think Im fluent in Spanish! I eat the pancakes as soon as they come out of the pan, so I somewhat suffice my hunger when I intend to make them FIRST then sit down and eat them by the stack. Peanut butter sandwiches taste best with chips in the middle of them (same with McDonalds cheeseburgers and fries - mmmm!) IPod covers are my latest collection, but Hello Kitty makes me smile as does MAC makeup. Bright colors adorn my life, and I don't like hearts (the shapes), but I love stars (the shapes). I'm left handed, but play sports and apply foundation with my right (so I guess I'm ambi-). Dr. Laura is cool - I could listen to her for hours -, and I also love Judge Judy. Pretty much conservative in my beliefs (I'm a Republican), I still know how to rock being un-PC in today's "don't offend anyone" society. I love the PNW (Pacific Northwest) and its trees, though I hate camping. Unloading the dishwasher is the bane of my existence, but I enjoy handwashing pots and pans. The only "kids" I want for the time being are my dogs and cats - not a big fan of fish or birds. I make road trips fun, I sing along to songs in the radio using my thumb as a microphone, and I make that one motion to request the big horn blowing of the semis which p by. I dont have ADD,but I am somewhat random-infomercials make me smile and Ive only sucbed to one purchase from TV (Express 101 - its a kitchen necessity)I love sungles,cloudy gray days,puppies and kittens-I'm a listener,a giver,and a comic relief when you've had a bad day-ASK ME & I'LL TELL YOU. By the way, I love food, so I'm not afraid to EAT when going out! (I won't do the "oh my gosh, I'm on a diet, so I can only get a salad and eat a 1/4 of it" - I'm NOT THAT TYPE OF GIRL!) :)
Profession: educator
Physical Appearance
5' 9"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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