I'm some random small town person. I've been working as a Lobbyist for Orbit, Hershey's and other companies. I've been accepted to Yale but I'm not sure if I want to go. I like to play the snare, when I was younger I played in several music inclined honour bands. Traditional, I was an LD debater in our schools speech team. So I guess I'm pretty much a geek.I have an awful Cumbrian accent if I don't pay attention to what I'm saying. I have no idea what I'm looking for, or why, I travel a lot, so there is never real time to look for any person. I can never sleep because I'm too A.D.H.D. or something. I have horrid OCD, so I don't know .. I'm not a real neat freak but I don't like much things to change up, I guess that's why I live in Cumberland, hahahh.
Profession: Lobbyist