I love hyper-intelligence and spoiling dominant women. I like accents and adore Scottish, British [less posh too], Aussie, Kiwi, French, Indian, etc. I love being around STEM women, gamer women, geeks, and also fun stuff like anime/cosplay fans and goths. Right now I'm taking things slow and I'm interested in more casual relationships. I prefer a partner younger than me. I'd suppose one of my current ideals is a witchy or gothy lady with glasses into science fiction, fantasy, and/or anime. I like a dark sense of humour. I'm into the 70's, earthtones, goth/gloom/zombies (undead/necromancer/Sylvanas[when I used to play WoW]/Minas Morgul), deeply colored interiors, sensory play with food eating/cooking [not messy stuff], flavours and scents, in-person chatting and people watching. I'm amicably separated from my wife of 10 years. I am very neuro divergence friendly as I believe I'm mildly on the autism spectrum myself. My son is ADHD (7.5 yrs old). I love building friendships too. I'm strongly feminist and love women in fiction and reality who kick *** and take names... (politically, environmentally, scientifically, helping the world, workforce, etc.)
Profession: IT Management